business funding | - What your small business needs to incorporate, form an LLC or corporation! INCORPORATE your small business, form a corporation, LLC or S Corp. The SmallBiz network can help with all your small business needs! Tue, 04 Jul 2023 11:03:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 business funding | - What your small business needs to incorporate, form an LLC or corporation! 32 32 Small Business Funding: Exploring Options and Strategies Mon, 03 Jul 2023 13:41:07 +0000 Small businesses recognize the key role of funding in propelling their growth, as every dollar invested paves the way for opportunities and prosperity. That said, securing funding is often a critical step for small businesses to start, expand, or sustain their operations.

While funding options may vary depending on the business’s stage and needs, it’s essential for small business owners to explore the available options and develop effective funding strategies. Read on to explore various funding options and strategies that can help small businesses obtain the necessary capital for success.

1. Self-Funding and Bootstrapping

Self-funding, also known as bootstrapping, involves using personal savings or assets to finance your small business. This option allows you to retain full control over your business and avoid debt. However, it may limit the initial capital available and may require personal financial sacrifices to invest in your business’s growth.

2. Friends and Family

Seeking financial support from friends and family members is a common option for small business owners. It involves borrowing money or receiving investments from people you have personal relationships with. While this option may offer flexibility and lenient terms, it’s essential to approach such arrangements professionally and have clear agreements in place to avoid potential conflicts.

3. Small Business Loans

Small business loans are a traditional funding option offered by banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions. These loans provide capital with a defined repayment schedule and interest rate. Small business owners need to present a solid business plan, financial records, and collateral to qualify for a loan.

It’s crucial to carefully review terms and interest rates to ensure the loan is manageable for your business.

4. Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding platforms allow businesses to raise funds from a large number of individuals who contribute varying amounts. This option leverages the power of the crowd and can provide not only financial support but also help validate your business idea and build a community around your brand.

Effective crowdfunding campaigns require compelling pitches, engaging rewards, and strong marketing efforts to attract backers.

5. Grants and Government Programs

Various grants and government programs are available to support small businesses in specific industries or locations. These funding options often have specific eligibility criteria and application processes. Research local, regional, and national grant programs relevant to your business’s industry or specific needs.

Applying for grants may require significant effort, but it can provide non-repayable funds to support your business’s growth.

Meeting with Venture Capitalist investors

6. Angel Investors and Venture Capital

Angel investors and venture capital firms are sources of funding for small businesses with high growth potential. Angel investors are individuals who provide capital in exchange for equity or ownership in the company. Venture capital firms, on the other hand, invest larger amounts of capital in exchange for equity stakes.

These funding options often come with expertise and mentorship from experienced investors, but they also involve giving up partial ownership and decision-making control.

7. Business Incubators and Accelerators

Business incubators and accelerators are programs designed to support early-stage startups by providing funding, mentorship, and resources. These programs often require entrepreneurs to go through a competitive application process. In addition to financial support, incubators and accelerators offer guidance, networking opportunities, and access to a supportive community of fellow entrepreneurs.

8. Alternative Financing Options

In addition to traditional funding methods, small businesses can explore alternative financing options. These may include invoice financing, where you sell your outstanding invoices to a third party for immediate cash, or merchant cash advances, where you receive a lump sum in exchange for a portion of future sales.

While these options can provide quick access to capital, it’s important to carefully assess the terms and potential impact on your cash flow.

9. Business Credit Cards

Business credit cards can be a convenient and flexible funding option for small businesses. They allow you to access a revolving line of credit that you can use for various expenses.

It’s important to choose a credit card with favorable terms, such as low interest rates and rewards programs that align with your business needs. However, it’s crucial to use business credit cards responsibly and avoid accumulating excessive debt.

Small business loans


Exploring funding options and developing effective strategies is essential for small businesses to secure the necessary capital for success. Whether through self-funding, seeking support from friends and family, obtaining small business loans, utilizing crowdfunding, accessing grants and government programs, seeking angel investors or venture capital, participating in business incubators and accelerators, or exploring alternative financing options and business credit cards, small business owners have a range of options to consider.

You need to carefully evaluate each option, consider the associated terms and risks, and choose the funding approach that best supports your business’s growth and long-term financial stability.

A Guide to Venture Capital Wed, 20 Apr 2022 12:45:53 +0000 One of the most sought-after methods of financing for entrepreneurs is venture capital. The process involved in obtaining venture capital is usually long and complex, so it is wise to have a good understanding of it before you jump in.

The legwork has already been done for you in the form of an e-book titled “How to Get VC Funding”, which details the process from beginning to end, with first-timers in mind. It is a free resource that’s a must-read for any businessperson that wants to get VC funding.

The most important takeaways from the e-book are highlighted below.

1. Have a Good Understanding of Early-Stage Venture Capital

Venture capital funding is defined by Entrepreneur as funds that flow into a company, usually during the pre-IPO process, in the form of an investment as opposed to a loan. The investments are controlled by an individual or small group referred to as venture capitalists (VCs) and are secured by a substantial ownership position and require a high rate of return.

Simply put, VC firms make investments in companies and get equity in those business in return, with the hope to see a positive return on that investment. The main source of VC funds is usually institutional and private investors. Typically, VC investments are essentially long-term partnerships between VC firms and companies.

2. Determine Whether Your Company Is Ready for Pursuing VC Financing

The best time to approach VCs for an investment will differ depending on the company. While you can attract a VC partner with just an idea, the vast majority of deals are closed once a business has 3 concrete items:

  • A team of founders
  • A minimum viable product (MVP)
  • Customers

Venture capital is geared towards companies that have high startup costs and are designed to grow quickly. For the best chance of securing VC funding, it is important to have a disruptive idea, preferably in an industry where VCs usually invest heavily, such as technology, along with an impressive management team.

3. Build a Pitch Deck and Presentation

A solid pitch deck will be your calling card if you hope to raise money from a VC as well as the starting point of most introductory meetings.

A pitch deck refers to a presentation that gives an overview of the business. It can be used for sharing insights about your service or product, market opportunity, business model, your management team, and company funding needs.

It is important for a pitch deck to be short, concise, and cover the elements below:

  • Company financials
  • Investment amount
  • Company progress
  • Market pain point and solution
  • Management team

Securing Venture Capital funding

4. Find the Right VC to Fund the Business

All VC firms have specific focus when it comes to the type of companies they fund. They typically invest in consumer products, software, green technologies, fintech, AI, or any other category of business. Each VC firm focuses on a different stage of investment (Series A, Series B, Series C, seed, early-stage, etc.) So, research is the first step in reaching out to VCs.

Once you have a target list of VCs to approach, it is now time to set up meetings. You will have 2 opportunities for making connections: a cold email to a VC partner or an introduction from someone in your network.

5. Mastery of the VC Term Sheet

The term sheet is basically a non-binding list of preliminary terms for VC financing. It is also informally referred to as the first real paper that a founder receives from a VC once they have made the decision to invest.

A terms sheet has 3 key sections:

  • The Funding Section: It lays out the proposed investment’s financial guidelines. It outlines how much money the VC firm is willing to invest and what it wants from your company in return.
  • The Corporate Governance Section: It is used to define the distribution of power between investors and founders as it relates to company decisions.
  • The Liquidation and Exit Section: It describes what will happen to shareholders and investors if the company is sold, dissolved, or liquidated. It defines who will be paid first and highlights any specific preferences that are given to investors.

6. Complete Due Diligence, and Close the Deal

You can have higher chances of closing a deal with a VC as a founder if you prepare well for due diligence, which refers to the process used by investors to gather the necessary information on the potential or actual risk involved in an investment. It is also important to get familiar with the reasons why deals usually go wrong and take proactive steps to encourage a close.

The final stage of a VC funding deal is the time to find alignment across the VC firm, your internal teams, and your legal advisors. Founders should quickly follow through on commitments during this time and provide correct information pertaining to their companies.
