Starting A Business

Top 5 Small Businesses to Start This 2023



If you are looking to be really successful in your work or career, you will never really achieve that amount of success by being an employee, where you are beholden to someone else for your work and your finances. While there may be some risks, starting your own small business can be life-changing and may just be the jump you need to take control of your life and career.

If you’re looking for a new business to start, here are five small businesses that could be profitable in 2023.

What is a Small Business?

Before you start your new business, it’s important to understand what a small business is. A small business is any type of company that has fewer than 100 employees and less than $5 million in sales. This includes sole proprietorships and partnerships, as well as corporations with fewer than 100 stockholders (or shareholders).

A small business also must be incorporated or organized under state law and meet certain minimum requirements for size–that means it must have at least one employee who makes at least $5,000 per year or has an ownership stake of 50% or more in their corporation (if they are a single person).

If you want to learn more, you may continue reading on why you should start a small business or check out the top 5 small businesses we recommend you check out and maybe even start.

1. Dryer Vent Cleaning

Dryer vent cleaning is a service that can be provided by small businesses, and there are many different ways you can go about it. The best way to start your own dryer vent cleaning business is to find an established company that already offers this service in your area, or consider joining one that does.

If you decide on starting your own venture, keep these tips in mind:

  • Know what kind of equipment and supplies are needed for the job; this will help ensure customers get their money’s worth when using your services!
  • Make sure all workers follow safety rules at all times; accidents happen fast when working around electricity!

2. Plumbing Repair

Plumbing repairs are a great business for someone with a background in the trade. If you have skills and experience that can help people save money on their plumbing bills, this is a perfect way to start your own company.

If you’re looking for an easy way to make money, then plumbing repairs could be just what you need! There’s no need for expensive equipment or complicated procedures; all that’s required is some basic knowledge of how things work under the sink (or outside).

Plumbing repair jobs are typically low-paying jobs due to their simplicity, but they allow people who don’t have any experience in this field yet to access opportunities without having to invest too much upfront capital into starting up something new like opening a restaurant or storefront shop, where they would need more initial funds before seeing profits come back through sales revenue generated during the opening period (which usually lasts around six months).

3. Window Tinting

Window tinting is a great way to earn money. It’s easy to start, and it doesn’t require much investment at all. You can get started with a small investment, sell window tinting services to people who need it, and learn how to do it yourself with training or online videos.

Window tints are an excellent way for you to earn an income while staying home during work hours or even just watching TV in the evening after work! You don’t need any fancy equipment or skills; just some privacy film on your windows will give your business plenty of potential customers!

4. Commercial Roofing

Commercial roofing is a growing industry. The market for commercial roofing services was estimated at $35 billion in 2016, and that figure is expected to grow by 26% annually through 2023.

Commercial roofs are important to building owners because they provide protection against water damage, prevent leaks from occurring during storms or heavy rain (if the roof has been properly installed), and help maintain your property’s appearance. However, installing a new commercial roof can be expensive–upwards of $15 per square foot (or $1 million per acre). Plus, you have to factor in all the other costs associated with having one installed: labor costs; materials such as asphalt shingles or metal panels; structural engineering calculations required by state agencies if there are issues with the existing structure’s integrity; etcetera!

5. General Contractor Services

A general contractor is a person who specializes in the construction and renovation of buildings. They may also be involved with other aspects of the construction industry, including planning and design.

General contractors often work on their own or as part of a team, but they can be hired by larger companies as well. The majority of general contractors work on commercial projects such as office buildings, hotels, and restaurants. In addition to these types of projects, there are many other types that require skilled workers: schools, hospitals/physicians’ offices (like doctors’ offices), retail stores (like grocery stores), office buildings; even stadiums and arenas!

There are many benefits associated with being a general contractor, such as:

  1. You get paid for completing projects faster than if you were working independently;
  2. You have more control over what happens during construction;
  3. You get paid even when no work has been completed yet because most contracts will include payment upon completion;
  4. It’s easier than ever before because technology has made things easier than ever before, which means less stress during stressful times;
  5. It’s fun!

There are Many Ways to Start a New Business

There are many ways to start a new business. You can do it from home, part-time, or with a partner or friend. You can also do it alone or with family members (in some cases).

There are many different ways that you could start your own business at this time in history. Whatever path you choose will depend on what kind of company you want to create and how much capital is available for investment in this venture.


You’ve decided it’s time to start your own business. You may be starting a new venture, or perhaps you’re expanding upon an existing idea. Whatever the case may be, there are many ways to start a new company.

This post was originally published on this site


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