Growing a Business

Improve your conversion rates with these key landing page elements 



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Visitors = customers

When you have a great product or service, it is natural that you will want to get the most out of it. However, having an irresistible product or service and a great marketing strategy (never underestimate its power) is not enough to improve your sales and revenue — there’s always room to improve conversion rates.

You need to craft a high-converting landing page to help turn a larger percentage of your audience into customers. Luckily, you have stumbled on this post. In the next few minutes, you will learn about the key landing page elements to improve your conversion rates. Read on!

Effective landing page elements to improve your conversion rates

A landing page exists within a customer journey. It is reflected in what a customer does after they land on the page. As such, an effective landing page should align with the ad you are promoting.

For example, if your ad was about the best SEO services, a landing page that features an email marketing campaign might not lead to a conversion.

An effective landing page needs to be simple and clear with fewer elements to convert visitors into leads. Any distractions or unnecessary elements will draw the attention of your visitors away from your goal.

That said, here are the key elements of a high-converting landing page:

Your headline is everything

Your headline is the face of your landing page, so ensure it is attention-grabbing, clear and concise. After all, your headline will determine whether people will continue to read your copy or not.

As a rule of thumb, ensure that your headline compels people to read what is on your page. That said, here are the key elements of a killer headline:

Clear and simple

In marketing, simple yet clear headlines carry the day. That is why you should ensure that your users can understand what your landing page is all about to ensure they do not click off.

Do not send your visitors down a complicated path that is hard to navigate to the final stage. Instead, let your customers know what the page is all about in a simple, clear manner to improve your conversions.


Your first impression matters a lot. Unfortunately, your headline should form an impression within a blink of an eye, and you will rarely have a second chance to make a great first impression.

As such, ensure that your headline is appealing and can get people’s attention instantly. The idea is to make it hard for anyone who lands on your landing to exit.

Resonate with your target audience

A great headline should attract the attention of your website visitors. Think about your specific website visitors and keep them in mind when writing your landing page message. Ensure that your message clearly states what you are offering and the problem it solves.

Provide value

People who visit your landing page are not just visitors; they are people looking for products or services to solve a problem. As such, your headline should clearly state how you will solve their pain points and make their lives easier.

Value proposition

Like your headline, your value proposition is unique to your business and matches what you are trying to communicate in your headline. Ensure that visitors understand a product or service as soon as they land on your page.

Most marketers make the mistake of putting information about who they are above the fold instead of letting them know what product or service they are offering.

Avoid this at all costs. Instead, use this real estate to let your visitors know how your product or service can help them.

The idea is to ensure that your prospect sees the benefit of what they are purchasing or signing up to. To further improve the conversion rate of your landing page, ensure your value proposition is reflected from the ad to the headline and into the body of your landing page.

One thing, though. Avoid using generic benefits on your landing page. Instead, clearly describe your benefits and add figures so prospects can understand what to expect from your product or service.

An impressive web design

If you need a high-converting landing page, you must pay much attention to your landing page design. That said, let’s look at visual elements that encompass a high-converting landing page.

High-quality images

Imagery is a critical part of a high-converting landing page. Images on your landing page should be high quality and relevant to your page. You can make your landing page more appealing using attractive images, illustrations, and infographics.

Educational videos

Visuals have a special place in marketing, with current surveys showing that consumers prefer videos over text. Additional information shows that only a handful of online readers read a copy till the end.

As such, videos offer an effective way to engage your audience and offer a platform to showcase your offers. The idea is to get more online users to spend more time on your landing page and know the benefits of your offer and how it will change their lives.

Enough spacing

No one likes to read a block of sentences. You must ensure that you have the right amount of white space between the text of your landing page, graphics and other page elements.

Social proof

Credibility is another crucial element of a high-converting landing page. So apart from a clear value proposition, social proof will help increase conversions.

The best way to get the most of this persuasion element is to collect testimonials from your previous clients and add them to your landing page. When you boost your credibility, prospects will trust you, making it easier to convert them to customers.

Page load speed

Landing page loading speed determines how good or bad user experience will affect SEO and other marketing campaigns. No matter the number of hours you have spent on your landing page, you will not get the most out of it if your website loads slowly.

In fact, most users are likely to leave your page immediately and head to a competitive page if it loads slowly. Imagine bringing visitors to your landing page only to leave because your website loads slowly.

Too bad, right?

Besides the speed, you need to ensure that your website loads quickly on all devices, including smartphones and tablets. After all, about 50% of website traffic comes from mobile, which is expected to rise in the coming years.

Google PageSpeed Insights will help get the necessary insights to improve your page loading speed. Implementing these suggestions will help improve your page loading speed and impact your SEO.

Clear call to action (CTA)

The CTA is another critical element of a killer landing page. This button offers an effective way to get your visitors to take action and is a sure way to get more leads and drive sales. The CTA button for a high-converting landing page consists of these key elements:

  • Text — Your CTA message needs to be concise and action-oriented. The catch is to give your text a sense of urgency and use first-person to give your CTA a personal touch.
  • Size — The size of your CTA button should be appropriate for your users. Remember, there are many mobile internet users, so ensure that your text can be seen on mobile devices.
  • Color — The need for choosing the right color for a high-converting landing page cannot be overstated. To make your CTA color stand out, consider a color that contrasts with the background of your landing page.

Lead capture form

Lead capture forms provide a quick way to improve your landing page conversion rate. However, ensure not to ask for too much info as this will hurt your conversion rates. Lessen the required fields to ensure that you don’t overwhelm your visitors with questions and increase their chances of abandoning the form.

Asking your visitor’s name, email, contact details, and location will do the trick. You can always ask for more information at later stages of your engagements.

Short, actionable copy

The need for an engaging copy for a high-converting landing page cannot be overstated. You need to work with an experienced copywriter to help create a landing page that can convert.

Your copy needs to be short and actionable.

Any landing page with more than 50 words above the fold will lead to a higher bounce rate. Ask any experienced marketer, and they will tell you that creating a clear and actionable copy for your landing page works any day.

The catch is to ensure that your copy can evoke your audience’s emotions. Ensure that your copy highlights how your prospects can benefit from your products or services and how it will make their lives easier. In other words, your copy should not talk about your product’s features but rather the solutions.

A guarantee

Trust is a crucial component for a high-converting landing page. After all, if prospects cannot trust you, they are unlikely to buy from you. You can make customers trust you by offering a money-back guarantee on your landing page. Regardless of how you do it, a guarantee will help improve conversions.

Here’s what to remember when creating a guarantee for your landing page:

  • Guarantees come in different forms. Select the one that works best for your business and include it on your landing page.
  • Place your guarantee statement around the CTA to give your prospects some assurance and increase the chances of conversions.
  • If you do not have a specific product guarantee, such as a money-back or satisfaction guarantee, you can offer other types of guarantees like a “no-spam guarantee.”

As you can see, you do not need to provide an explicit guarantee or talk about its legalities. A guarantee statement that provides a level of comfort to your prospects will do the trick.

Include trust badges

Trust badges can significantly increase your landing page conversion rates. As earlier stated, people want to purchase something from a brand they trust. In fact, many (if not all) will click on the badges to check your reviews to confirm whether they are legit before deciding to do business with you.

You will experience an increase in your conversion rate by including trust badges on your landing page.

This can include testimonials, media mentions, and corporate rewards. That said, here are some tips when adding badges and seal tests:

  • Place the badge close to the “place order button” or any other desired action
  • Include the badge or seal in your header
  • Make the badge or seal clickable

A/B test everything

You are not yet done. You need to A/B test everything to ensure you have more accurate data on all the changes you make on your landing page. This is especially important if you make more than one element of your landing page and want to know which one has the best conversion rates.

It is crucial to test one major element at a time.

These include the headline, design, layout, etc., to determine which of the changes has the most impact on your landing page conversion rate. The idea is to be certain the change in conversion rate results from a change you made.

Ready to improve your conversion rates?

That is it. These are some of the elements of a high-converting landing page. By following the above tips, you will improve your landing pages conversion rates and return your investment. However, before I let you go, let us look at some reasons why landing may not be converting. These can include:

  • Misunderstanding your prospects needs
  • Poor headlines
  • Non-intuitive design
  • Unclear CTAs
  • Distractions

By avoiding these mistakes and implementing the above elements, you will improve your landing page conversion rate. The catch is to take your time to understand how users interact with your page and keep testing the changes you make to determine the steps to take.

This post was originally published on this site


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