Websites | - What your small business needs to incorporate, form an LLC or corporation! INCORPORATE your small business, form a corporation, LLC or S Corp. The SmallBiz network can help with all your small business needs! Tue, 20 Jun 2023 01:57:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Websites | - What your small business needs to incorporate, form an LLC or corporation! 32 32 How to start a business in 2023 | 10 step guide Mon, 24 Apr 2023 13:30:31 +0000
Put your ideas into motion

There has never been a better time to start a business. In our hyper-connected digital age, you can set up a website, online store, and entire brand from anywhere in the world.

Online business-building tools have never been more accessible—and with the right approach, you can grow a loyal customer base quicker than you might think.

If you’re wondering how to start a business in 2023, we’re here to help. In this guide, we’ll look at the essential steps you need to take to make your business a real success. Here we’re going to cover:


Ready? Great. Let’s get started.

Related: How to start a business

1. Find a business idea

First of all, to enjoy sustainable commercial success, you have to find a business idea that is not only feasible but something you feel passionate about.

If you have a shortlist of business ideas in mind, dig a little deeper by carrying out a little market research. Look at brands in your potential niche and find out how their consumers engage with them while looking at overall demand based on public sales or growth data.

Doing so will give you inspiration for your own business ideas. Armed with your market and competitor research, you can develop your ideas by considering:

  • What am I passionate about?
  • What are my specific skills and expertise?
  • Which subject matter am I most passionate about?
  • Can I feasibly sell or promote the product or services in my potential niche?
  • What unique spin can I put on well-trodden business ideas or concepts to stand out?
  • What gaps or weaknesses can I exploit in my potential niche or market?

Ask yourself these questions and you’ll eventually land on a business idea that has the potential to scale while keeping you engaged and inspired in the long term.

Related: Read our guide on essential small business ideas for more small business inspiration.

2. Use market research to validate your idea

Once you’ve landed on a solid business idea, you’ll need to see if it has any legs. We just touched on the concept of market research, but now we’re going to drill down a little deeper.

When brainstorming business ideas, you will have scratched the surface. But, to really validate your concept, you must get under the skin of your industry as well as your target audience. In addition to gathering industry insights and data, you should build buyer personas that represent your ideal target audience.

During this phase of the operation, it’s also important to conduct extensive market research as well as market analysis. Here are some market research and analysis ideas for your consideration:

  • Conduct consumer surveys across channels (phone, email, social media, mobile app, etc.).
  • Hold focus groups to gain a deeper understanding of how your target audience might perceive your brand and what you have to offer.
  • Observe how your target audience engages with potential competitors on social media as well as the related subject matter they’re discussing online.
  • Explore public data related to your target market to uncover consumer buying patterns as well as sales trends. This will help you validate your idea while giving your business planning a definitive direction—which brings us onto our next point.

3. Create a business plan

Now your idea is validated and you’ve got a handle on your target market, you’ll need to start planning. When it comes to knowing how to start a business, developing your plan methodically is a vital skill. Here are some tips to help you navigate the process like a boss:

  • Consider your “why”. This will help you gain an understanding of your key motivations for starting your business as well as what you want to achieve
  • Outline plans of action or initiatives  that represent your brand mission and what you do
  • Define your key business goals using timelines and milestones to keep you on track
  • Write an executive summary that states all essential information related to your business’s aims, goals, and products

To break down each step in more detail, read our essential guide on how to write a business plan and use our official business plan template to make sure you don’t miss anything important.

4. Get funding, explore finance options

To get your business off to a flying start, you’re going to need to get the right level of funding. The funding options you explore will depend on the type of business you’re looking to start.

If you’re looking to start a solely online business and scale up, you could use your personal funds or savings to get up and running. Doing so will give you complete control on your decisions, allowing you to scale the business on your own terms. But, it’s worth noting that if your business struggles or fails to achieve profit, you will be solely responsible for paying back any debt.

Other business funding options include:

  • Crowdfunding: Using dedicated crowdfunding platforms, you can inspire people to donate to your business venture in return for incentives or equity. This can be a very effective form of fundraising—and there have been many crowdfunding success stories over the years.
  • Gain a line of credit: Akin to obtaining a personal line of credit, you can gain a line of business credit. The terms, limits, and interest rates will depend on the nature of your business as well as factors including your financial history and credit rating.
  • Get a grant: Another way of securing a healthy level of funding for your business is getting a grant. If your business mission is rooted in building a better community or inspiring innovation, you could be eligible for a healthy grant from the Federal Government.
  • Pitch to investors: Researching investors in your niche and pitching to them is an excellent way to get funding as well as professional backing and expertise. This is certainly an avenue worth exploring if you’re looking for startup capital as well as help with your business’s launch and development activities.

Interested in learning more about planning for business funding? Our guide covers the cost to start a business in full detail.

When starting a business in 2023, settling on a water-tight legal structure is vital. Before you officially register your business, you have to decide on a concrete business structure—and the type you choose will impact your business from a legal standpoint. So, take your time when considering these structures.

Sole proprietorship

If you own your business independently, you can opt for sole proprietorship. This means that you will have full autonomy over your business, but you’ll be responsible for all debt, obligations, and finances.


  • You will be in full charge of business decisions, development and planning
  • You will receive all of the business’s profits
  • You will find filing for tax simpler


  • Managing everything on your own could burn you out and limit your potential for growth
  • If you hit financial hot water, you will be liable for settling any debts or arrears


Combining forces with another budding business owner will give you double the startup as well as another person who is liable for the red tape as well as the financial aspects of the business. More often than not, two heads are better than one—forge the right partnership and you could see your business thrive from the get-go.


  • You will have twice the skills, perspective, and financial scope
  • You will have another person who is responsible for the running as well as financial and legal aspects of the business


  • If you and your partner disagree on any aspect, this could cause the kind of friction that could derail progress and stunt growth


As a corporation, you will separate your personal assets from your business assets. This means that while your company can incur debt and be subject to legal disputes, your personal finances and assets will remain protected. There are many different forms of a corporation to consider, some of which offer access to some pretty decent investment opportunities.


  • You will gain access to excellent capital options
  • You will benefit from certain tax breaks
  • You will be able to protect your personal assets


  • Corporates can be costly to form and run
  • There can be a lot of red tape involved in the running of a corporation

Limited liability company (LLC)

This type of business structure is one of the most common options for new businesses. As a limited liability company (LLC), you will benefit from the legal protection of a corporation while also reaping the tax rewards of a business partnership.


  • The setup process is relativity straightforward
  • You will gain access to a healthy choice of capital and funding options
  • You will have a certain level of protection concerning your personal finances


  • Your investment options can be limited with an LLC
  • You can be subject to fairly costly annual maintenance fees

Want more information on how to start an LLC? Our guide has you covered.

Weigh up the pros and cons of each business structure, taking your aims and goals into consideration. At this point, you will want to brainstorm a catchy business name to make it official and bring your brand to life.

Once you’ve decided on your brand-boosting business name, you secure the appropriate domain name.

6. Register your business and get the required licenses

The next step in your how to start a business journey is registering your business and getting any required licenses.

By choosing your business name and settling on your business structure, you will have already started the registration process. To complete the registration process and obtain the right licenses, you will need to:

  • Check the full registration requirements depending on your legal structure
  • Work though the registration requirements of any regions where you’re looking to trade or operate
  • Register for any taxes
  • Obtain an employee identification number (EIN)
  • File any relevant trademarks
  • Find out which business license is relevant to your organization and start the application process

7. Open a business bank account

With your business almost up and running, you’ll need to open a bank account. In 2023, there is no end of choice when it comes to setting up a business bank account.

You should choose a bank account with benefits and features that suit your business’s size as well as your goals.

Tip: Create a shortlist of business bank accounts with flexible loan options as well as excellent customer service and online banking applications.

To set up your business bank account, you will need:

  • Official business formation documentation
  • EaIN or tax ID numbers
  • Your official business name and location
  • Date the business was  set up or established
  • Your  Social Security number, address and date of birth

8. Get business insurance

In addition to opening your bank account, you will also need to get business insurance. If you don’t, you could find yourself footing a colossal bill if any unexpected issues, damages or disputes arise.

Even as a small business, you will need to cover yourself with the right kind of insurance to protect yourself against any eventuality. At the minimum, you will need general liability insurance (GL) to cover you for loss, injury or damage to yourself or a third party.

If you’re offering a service rather than tangible goods, it will also pay to get professional liability cover incase of any consumer-facing mistakes you might make. Also, as your business scales, you might also consider employment practices liability insurance. This type of cover will protect you against any potential employee claim or complaint.

9. Build your website

At this point, you will be ready to build your website and bring your business to life. Your website or online store will be the digital hub of your entire business—so getting the design and the functionality just right is essential.

If you’re interested in starting a website for your business, here are some hand-picked resources to help you out:

Tip: To build an online store that is slick, wonderfully designed, and easy to navigate, try the powerful and easy-to-master GoDaddy website builder. Or build an online store with our slick and savvy ecommerce tool. And tie your business together with a GoDaddy POS system to accept payments anywhere.

10. Launch and grow your business

“There’s no shortage of remarkable ideas. What’s missing is the will to execute them.”—Seth Godin

If you’ve followed all of the steps in this how to start a business in 2023 guide successfully, you’ll be ready to launch.

Once you build a buzz about your big business launch across various channels including email and social media, you can start selling and take measures to grow year on year through marketing campaigns and sales initiatives.

Starting a business in 2023 is a challenging but potentially rewarding venture. Be persistent, play to your strengths, take the time to ensure you’ve covered every base, and you’ll be winning on the commercial battlefield in no time. Best of luck.


How can a beginner start a business?

A beginner can absolutely start a business. As long as you have a clear idea of your goals and a passion for what you do, you can make your business a real success. Follow the steps in this guide and you’ll be up and running sooner than you might think.

How much money do you need to start a business from scratch?

The cost of starting a business will vary depending on your industry or business model of choice. But, research from the US Small Business Administration shows that most small businesses cost around $3,000 to get started. And, the majority of home-based ventures cost $2,000 to $5,000 to set up.

Can I run a business by myself?

There is no reason that you can’t run a small business by yourself. With the right resources and the right approach, you can set up, launch, and operate your business. Going solo is more than possible, but with so much to consider it’s a huge undertaking. As your business scales, hiring a small team or getting a partner on board will be a good idea. That way, you can further accelerate your commercial growth.

To move your business idea into a legal organization, here’s a quick rundown of what you’ll need to do. First, come up with a unique name for your business. Next, figure out what kind of business structure works best for you, such as a sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC or corporation. Once you’ve got that sorted, pick a good location for your business and make sure you’ve got all the necessary permits and licenses. Then, get all your paperwork in order and register with your state. After that, it’s time to set up your financials, like opening a company bank account and staying on top of your taxes. Just remember, forming a business can be a bit complicated, so it’s always a good idea to chat with a tax advisor or lawyer to make sure you’re doing everything right.

What is the easiest business to start?

A service-based business is often considered the easiest to start as you don’t have to deal in physical stock or inventory. But, in 2023, it’s never been more accessible to set up and launch a successful online business. In the digital age, tools exist to help you set up an ecommerce store or build a website without technical expertise. Follow the right steps and almost every kind of business will be within your reach.

A sole proprietorship is the easiest business legal structure to set up. If you have a little capital of your own, you can apply for a sole proprietorship with ease. You will have complete control over the entire business, but be aware: you will be responsible for the financial as well as legal aspects of the business.

How to start an online business Mon, 20 Mar 2023 18:56:51 +0000

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Get on the web

If you want to step out of the corporate office, stop commuting, work independently of location and become your own boss, you may want to start an online business. If you are ready to take the plunge, peep this post to learn how to start an online business.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

Ready to dig in? You can do this!

Research online business ideas

To make your online business succeed, you need to make money. So, the first step in starting your business is deciding how you will generate revenue. When it comes to online business ideas, you have a few options.

Sell products online

stack of pink shipping packagesOver the past few years, people have grown more comfortable shopping from their couches, which means there’s never been a better time to start an online store or add ecommerce functionality to your website. It’s never been easier for small businesses to get into the ecommerce game, either.

If you’re an ecommerce noob, however, you may need help selecting the right products and platforms to sell online, learning how to build and launch your ecommerce site, finding your target customers, and closing the deal. We’ve gathered all the information and tools you’ll need to easily launch your online store and list your products on all marketplaces, both quickly and effectively.

Try dropshipping

Many first-time ecommerce entrepreneurs start their careers with no physical inventory. Through a process called dropshipping, you can act as a wholesaler of products that you curate on your site, then purchase directly from the manufacturer to ship to your customers.

Sell courses

Online courses that you create yourself or sell on behalf of others. Like digital products, online courses can be set to automatically deliver to customers upon purchase.

Start a blog and become an affiliate

Affiliate products that you sell on behalf of another business. When selling affiliate products, you usually don’t have to store or ship products. The merchant deals with delivery, and you simply receive a commission for helping sell their product.

Create a SaaS product

Software as a service (SaaS) is an offering that falls somewhere between a product and a service. If you develop software — say, like a scheduling app for small business — you can have customers sign up and pay a recurring fee to use the tech you developed. For this type of product, a platform with membership functionality helps a lot.

Offer services

You can start an online business based on selling consulting and freelancing services that are completed online or over the phone. When you sell services online, you can find customers and make sales on your own. Or you can sign up for sites that manage the process and allow you to connect with clients through their platform.

Choose a niche that works

Dog Looking At Food In A Bowl

Dog Looking At Food In A BowlThe best product ideas are often born from hobbies and passions, where you discover an opportunity in a niche that no one is serving.

For example, pet products are always popular in the ecommerce sphere, but competition can be high. But if you choose a niche like organic pet products, there’s less sellers offering similar products and a greater opportunity to refine your catalog.

Search for keywords or phrases that your target market will likely use to find your niche product or service, and note if the market is saturated.

If that is the case, it could cost you extra money and time to stand out in an already crowded marketplace. Sometimes, it’s better to start small in an underserved market.

Check the online competition

Once you have positive product feedback, research your competition and gain market insight online.

Start by searching for and visiting popular product review sites, where you can find lists of top websites  for specific categories, compiled by experts. Read what the experts like and visit the websites to see how they’re doing it. Additionally, look at customer reviews to learn what people like and dislike about them.

Likewise, go on social media to see what people are saying. Do people complain about them, or do most of their customers sing their praises? This exercise will give you an idea of how much brand loyalty the competition has. Also, see if those brands respond to customer questions and complaints, and list what the common issues might be.

Subscribing to your competitors’ email lists is another effective way to analyze how they are talking to your target audience. Make note of their pricing and promotional strategies, which we’ll detail later in this post.

Research keywords and difficulty

Use a keyword planning tool such as Moz, Semrush or the Google keyword planner tool. These will show you search volumes for a particular keyword, as well as how much competition there is when it comes to ranking for it.

As you research keywords, it’s important to strike a balance between search volume and competition — there’s not much benefit targeting a keyword nobody searches, yet it’s best to avoid high-competition terms.

Check the SERPs

When you start getting your head around the keywords you want to target, plug some of them into a search engine and check the results. Note who’s at the top of the page — they must be doing something right, so pay a visit to their websites and ask yourself some of these questions:

  • How are they incorporating keywords into the website text?
  • How does the language they use establish their brand?
  • Are there any design elements that jump out?
  • What other things make this website special?

While you should never copy a competitor’s website, there’s nothing wrong with getting inspiration from it. Jot down notes that you can refer to as you continue to start an online business.

Create a business plan

A business plan can be like a roadmap that guides your business from starting to succeeding. And if you’re planning to apply for a loan or attract investors, a solid business plan is evidence that you’re a safe bet. At a minimum, your business plan should include these sections:

  • Executive summary — Be brief in describing, from a high level, what your business will do or sell.
  • Organization and management — Introduce key members of your team, and how their skills and experience will help you succeed.
  • Service or product line — Describe your offering, how it works, and why there’s a demand out there for it.
  • Marketing and sales — Explain how you’ll get your product or service in front of the largest possible audience.
  • Funding request — If you’re seeking external funding, specify your needs and what the funding will support.
  • Financial projections — State how much revenue you expect to generate. This can strengthen your case for funding.
  • Appendix — If you have reference materials, technical specs or certifications, include them here.

Consider funding options

Unless you have that rich uncle everyone dreams about, you’ll need to secure funding before you successfully start an online business. There are a few routes you could take here:

  • Secure a loan — If your business idea is compelling and you have a rock-solid business plan, you might persuade a financial institution to front you the startup funds. Just be sure to understand any interest and potential penalties.
  • Attract investors — Investors also could show interest if you have a great idea and business plan to put in front of them. However, you might need to relinquish some control of your venture to accommodate them.
  • Bootstrap it — This would be the most direct route. If you have savings, investments or other assets, using them to bootstrap your idea gives you total control. But you need to consider the ramifications if your business idea falls through.

Choose a business structure

Separate yourself from the business by setting up a C-Corp or LLC status that limits your personal liability for the company. This protects you and makes you appear more professional to customers and clients. Here are three structures to consider:

  • Sole proprietorship — The business is nor incorporated, with a single person designated as the owner.
  • Partnership — Two or more people are designated owners, contributing toward expenses and sharing profits.
  • LLC — With a limited liability corporation, definitions can vary by region, but essentially the business exists without owners, offering legal and tax protection.

Separating your personal and professional finances will make it easier for you to file your taxes and keep an eye on your financial situation.

Once you establish your business as a separate entity, you can get a tax ID number for the business, allowing you to better manage your taxes and open a business bank account.

Check laws for online businesses

Law Firm Web Design Stock One

Law Firm Web Design Stock OneHere, you might need to source some professional advice or at least do some comprehensive research. Don’t start an online business only to discover there’s a law that creates a conflict leaving you dead in the water.

There’s likely a local government agency — such as a Department of Revenue — that could provide a checklist of applicable laws.

For example, in some regions there are very strict laws that apply to marketing to individuals online. And if you’re setting up an online store, it’s crucial to understand all the regulations that cover privacy and data protection.

Obtain permits and licenses

At the very least, you’ll likely need a license issued by your regional authority to start an online business. And if you specialize in a particular product or service, there might be additional permits or licenses you need to secure.

For example, a barber or stylist would need a license from their local cosmetological authority. And many home services require specific licenses or permits, for example, to excavate or operate heavy machinery.

Register a domain name

When choosing your ecommerce business name, consider something that is short, memorable, and marketable. A thorough search for a domain name can also help you find the right name for your ecommerce store.

The cost for a domain name can range anywhere from $2 to $20, but there can be hidden costs. Review this guide on how much a domain name cost for more details on what to include in your budget.

You might also consider using .shop or .store for general ecommerce, or get more specific with .jewelry, .clothing, .coffee and more.

Build your website or online store

Person working at computer while referencing a notepad

Person working at computer while referencing a notepadOnce you decide on a business model, you need to choose the best place to build your business online. How you make money online will dictate which platform you should build your business on. Choosing where to build an online business is just as important as learning how to start an online business.

Whether you plan to create a website or use an online store builder to get online, be sure to evaluate all your options, taking cost and complexity into consideration.

Target your main keywords

Do some research to discover what select words and phrases people use to search for your type of business. Sprinkle these keywords throughout the content on your website and create pages that focus on your target keyword. These might represent services — such as “lawn care” — or products if you’re operating an online store. Here it helps to check what the competition is doing to perform well in search results.

Create content that ranks and sells

Whether it’s a shareable infographic, entertaining how-to video, or blog post about why spending time in your online store is more fun than watching a favorite TV show, make content that people can’t find anywhere else.

This is the kind of stuff people will want to link to from their own websites and social profiles (remember backlinks?). Make sure they find that amazing content by optimizing it for search engines.

When it comes to content that ranks and sells, there are a couple main elements to consider: SEO and compelling product listings.

Search engine optimization (SEO): the process of refining a website to get higher search engine rankings and organic visitors to your site, without paying for search engine placement.

Unlike paid listings — advertisements that display in sponsored areas — organic search results are “free” and based on, among other things, the site’s content and how closely it matches the keywords being searched.

After you (or your website guru) does the website backend stuff needed to attract the attention of the search engine bots (like connecting the site to Google Search Console), search engines know that your site exists. They scan it, index the information, and analyze the website’s content to determine how and where your website’s content should display on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Compelling product descriptions that sell

Details can make or break a sales transaction. Since you don’t have a sales clerk to answer your customer questions on a website, start by thinking of all the questions they might ask that person in-store.

For example, what fabrics is a sweater made of? Is it organic and earth-friendly? Was it made locally? What other items might pair well with it?

Your descriptions should be as detailed as possible. However, being honest and upfront about it helps to build trust with customers.

Set up payment providers for ecommerce

The key to closing an online sale is to provide an intuitive and seamless checkout and payment experience.

Some platforms offer built-in checkout and payment processing tools. For example, GoDaddy’s Online Store enables you to securely accept all major credit cards, PayPal and Apple Pay — but not all service providers do. If you’d prefer to sell both online and in person, a solution like GoDaddy Payments is easy to set up and provides a high level of security for your transactions.

When evaluating options, you’ll need to consider:

  • Does the platform’s merchant account accept all currencies and offer SSL certificates?
  • What forms of payment can you accept through your account? Credit cards, personal checks, wire transfers, or money orders?
  • How about PayPal or Stripe?
  • Does your platform offer a payment gateway to verify, approve, and process charges in real-time?
  • Does it integrate with your website’s existing platform?
  • Do other merchants like or complain about the platform’s checkout and payment experience?

Review all your options and ask the platform provider about the associated transaction rates and processing fees. For example, GoDaddy Payments offers the lowest transaction fees compared to other leading providers.

Source products

If you’re planning to start an online business to sell products, having a reliable source will be essential. There are a few ways to consider locking this down:

  • Find a supplier — A reliable manufacturer or wholesaler can keep you supplied, but inventory control (too much vs. not enough) can present a serious challenge, as can storage and transportation.
  • Set up dropshipping — As mentioned earlier, dropshipping lets you sell while your supplier fulfills the orders. This might require specific technology to manage the supply chain once you get things moving.
  • Supply it yourself — This option gives you the most control, but you need to think about your workforce. Doing everything yourself could be rewarding, until you find yourself scrambling to keep up with demand.

Build a brand

Even if you hire a pro to build your site for you, you’ll need to make (or at least approve) decisions about the look of the site — its design. Here are a few design fundamentals you’ll want to consider:

Logo. If you don’t have a logo or would like a new one, try our logo maker, where you can make a new logo in a matter of minutes. Once you have it, think about how you want to incorporate your company logo into your website’s design.

Colors. For brand harmony, it’s important to choose the right color palette for your website. Do you own a creative company? Perhaps vibrant colors like hot pink and tangerine speak to your brand. If you’re in the professional services industry, more subtle hues such as charcoal and blue might be more appropriate.

Think about the feelings colors evoke for you and match them with how you want your customers to feel when they visit your website.

Fonts. Think about the fonts that might best represent your particular business — from bold, linear styles to more delicate, feminine fonts.

Layouts and more. Consider the amount of “whitespace” (space between elements) in your design. A lot of whitespace can denote clarity or simplicity, while having very little of it can make your site look active or intense. Other elements, like background colors, gradients, and the “texture” of your overall design, can contribute to your online impression.

By putting a little thought into these basic design elements, you’ll make big strides in telling your story, building your brand, and framing your products and services in the best possible light on the web.

Related content: How to Make a Logo

Market and grow

Once you have a product or service to sell, a place to sell it and the peace of mind that you are operating legally and strategically, it’s time to get some customers and get to work. Tell family and friends, market yourself and seek out potential clients and customers.

Here are a the main ways to market your online business:

  • Organic search — Learn the basics of SEO and get your content to rank higher.
  • Paid search — Discover and bid on keywords to display your ads in related searches.
  • Social media — Build a following and promote your online business on social media.
  • Email marketing — Curate subscriber lists and develop email marketing campaigns.
  • Online reviews — Monitor review sites and work to ensure you hold a high rating.
  • Word of mouth — Network in person to build awareness of your online business.

The perk of having an online business is that you can take your work with you just about anywhere. But one of the best perks is that your online business is accessible to a massive audience of potential customers.

So, set up shop and get to work on building, marketing and growing your online business.


What kind of business can I start online?

While the limit is your imagination, in this post we’ve covered some of the more popular types of business to start online:

  • Ecommerce store — Set up an online store and process sales through your website.
  • Dropshipping — Have a third-party supplier fulfill the orders you generate online.
  • Online courses — Charge people to access learning material you post online.
  • Affiliate marketer — Build a following and sell another business’ products to visitors.
  • Create a SaaS product — Develop software and charge a fee for access to it.
  • Offer services — Services such as counseling or teaching can be delivered online.

How do I start an online business with no money?

Starting an online business with no money can be a challenging task, but it is possible with the right approach and mindset. Here are some steps you can take to get started:

  • Build a website — Use a free website builder to create a professional-looking website for your business.
  • Use social media — Take advantage of social media to promote your business and reach potential customers.
  • Network — Connect with other entrepreneurs and professionals in your industry through online forums, groups, and events.

Starting an online business takes time, effort, and persistence. Stay committed to your goals and remain flexible in your approach as you adapt to new challenges and opportunities.

What kind of online business is most profitable?

The most profitable one depends on various factors such as the target audience, the niche, and the business model. Here are some examples of profitable online businesses:

  • Ecommerce — You can create your own online store or sell your products on marketplaces like Amazon, Etsy, and eBay.
  • Online education — Platforms like Udemy, Skillshare, and Coursera allow instructors to create and sell courses.
  • Affiliate marketing — Many bloggers and content creators use affiliate marketing as their primary source of income.
  • Digital marketing — Provide digital marketing services like search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, and email marketing.
  • Software as a service (SaaS) — Examples of successful SaaS companies include Dropbox, Slack, and Zoom.

It’s important to note that the profitability of an online business depends on various factors such as the quality of the product or service, the target audience, and the marketing strategy.

Which online business is best for beginners?

There are many online businesses that are suitable for beginners, depending on their interests, skills, and resources. Here are some ideas:

  • Dropshipping — Set up an online store and sell products without holding inventory. A third-party supplier ships the products directly to your customers.
  • Affiliate marketing — Promote products or services on your website or social media platform and earn a commission on each sale made through your referral link.
  • Blogging — Start a blog and create content around it. Once you have built up an audience, you can monetize your blog through ads, sponsorships, or affiliate marketing.
  • Online courses — Create an online course and sell it to people who want to learn the same skill. You can use platforms like Udemy or Teachable to host your courses.
  • Social media management — Offer your services to small businesses or individuals who need help with their social media presence.

Ultimately, the best online business for beginners is one that aligns with their skills, interests, and goals. It’s important to do your research, understand the market, and be willing to put in the time and effort required to succeed.

What is a dedicated IP address and why do you need one? Fri, 03 Jun 2022 13:50:30 +0000
A remote work requirement

Whether you’re new to remote work or a seasoned pro looking to up your game, you might be wondering, “What is a dedicated IP address?” or “Do I really need a dedicated IP for remote work?” Both are valid questions — especially now.

Since the shift to remote work, businesses and employees have dealt with increasing security risks and threats. Many telecommuters use VPNs or SSL certificates for a secure remote work experience, but it’s often not enough. Business owners and organizations are also advised to get a dedicated IP address for an added layer of protection.

The question is – is a dedicated IP worth it if you’re working outside of a traditional office space?

Before you decide whether to get a dedicated IP address or not, read on to learn to basics and benefits, including:

What is an IP address?

An internet protocol (IP) address is a unique address assigned to individual computers, servers, domains, or devices over the internet or a local network. Whenever you access a website, your computer communicates to the webserver through the IP address.

IP addresses consist of four sets of numbers, each separated by periods (x.x.x.x), ranging from 0 to 255, which comes out to around 4.2 billion combinations.

The conventional IP address we’re used to is the IPv4 (IP version 4). It was created in the 1980s and used a 32-bit system that didn’t account for how fast the internet would grow. We have long since exhausted those 4.2 billion combinations. Thus, a new internet addressing system called IPv6 was deployed in 1999.

IP addresses and the Domain Name System (DNS)

IP addresses aren’t random. They are produced and assigned by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), part of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN).

The ICANN is a non-profit organization that maintains internet security. One of its functions is to maintain the domain name system (DNS). You can think of the DNS as a phonebook that matches domain names to IP addresses.

The DNS was born because IP addresses are composed of a string of numbers – making it difficult for users to remember which numbers belonged to which website. Without the DNS, you would have to type in “” to get to Google and other IP addresses to get to other websites.

How IP addresses work

Your network, devices and the internet use IP addresses to communicate with each other. Let’s look at how IP addresses work when connecting your device to the internet.

Before your device can access the internet, it must connect to a network. That network would likely be your Internet Service Provider (ISP) if you’re at home, while it would be public Wi-Fi if you’re outside your home network.

Internet activity goes through the ISP, which is shared with your device using an IP address. In this case, the ISP assigns an IP address to your device. That assigned IP address, however, is temporary. When you turn your modem or router off, your device gets disconnected from the network. Or, when you travel, your device uses another network to connect to the internet.

That new network you connect to (hotel, coffee shop, or airport Wi-Fi) shares a different IP address. This is but one of many examples of how devices use IP addresses to communicate with each other.

There are several types of IP addresses, which we’ll explore in the next section.

Different types of IP addresses

There are different types of IP addresses, which are further subdivided into different categories.

Consumer IP addresses and website IP addresses are the main types of IP addresses.

Consumer IP address

Consumer IP addresses are assigned to devices connected to the internet. There are two kinds of consumer IP addresses: private and public IP addresses.

These types describe a network’s location: private IP addresses are used inside a network, while public IP addresses are used outside.

Private IP vs. Public IP

Your network router assigns private IP addresses to your devices to communicate with it internally. In contrast, your ISP assigns public IP addresses. The public IP is the primary address associated with your internet network.

Private IP addresses exist because multiple devices connect to a household’s network. Modern homes have computers, smartphones, tablets and even Bluetooth-enabled devices such as speakers, printers or smart TVs connecting to a router at any given time.

Because your router connects to so many devices, it needs a way to identify each item. Thus, it generates private IP addresses that differentiate each device on the internal network.

While each device connected to the network has its own private IP address to communicate with the router, remember that all devices simultaneously access the internet through the router as well. Thus, they all have the same public IP address.

Public IP addresses are further classified into two kinds – static and dynamic. These types describe a network’s permanency.

Dynamic IP vs. Static IP

A dynamic IP address is an IP address that often changes, while a static IP address does not change. ISPs and web hosting companies automatically assign dynamic IP addresses while they manually create static IP addresses.

Dynamic IP addresses are the most common type of IP address. They are only active for a certain amount of time, after which they expire. Once the computer disconnects from the network, it receives a new IP address or requests a new one.

Advantages of dynamic IP addresses include cost savings and security. ISPs buy multiple IP addresses and assign them to users. Automating the movement of IP addresses means there’s no need to get users their original IP addresses. Once a user is disconnected, ISPs can reassign a new IP address and give new users the old one to use.

Additionally, a changing IP makes it harder for criminals to hack into your network.

Individuals and businesses seldom use static IP addresses. Servers hosting large websites or providing email and FTP services use static IP addresses so other devices can easily find them on the web.

Website IP address

The website IP address is the other type of IP address besides the consumer IP.

If consumer IPs are assigned to devices connected to the internet, website IPs are used for web hosting packages. There are two types of website IPs: shared and dedicated.

We’ll be focusing on these two types, specifically dedicated IP addresses.

Dedicated IP address vs. Shared IP address

You can get a dedicated IP address and shared IP address from hosting providers, but the main difference is the number of users assigned to it.

Dedicated IPs are exclusive to a single account, while a shared IP is assigned to multiple users.

Shared IP addresses are often common to shared hosting accounts. This type of web hosting plan hosts multiple websites on the same server, making it possible for these domains to share an IP address.

But, while shared IP addresses are common in shared hosting plans, it is also possible to have a shared IP address without a shared server. For instance, some Managed WordPress hosting plans share IP addresses but not server resources.

Shared IP addresses are often dynamic IPs, while dedicated IP addresses are static. You have sole use over them once they’re assigned to you.

Important: Don’t confuse a dedicated IP address with a dedicated server; you can get a dedicated IP address without signing up for a dedicated hosting plan.

Benefits of a dedicated IP address

There are several benefits to having a single IP address dedicated to your use. It’s fast and secure, and there’s a smaller chance of your IP getting blacklisted.

Let’s explore each benefit in detail:

1. Secure remote access

A dedicated IP address allows employees to connect to company resources securely. It enables you to control access to specific resources and sensitive company assets. You can do this by allowing specific IP addresses and restricting access to servers and gateways you choose.

2. Reduced risk of IP blacklisting

Another benefit of a dedicated IP address is safety and location privacy. Some people prefer it when they can’t be traced.

While sharing an IP address is generally safe, it risks country-specific blocking of your website. Other websites on your server might perform illegal activities such as sending out spam emails, viruses, or malware that could get your websites blocked by search engines.

When you use a dedicated IP address for remote work or otherwise, there is zero chance of your IP getting blocked — unless you do something malicious intentionally.

3. Faster and safer file transfer

A dedicated IP ensures faster site speeds. You don’t have to contend with web traffic because you’re the only one using the IP address.

A dedicated IP also allows you to build a file transfer protocol (FTP) server to share files within an organization. A private FTP server offers better protection and a faster file transfer rate.

4. Improved email deliverability

You will benefit from a dedicated IP address if you send large volumes of emails; anything above 100,000+ per year is considered a large volume.

The main reason?

An IP’s reputation can impact your email delivery rate.

Email services such as Gmail and Yahoo trust emails from dedicated IPs more than those from shared IP addresses. They often double-check emails from shared IP addresses because spam emails are more likely to come from accounts hosted on those IPs.

5. Direct access to your website

Dedicated IP addresses allow you to access your website directly using the IP address since it’s the only domain mapped to that IP. For example, typing in “” would lead you directly to Google because that is its dedicated IP address.

While it’s not the main advantage of having a dedicated IP, it is a handy perk when domain servers are down.

Dedicated IP address: A must-have for remote workers

Bottom line: Beef up your cybersecurity efforts with a dedicated IP address. It securely connects you to your remote server and improves site speed. That’s a win-win for remote workers and their employees and clients.

Need a dedicated IP address for remote work? Enjoy the benefits of dedicated IP by purchasing a GoDaddy dedicated IP as an add-on, or get one free by signing up for a GoDaddy dedicated hosting plan.

Is WordPress still the best CMS around? Mon, 18 Apr 2022 13:25:40 +0000
It’s a big build-up!

For many years, WordPress was the undisputed “gold standard” of content management systems (CMS). It was one of the only free CMS on the market and it offered everything you needed to create an excellent website from scratch. But is this still the case? Is WordPress worth using if you’re in the market for a new website? Or are there other alternatives to WordPress CMS worth exploring?

A brief history of WordPress

The first version of WordPress was released in 2003. It was designed to be a relatively simple way for people to create their own websites, and it worked pretty well, considering the time period.

Screenshot of the original WordPress CMS dashboard
Image Source: WPBeginner

Over the years, it went through a number of changes, with WordPress 2.0 released in 2005, complete with an admin dashboard to make it easier for webmasters to manage their sites. In 2006, Automattic (founded by WordPress co-founder Matt Mullenweg) filed a trademark registration for WordPress, and in 2008, the admin interface was redesigned.

Throughout the 2010s, WordPress exploded in popularity, offering new tools and add-ons, expanding its collection of themes and templates, and ultimately making the user experience easier, and more beginner-friendly.

Today, it’s estimated that there are more than 455 million WordPress websites globally, representing about 37% of all websites.

Key features of WordPress CMS

So what’s the allure of WordPress? What has turned it into such a dominant force in the market of website builders?

As you’ll see when we get to the comparison section, WordPress offers many of the same features other CMS solutions offer.

Anyone, regardless of how much technical experience they have or how skilled they are at coding, can use the tool to quickly and easily put together a website.

Users are walked through a series of steps so that in the course of a few hours, you can go from having a simple idea to having a fully hosted, functional website.

These are some of the key features that make WordPress so popular:

  • Professional themes. One of the greatest advantages of WordPress is that it offers tens of thousands of professional themes and templates you can use to make your website look professional. You can search for exactly the right theme for your industry and target audience, then customize that theme to be perfectly suited to your brand.

Because your options are practically limitless, there’s probably a theme that perfectly aligns with your vision.

This simplifies the website design process, allowing you to tap into professional designs that are already created. Many of these templates are totally free, and the paid templates aren’t super expensive, allowing even small business owners with tight budgets to get exactly what they need.

  • WYSIWYG editing style. WordPress also benefits from its content management system (CMS) which relies on WYSIWYG (“what you see is what you get”) editing. As the name suggests, this style of web editor allows you to rely on basic user interactions, such as dragging and dropping, to create your website from scratch. You don’t need to understand how programming works, nor are you going to be digging into the backend code of your site. Instead, you’re going to reposition and redesign elements at your own discretion, and your completed website will look exactly the way you want it to look.
  • Search engine optimization. The backend coding of WordPress websites is already optimized for search engines. This means that search engines like Google can readily crawl and index your site, maximizing your chances of appearing in search results when users search for terms relevant to your website. One thing to keep in mind here is that you’ll need a full SEO strategy if you want to rank higher and earn more organic traffic. WordPress doesn’t do all the work for you; it simply lays the foundation.
  • Potential store upgrades. If you’re interested in building an online store, where you can sell your products and services to people directly, you can do that with WordPress. You’ll need the help of special add-ons to modify the structure of your site, but it’s still relatively easy even for a newcomer to accomplish.
  • Plenty of add-ons. Speaking of add-ons, there are plenty of add-ons available for WordPress, since developers are constantly inventing new ones and distributing them. Each module has the potential to change the way your website works, giving you access to new designs, new functions and new user experience improvements when you manage the content on your own site.
  • Alerts and metrics. WordPress also grants you access to metrics related to your website’s performance, so you can track how many people are visiting your website, how they’re behaving on your site and more. You’ll also get special alerts and notifications for specific interactions on your website, such as when people comment on your blog posts.

Mobile view of WordPress CMS stats and dashboard

Of course, there are a few downsides that you’ll need to keep in mind.

  • Paid upgrades (including hosting). Although WordPress is commonly touted as free, it’s not an all-inclusive package. For example, hosting is not included. If you want adequate hosting for your website, you’ll need a product like GoDaddy WordPress hosting. You’ll also need to pay for certain upgrades, such as access to certain templates, improving your security or including paid add-ons.
  • Customization limitations. While you can customize your WordPress design to some extent, there are some hard limitations to what you can tinker with. You will be restricted on what you can edit based on your theme and your WordPress plan.
  • The plugin bloat problem. Plugins and add-ons for WordPress can be extremely valuable, boosting the performance and capabilities of your site. But as you add more and more, they begin to reveal certain drawbacks. Namely, the speed and functionality of your site can decline due to plugin bloat.
  • Security issues. WordPress offers some basic security for the websites you build using the platform, but it’s not the most robust offering. It may be in your best interest to seek third-party support for further security upgrades or choose a different platform if security is a major concern.

WordPress CMS alternatives: pros and cons

These days, there are dozens of alternatives to WordPress website builders you can use to build a site for free. Many of these alternatives have almost an identical set of features to WordPress, giving you access to thousands of templates, allowing you to edit your website without any coding experience and even offering enhancements in the form of plugins.

For the purposes of our comparison, we will be looking at a couple of the most popular CMS alternatives to WordPress. Because these platforms are so similar, we won’t be exploring all the things they have in common; Instead, we’re going to focus on distinguishing characteristics.


First, there’s Drupal, an open-source alternative with more than 1 million websites to call its own.

  • Slightly harder to use. With Drupal, you’ll need at least some technical knowledge. Fans of the platform speak very highly of its features and capabilities, but there’s a steep learning curve. If you don’t have much experience building websites, you’re probably going to struggle to get going.
  • Greater flexibility. For the most part, Drupal is more flexible than WordPress. There are more things you can customize, and fewer limitations on what you can accomplish with the platform.
  • Higher security. In part because security is lacking with WordPress, Drupal wins the security battle. You’ll find much more robust security protections with this platform.


With more than 2.8 million websites, Joomla is another contender worth considering.

  • Higher difficulty. The biggest drawback of Joomla is the higher difficulty involved. It’s a less intuitive platform than WordPress, so it’s going to take more time for you to learn how to use it and get started. It also pays to have some coding knowledge if you’re going to get involved here.
  • Ample plugins. Whatever you’re looking to accomplish with a Joomla website, there’s a plugin that can help you do it. Joomla has one of the most robust selections of plugins of any platform on this list.
  • Store flexibility. Thanks to the help of plugins and practically unlimited modification potential, Joomla makes it easy to build a functional online storefront.

Creating a website from scratch

Solutions like WordPress or other CMS platforms aren’t your only path to creating a website; they just happen to be one of the most popular and accessible options.

You can always hire a website design agency or a team of website designers and developers to help make your website a reality.

Here’s are the distinguishing characteristics you’ll need to keep in mind if you consider this option:

  • Much more expensive. Designing and developing a website with the help of an agency is much more expensive than using a website builder. This should be obvious, considering many website builders are totally free.
  • Technically complicated. Coding a website from scratch is much harder than relying on an existing template. If you’re doing the work yourself, you’re going to need to do a lot of studying to make your efforts a success. If you’re working with an agency, and your project is complicated, expect a few hurdles along the way.
  • Unlimited flexibility. The big advantage here is that you have truly unlimited flexibility. You’re not going to be limited by drag and drop editors or pre-existing templates; instead, if you can dream it, you can make it.
  • Direct control. Some entrepreneurs like the idea of creating a website from scratch because they get more direct control over the process. Instead of choosing from a limited range of pre-made options, you can build everything from the ground up.

Sometimes, it’s obvious that a website was built using a pre-existing template. That’s because it looks like every other website. If you want to stand out with an original design that breaks away from oversaturated templates, designing from scratch is a practical requirement.


So what’s the bottom line here?

In some ways, WordPress still is the ”gold standard” for website builders. It’s by far the most popular website builder, it has everything you need to build a website (even if you have no technical knowledge), it’s free (or inexpensive), and it keeps adding new features and new plugins.

But even with that in mind, you should know that there are plenty of alternative options, each with its own collection of unique strengths and weaknesses. Before making any decisions, it’s a good idea to evaluate your own goals, including your budget, your technical skill and the functional needs of your website.

Once you understand your priorities better, it should be much easier to choose the correct platform for your website building needs.

How to find products to sell online Wed, 06 Apr 2022 13:19:09 +0000
Find the best

If you plan to launch an ecommerce store this year, you’ll need a strategic sales and marketing plan to help you stand out. You’ll also need to know where to source the best products if you don’t manufacture them yourself. These types of businesses need to know how to find products to sell online.

The competition for online consumer traffic and sales has never been steeper. Many small businesses (SMBs) have recently launched ecommerce stores to reach customers who prefer to shop online, with 92% of online SMBs claiming they had a significant sales growth in 2021.

How to find products to sell online

Let’s explore how to find products to sell online and ensure they fit with your overall business strategy and budget.

1. Identify products that you’re passionate about

It’s essential to have a profitable small business. But it’s hard to stay committed to it long-term without a passion for what you sell.

As you embark on your online business journey, start by identifying those passions. Do you love books, fashion, food, jewelry, or technology? Do you have a hobby, like buying art or collecting dolls, that you’ve always wanted to turn into a business by helping others do the same?

More than 65 percent of participants in a Customer Thermometer study said that “being emotionally connected to a brand made them feel like the company or business cared about people like them.”

So the more you’re able to align with and communicate your passion for your digital or physical products through your online business, the better you’ll attract like-minded, loyal shoppers.

It’s also critical to think about what the products that you want to source and sell will say about your business and brand.

For example, if you decide to sell organic, fair-trade coffee beans, you’re promising to deliver a product that is healthier for your customers while showing that you care about the people who grow and package that product.

If your potential customers also care about those values, you know they’ll be looking for a site like yours to purchase those products.

That’s why you must identify the right product niche and target market before you source the products you want to sell online.

2. Align those passions with a niche product-market fit

Person browsing through colorful clothing racks

Business News Daily defines a product niche as “a specialized or focused area of a broader market that your business serves specifically.”

Taking the time to identify your niche properly will help you to stand apart from your competitors in a crowded online marketplace.

For example, if you love jewelry inspired by or from the 1920s and 1930s fashions but can’t find it all in one place online, you could build a small business that caters to that niche.

Or, perhaps you want to sell trendy costume jewelry for young women to wear to work. It all comes back to your passions and which customers you want to target online.

When choosing and searching for your niche items to sell online, you should also consider:

  • The size and weight of your physical products: To keep shipping costs down with lighter and easily packable products
  • The selling price of your sourced products: Especially when getting started — to be profitable and to cover the cost of returned items
  • Product durability and quality: You don’t want products to spoil or get broken en route to your customers
  • Trends in your chosen niche: For example, search terms for “nostalgia” have grown over the past few years and is reflected in everything from current fashions to music, TV, and toys

Profiling your niche customers

Try to get as specific as possible when defining your niche target customers. Include everything from demographics like age range, occupation, and household income to psychographics like their personality traits, lifestyle, special interests, and values.

Using the costume jewelry example from earlier, your target customer could be a single woman in her 20s and 30s who works in advertising or PR and makes $30,000 to $75,000 a year. She likes to go out with her friends after work, belongs to a book club, is a foodie that watches baking shows, and cares about climate change and product sustainability.

Once you’ve completed your customer profile, research how they’re likely to shop for your products online. Small business owners can start by reading free blogs and consumer studies published on online marketing sites such as eMarketer, Econsultancy and

You can also get a lot of free information from ecommerce news sites like Retail Dive, Digital Commerce 360, and the National Retail Federation.

Look for trends that reveal where your potential customers spend most of their time online and try to learn how they discover new products.

For example, are they more likely to research vintage jewelry through search or fashion and celebrity websites? Do they follow influencers on social media sites like Instagram and Pinterest? If so, which ones and what are those influencers saying about those products and styles?

You can also send out an online survey to friends and family who fit your niche customer profile using Survey Monkey or Google Forms. You can ask them specific questions like:

  • What do they love about that product niche?
  • Which niche product trends are they looking for right now?
  • What products in that niche are they most likely to research or buy online?
  • What’s missing from that niche market that they’d like to see filled?
  • How much would they be willing to spend on a specific niche product?
  • Where do they typically learn about new niche products online?
  • Which competitor sites do they currently buy from, and what do they like or dislike about those ecommerce sites?
  • Do they buy their niche products from local, national, or global competitors?
  • Would they prefer to have products shipped to them if they buy locally, or would they like to purchase products online and pick them up in-store?
  • If they buy products nationally or globally, how much would they be willing to pay for shipping?

Giving them specific answers to choose from, rather than asking them open-ended questions, will make it easier for them to fill out your survey. Although, a combination of the two is often necessary.

It’s also helpful to offer an incentive to get them to complete your survey, like gift cards and discounts when shopping with your online store.

Once you have all of your answers, it’s time to look for the right products that meet all of their needs.

3. Find the right products to sell online

As you prepare to source your physical products, think about the type of ecommerce business you want to create.

For example, many small business owners start with a dropshipping business model where you don’t need to make or store any inventory yourself physically. Instead, you’d source and curate the niche products on your site while your suppliers would store, package, and ship the items for you.

Tug boat towing ship loaded with cargo containers

With a dropshipping business model, your suppliers will take a bigger cut of the profits.

However, dropshipping is a flexible and scalable way for a small online business to get off the ground quickly and affordably, with lower overhead costs.

As your business grows, you can potentially add your own manufactured products to sell on your site to make a larger profit.

Identifying products for your dropshipping business

Where you source your dropshipping products depends on your chosen product niche.

According to the top dropshipping niche categories last year were:

  • Home decor and home improvement
  • Jewelry
  • Health and beauty
  • Fitness
  • Pet products
  • Boho clothing and accessories
  • Phone accessories

To find the top trending niche products right now, SixAds recommends looking at:

  1. The top Amazon Bestsellers for your niche product category.
  2. eBay Watch Count to see what the top eBay shoppers are adding to their “watch list” by keyword.
  3. The SaleHoo Market Research Lab uses data from Amazon and eBay to help you find highly profitable dropshipping products to source and sell.
  4. Google Trends: Since most people start their shopping journey with a search, you can look at growth trends for specific product keywords over time.
  5. AliExpress Dropshipping Center to discover the top niche products to source and sell online via AliExpress.

Sourcing those products via dropshipping suppliers

You have many options to choose from when sourcing products for dropshipping.

Access a network of sellers via ecommerce marketplaces

One of the most common places to start sourcing your products is via an ecommerce marketplace that connects you to a large network of manufacturers and sellers. As mentioned earlier, the AliExpress Dropshipping Center is a good place to start.

Additionally, you can research and contact niche dropshipping marketplaces like BrandsGateway for luxury brands, Buy2Bee for clothing and footwear, UniqBe for IT and electronics products, Gold-N-Diamonds for jewelry, and Wholesale Interiors for furniture.

Choose high-quality niche products via wholesale supplier directories

Directories like give you access to thousands of high-quality wholesalers and suppliers for niche product categories.

Keep in mind, however, that they charge a monthly subscription fee to integrate and automate the SKU data onto your site. However, some let you look at the content for free to decide whether or not you want to invest in a subscription.

Go straight to the source with brand manufacturers

You can also go straight to your favorite niche brand manufacturers to negotiate a dropshipping partnership. Keep in mind that not all of them will be interested in dropshipping, and this can become a laborious process as you add more partnerships.

Be sure to ask about their revenue share model (e.g., how much of the sales revenue they would keep to store and ship the physical product to your customers), and compare prices among a host of your favorite niche brands.

You’ll need to factor that number into your price, along with the manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP), to make a profit. Refer to our post on product pricing for help when developing the right ecommerce sales strategy for your small business.

Enable manufacturers and sellers to come to you

You can also make it possible for niche product creators to post and sell their wares through your site.

For example, Society6 created a platform for artists to affordably upload photos and sell their designs (e.g., prints on mugs, t-shirts, and socks) to the world. In this way, artists can reach out to them and post their own products on the ecommerce site.

Sourcing products for your general online store

Person viewing online store on their smartphone

If you already own a retail store and plan to launch an ecommerce site, or you’re an online retailer that buys commoditized physical products (e.g., high-demand, essential items) and/or niche products to store in a warehouse, then you have some additional options to consider.

In addition to the resources listed above for dropshipping sources, you can purchase your niche products from ecommerce marketplaces like: and Amazon wholesale. You can also purchase inventory from wholesale partners like Costco.

To decrease your overhead costs, since you’re renting out a physical warehouse and covering your shipping costs, look for discounts when purchasing large product quantities in bulk.

Additionally, keep in mind that suppliers are currently dependent on manufacturing capabilities during the Covid pandemic. Check-in regularly with your suppliers to make sure you don’t frequently sell out of items and keep customers waiting for long periods.

Related: Top-notch shipping tips for your online store

4. Identify and integrate online product sales channels

Once you’ve sourced your digital or physical products, it’s time to decide where and how you’ll sell to customers online.

First, you’ll need to develop and launch your online business website. If you don’t have one already, there are a variety of options out there and many ecommerce platforms, like GoDaddy Online Store, can help you to:

  • Buy a domain name
  • Build your site with affordable mobile-friendly templates
  • Process payments quickly and securely
  • Host it all on one integrated platform

Use GoDaddy Online Store to build your site and sell everywhere

If you’ve already done your research on where customers are likely to discover and buy your products online, working with GoDaddy will enable you to sell directly from your website or your customers’ favorite platforms and marketplaces, like eBay, Etsy, Amazon, Facebook or Instagram.

Plus, GoDaddy Online Store integrates with GoDaddy Payments to help you process payments securely — both online and in-store.

Your payments will arrive in your business account as soon as the next business day, and GoDaddy offers the lowest fees in the industry per transaction, compared to leading competitors.

GoDaddy Payments processes all major credit and debit card transactions — both online and using our POS devices. If you use our Smart Terminal and Card Reader devices in-store or in-person, we also provide contactless payments via Apple Pay and Google Pay.

Finally, you can access all of your orders, inventory, reviews, and customer emails — across all of your online business sales platforms — from one easy-to-use online dashboard.

Add WooCommerce to our managed WordPress ecommerce platform

If you already have a WordPress website and want to add ecommerce functionality, you can do so using WooCommerce extensions — choosing from over 50,000 WordPress plug-ins and  10,000 site design templates.

GoDaddy’s managed WordPress Ecommerce platform with WooCommerce gives you the freedom to sell anything, anywhere online — from physical products to digital downloads, services, and subscriptions.

It also seamlessly integrates with GoDaddy Payments, giving your customers more ways to pay you, and helping you get paid faster.

Related: 6 types of products you can sell with WooCommerce

Launch, test and iterate on what’s working

Once your site is live, it’s important to track how each product is performing on your website, so you can offer more of what your customers want, and consider removing products that aren’t driving sales.

First, you’ll need to install an analytics tool like Google Analytics on your site to track your customers’ online shopping behaviors. For tips on what to track and which reports to use, read:

How to use Google Analytics enhanced ecommerce features to gain more customers.

Next, consider using A/B testing on your homepage, product pages, and check out to see which design features and copy can be improved to increase sales (or conversions) on your site.

Essentially, A/B testing is a split test between two variations of the same page. At the most basic level, you can test whether a checkout page with a green button will outperform a red button to drive more sales. However, you can get a lot more sophisticated with what you want to test.

Related: The what, why, and how of WordPress A/B testing

5. Your online customers are out there

Person holding credit card while viewing laptop

Once you’ve found the right digital or physical products to sell online and launch your ecommerce site, it’s time to build your brand and promote your online business.

From search engine optimization (SEO) to email, social media marketing, and online advertising, the GoDaddy blog can teach you how to launch, market, and advertise your small business ecommerce site to potential customers.

We also cover case studies on how businesses like yours are succeeding online and provide insights into consumer behaviors, seasonal strategies, and more.

If you don’t have a large budget, start with one or two marketing strategies that you know are likely to reach your potential customers and convert sales, based on your consumer research.

Then, test and improve on what works. As your business grows, so too can your budget to drive more traffic and sales to your site.
