Tips | - What your small business needs to incorporate, form an LLC or corporation! INCORPORATE your small business, form a corporation, LLC or S Corp. The SmallBiz network can help with all your small business needs! Mon, 10 Jul 2023 12:56:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Tips | - What your small business needs to incorporate, form an LLC or corporation! 32 32 Four Effective Tips to Improve Labor Management in Companies Fri, 07 Jul 2023 13:51:54 +0000 Businesses worldwide are always on the hunt for ways to improve their processes and add more efficiency to day-to-day functions. Of course, labor management is one of the major aspects of every company that demands continuous attention and improvement.

Every business understands that effective labor management is essential when it comes to increasing the productivity, safety, and efficiency of every project. The managers bear all burden to ensure that the labor is working effectively to meet the needs of supply and demand chains.

Here are some effective ways to improve labor management in your company for the best of your business.

1. Use Standardized KPIs

It can be hard to hold someone accountable for their performance when there is no evidence to back up the claims. In such circumstances, the labor deserving of praise may be left out, and those who need improvement may continue to waste company time and resources. Of course, such practices can cost you a lot of time and money in the long run.

Hence, smart companies worldwide are using Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) as a tool for worker motivation and accountability. These indicators help them better understand why certain standardized goals exist and their role in making the company succeed.

2. Incorporate a Software

Managers have a lot on their shoulders in addition to managing the workforce. A few people cannot keep an eye on everyone throughout the day. They need Kaizen Software to find the best solution for labor management. This way, the managers can find time to pay attention to many more important matters.

Efficient management software is being used worldwide due to its countless benefits. They offer security, better communication, and enhanced tracking to make your business more efficient. Hence, your business will have a better opportunity to grow and bloom.

3. Ensure Safety at the Workplace

Every workspace has its own challenges. However, everyone can agree that industrial workers have more challenges when it comes to safety. After all, they are surrounded by heavy machinery and face increased chances of accidents, injuries, and even fatalities. Hence, it must be a top priority to make your workplace safer.

You can start by looking into the hazards in your workspace and minimizing them one by one. In addition, it is also important to ensure that all your workers have access to safety gear at all times. Caution can save more lives than building an elaborate regime to care for injured workers.

Managing industrial workforce

4. Keep Workers Posted

Whether a construction site or a chemical industry, there can be new hazards and precautions for workers every day. A little negligence in the workplace can lead to a regrettable accident. Hence, it is always a good idea to keep your workers informed about current events.

Knowledge about company procedures and safety rules can reduce insecurity among workers and increase their efficiency. It is best to let your workers know that all their questions will be answered. This way, they can feel more comfortable seeking your guidance instead of finding out by trial and error.

Nine Reasons Why Turning Down a Client Is the Best Option for Your Business Wed, 28 Jun 2023 14:08:43 +0000 While your business may not be right for every client, every client may not be right for your business. To that end, what’s one sign you should turn down a client, and why?

These answers are provided by Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization comprised of the world’s most successful young entrepreneurs. YEC members represent nearly every industry, generate billions of dollars in revenue each year, and have created tens of thousands of jobs. Learn more at

1. The Client Has Unrealistic Expectations

Sometimes you’ll meet clients with unrealistic expectations — even when those expectations are incompatible with your products and services. They might demand services that you may not be able to deliver. Trying to keep such clients can often damage your relationship with them, encourage them to spread bad word-of-mouth, and hamper your reputation. Identifying such clients in time can prevent that.

Andrew Munro, AffiliateWP

s2. They’re Unresponsive

The number one way to tell if a client isn’t right for your business is if they are unresponsive. For client-business relationships to work, mutual understanding, communication, and respect are essential. If a client keeps pushing you aside when you need to clarify something for a project you’re working on for them, it may be time to move on at the end of the assignment.

Daman Jeet Singh, FunnelKit

3. They Complain During Every Step

An obvious sign that a client isn’t a good fit for your business is when they complain about your work every step of the way. I’ve encountered clients who complain because they think they will get a better price or free work. If they are truly unhappy, try to correct the mistake once or twice, and if that doesn’t work, give them a refund. Catering to toxic clients will not help you grow or succeed.

Chris Christoff, MonsterInsights

Meeting with a client

4. You’re Unable to Meet Their Needs

One should turn down a client whose expectations are hard to meet. They may not be in the wrong in the situation, and they have the right to expect certain things since they will be paying for the solutions offered. However, you should assess whether it will be possible for you to keep up with those expectations considering your current scale of operations or resources available.

Stephanie Wells, Formidable Forms

5. They Exhibit a ‘Blame-Oriented’ Mindset

Watch for a “blame-oriented mindset” in your prospecting and sales conversations. Ask a question like, “What solutions or service providers have you tried before to solve this problem, and why didn’t they work?” Observe if the prospect takes any ownership for past failures or solely blames previous providers. Such an attitude is a clear sign of a lack of accountability and collaboration. Turn down such prospects!

Devesh Dwivedi, Higher Valuation

6. They Constantly Dismiss Your Advice

Picture this: a client who insists on guiding you through uncharted territory while you hold the compass of expertise. When faced with a client who consistently dismisses your professional advice and insists on going against best practices, it’s time to question the compatibility of your collaboration. Remember: You’re the expert for a reason, and your recommendations should be valued.

Abhijeet Kaldate, Astra WordPress Theme

Talking with a big client
photo credit: Karolina Grabowska / Pexels

7. They Aren’t Engaging in the Project

When a client consistently fails to provide the necessary resources, feedback or engagement required for a successful partnership, it’s time to hit pause. A one-sided relationship will leave you feeling like a solo artist in a duet. Seek clients who actively participate, collaborate and invest in the success of the projects you undertake together.

Adam Preiser, WPCrafter

8. There Is Value or Goal Misalignment

Turn down clients if their values or goals are not aligned with your business. This can lead to conflicts and dissatisfaction and even damage your reputation. Focus on clients who share similar values and goals to maintain your brand’s integrity and benefit from the work you do for them.

Nic DeAngelo, Saint Investment – Real Estate Funds

9. They’re Always Adding ‘One More Thing’

You can tell a client is not right for your business, especially if you’re a freelancer, if they keep adding “one more thing” to the project. For instance, if you’re a writer and a client asks you to edit some of their other work “as a friend,” it may be time to end the partnership. This situation will lead to you doing tons of work and extra assignments for free, which was not the arrangement. 

John Turner, SeedProd LLC

Guide to Starting a Transportation Business: Key Steps and Strategies Fri, 26 May 2023 12:53:35 +0000 Did you know that the transportation industry relies heavily on the trucking sector for 72.5% of its freight transportation? That’s a lot of goods being moved around the world on the back of trucks!

And guess what? The future looks even brighter for this industry. Experts predict the global transportation industry will experience a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 38.5% until 2027.

With such promising statistics, it’s no wonder that starting a transportation business can be a smart decision. Whether you dream of running a taxi service, delivering packages to people’s doorsteps, or even managing a logistics company, the opportunities are endless.

photo credit: Tima Miroshnichenko / Pexels

Whatever business option you may select, in this article, we’ll walk you through the key steps and strategies to help you kick-start your transportation business. So, let’s begin!

Conduct Market Research

Before diving into the transportation business, it’s crucial to conduct market research to understand the demand, competition, and potential opportunities in your target market. It’ll help you make informed decisions and tailor your services to meet customer needs effectively. Let’s explore this step further by asking three important questions:

1. Who are your potential customers?

To identify your potential customers, consider demographics such as age, gender, location, and income levels.

For example, if you plan to start a rideshare service in a college town, your target customers might be students looking for affordable transportation options.

2. What is the level of demand for transportation services in your area?

Assess the existing transportation options in your area and determine if there’s a demand gap.

For instance, if you discover that there’s a high demand for medical transport services for the elderly population, you could explore starting a specialized medical transportation business.

3. Who are your competitors, and what sets you apart?

Learn about the leading service providers in your area and how they operate their business. Analyze their strengths and weaknesses and determine what unique value you can bring to the table.

For instance, if you’re starting a courier service, you could differentiate yourself by offering faster delivery times or specialized handling for fragile items.

This way, you can gain valuable insights into your target market, understand customer preferences, and develop a competitive edge.

Create a Business Plan

Needless to say, every successful business starts with a well-crafted business plan. It serves as a roadmap, outlining goals, strategies, and financial projections. Ultimately, it helps one stay focused, secure funding, and make informed decisions.

So, to kick-start your business, you must take time and create a robust business plan. Make sure to include details such as your target market, competitive analysis, marketing strategies, operational procedures, and financial forecasts.

Also, be realistic and thorough in your projections, such as considering expenses like vehicle acquisition, maintenance, fuel, insurance, and marketing costs. Agree or not, it will come in quite handy when pitching the investors.

Obtain the Necessary Permits and Licenses

It doesn’t matter what industry you are a part of; complying with legal requirements is a must for the smooth functioning of the business. So, contact your local government or transportation authority to understand the permits and licenses necessary for your specific transportation service.

This may include commercial driver’s licenses, vehicle permits, insurance coverage, and business registrations. You must meet all these legal obligations before launching your business.

It will not only help avoid any legal issues down the road but will also demonstrate your commitment to operating a legitimate and compliant transportation business. It also builds trust with your customers, who expect an honest and reliable transportation service.

Business vans

Acquire Vehicles and Equipment

The backbone of your transportation business will be the vehicles and equipment you’ll use. Not only do you need reliable vehicles to transport passengers or cargo, but you also need to ensure that they are well-maintained to avoid service disruptions.

According to professionals at Auto Glass Zone, one crucial aspect of vehicle maintenance is taking care of the glass components, such as windshields and windows. It’s because these provide visibility and safety for both drivers and passengers.

But, continuous exposure to road conditions and weather elements can damage chips, cracks, or other glass. That’s why it is essential to promptly repair or replace any damaged glass to maintain the safety and integrity of your acquired vehicles.

In addition to this, consider factors such as fuel efficiency, maintenance costs, and cargo capacity when acquiring vehicles and equipment for your business. Continuing the example above, if you’re providing courier service, you may also need equipment like hand trucks, dollies, or refrigeration units.

Build a Strong Network

Apparently, networking plays a vital role in the transportation industry. It involves establishing relationships with suppliers, clients, and other businesses in related industries. It opens doors to collaboration, referrals, and valuable partnerships.

For example, connecting with a local delivery service can lead to partnership opportunities where you can combine forces to provide comprehensive logistics solutions. Additionally, maintaining a strong online presence through a professional website and social media platforms allows you to showcase your services, attract customers, and engage with your audience.

Even so, keep in mind that networking is a two-way street. So, be proactive in reaching out, be a reliable and helpful partner, and nurture your connections.

Focus on Customer Service

Last but not least, when running a successful transportation business, one of the most critical aspects is providing excellent customer service.

Why is customer service so crucial? Well, imagine you’re a passenger in a taxi or waiting for a package delivery. How would you feel if the driver or delivery person was rude, unhelpful, or unresponsive? It would certainly leave a negative impression and make you think twice about using that service again, right?

Focusing on customer service can set your business apart from the competition and build a loyal customer base. So, train your staff and promptly address customer inquiries and concerns. You can also consider implementing technology solutions like GPS tracking systems or mobile apps to improve efficiency and communication with your customers.

Fleet tracking device in a company car

Final Words

Starting a business requires dedication, perseverance, and adaptability. So, stay informed about industry trends, continuously evaluate and improve your operations, and be open to learning from your experiences.

With the right strategies and a passion for providing reliable transportation services, you can navigate the road to success in the transportation industry.

Want to Succeed as an Entrepreneur? 14 Traits to Cultivate Now Wed, 17 May 2023 13:02:44 +0000 If you had to choose one trait that you believed was the most necessary in order to succeed as an entrepreneur, what would it be and why? How can aspiring entrepreneurs cultivate it?

These answers are provided by Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization comprised of the world’s most successful young entrepreneurs. YEC members represent nearly every industry, generate billions of dollars in revenue each year, and have created tens of thousands of jobs. Learn more at

1. The Ability to Problem-Solve

The one trait I would say is the most important to entrepreneurs is the ability to creatively problem-solve. Sometimes, solutions to business problems aren’t obvious and you have to find an out-of-the-box solution. That can be a real challenge because most people are taught to color within the lines.

Baruch Labunski, Rank Secure

2. Grit

You need courage, resolve and strength of character to withstand the ebbs, flows and failures that lead to successful business. The best way to get this is through experience. I’ve seen a lot of young entrepreneurs with more grit than their older counterparts, especially when they had customer service jobs and worked their way up the ladder to experience different seats in the company.

Givelle Lamano, Oakland DUI Attorneys

3. Flexibility

One of the most essential traits an entrepreneur can possess is flexibility. You need to be able to change your approach in response to market conditions, customer feedback and what any partners or investors want at any given time. Being flexible also means looking at “failure” as a signal to make changes rather than as a permanent obstacle.

Kalin Kassabov, ProTexting

4. Fearlessness

Aspiring entrepreneurs should be fearless. It’s fear that often prevents you from grabbing new opportunities, as new entrepreneurs are unable to decide what’s best for them or how a particular decision would affect them. Well, you won’t know unless you try. So, be quick with your decisions. Preparedness is great and all, but if you’re afraid to make a move, someone else will — and will likely succeed. 

Chris Klosowski, Easy Digital Downloads

Young businessman having a conversation

5. Sociability

To be successful as an entrepreneur, you need to focus on developing your social skills. When you have strong social skills, it becomes easier for you to build strong relationships with your customers, investors or anyone you think is important to your business. Good social skills make you a better communicator and help you make others feel secure so they connect with you on a deeper level.

Andrew Munro, AffiliateWP

6. Determination

One trait you need to succeed as an entrepreneur is determination. You’ll encounter people who don’t like your idea. There will be times when clients or investors reject you. Your first project idea may never see the light of day. You need to have the drive to move past these unfortunate situations if you want to find success.

Daman Jeet Singh, FunnelKit

7. Decisiveness

Decisiveness is the main trait any successful entrepreneur needs to cultivate. From making decisions about the budget or day-to-day communication, maintaining the ability to decide and decide quickly remains imperative. I use mental models like Occam’s razor to run my life. For example, when presented with two options, I choose the simplest and I get a lot of significant work done.

Libby Rothschild, Dietitian Boss

8. A Realistic Mindset

Be realistic! An entrepreneur’s career is full of ups and downs, which are part of the learning process — and that’s a fact. Keeping your feet on the ground will save you much frustration when things don’t go the way you want. Instead, learn your lessons and keep moving. This will also help you to consider and prepare for multiple scenarios while adjusting along the way.

Riccardo Conte, Virtus Flow

9. Moxie

In order to be an entrepreneur, you must have some moxie. Being outspoken, direct, resilient and having the ability to persevere is something that most entrepreneurs have in common. You have moxie if you can get up after failing. Aspiring entrepreneurs can cultivate it by focusing on confidence. Stand up for what you believe in and don’t let others’ opinions or perceptions get in your way.

Jennifer A Barnes, Optima Office, Inc.

Small business planning for growth

10. The Ability to Follow Long-Term Plans

The ability to follow and execute on a long-term plan — meaning multiple years — without being sidetracked by mirages along the way or discouraged by inevitable ups and downs is so important. This requires you to learn multiple skills, including attention to detail, deep work and strategic vision (as opposed to tunnel vision, which trips up many entrepreneurs). 

Andrew Schrage, Money Crashers Personal Finance

11. A Willingness to Keep Learning

If you want to succeed as an entrepreneur, you should have an open mind toward learning. It’s important for you to realize that learning is an ongoing process. It can help you develop new skills that in turn can help you stay ahead of your competitors at all times.

Thomas Griffin, OptinMonster

12. A Self-Reflective Mind

One trait that can help aspiring entrepreneurs succeed is self-reflection. Embracing your mistakes and learning from them is the only way an entrepreneur can grow and be better than ever before. However, one can’t cultivate this skill by enrolling in a particular program. You have to have an open mind, give yourself the freedom to make mistakes and foster the courage to learn from them.

Stephanie Wells, Formidable Forms

13. Resilience

Resilience is one of the most important traits you can develop as an entrepreneur. The journey is going to have high highs and low lows, and it will be your ability to push through and persevere during this time that will be the difference between success and failure. To develop resilience, develop a positive mindset, build a strong support system, understand your purpose and look after yourself.

Zane Stevens, Protea Financial

14. The Ability to Thrive on Ambiguity

The cornerstone of entrepreneurial success is in the ability to accept and thrive on ambiguity. I have found that navigating the unpredictable landscape of business ventures requires you to possess a flexible mindset that can accommodate constant change and capitalize on emerging opportunities. Always stay updated with the latest developments and treat every change as an opportunity to grow.

Vikas Agrawal, Infobrandz

5 Proven Marketing Strategies for Promoting Your Campground Tue, 09 May 2023 14:10:37 +0000 If you want to attract more customers and make your campground stand out, look no further! We have five proven marketing strategies to make your campground the most popular in your area.

A campground business, in its truest form, sells unforgettable experiences. Your campers are as essential to it as the campsite and its equipment, and they should know about your campground before they even step foot in it.

The good news is you can achieve this quickly by strategic marketing and exercising your creativity!

In this article, we’ll discuss five campground marketing strategies proven to promote your business and increase your reach by a mile, including how to use campground reservation software to your advantage.

1. Make a Website

While news of your campground may spread from word of mouth, people often check online for more information. Most importantly, they check to ensure your campground’s legitimacy, so ensure you make a website. Even a simple homepage with a few subpages can do the trick.

The website should ideally be hosted through a domain that includes your location and your property’s name. Many owners use Facebook or social media to promote their campgrounds, but a website’s capabilities differ significantly. However, we suggest hosting your campsite on a campground reservation software where it’s more likely to be seen and shared by multiple campers.

Low-cost to free website building options include WordPress, Wix, and Squarespace, which contain various templates.

A well-designed website will impress viewers and leave them curious to experience the real deal. It’s a great way to flaunt all your campground facilities, eco-friendly practices, and, most importantly, scenic beauty.

For example, campgrounds in Houston are packed to the brim, not just because they have countless picturesque locations but also because those locations are marketed appropriately online.

Additionally, your website will appear in search engine results, allowing for optimization. If a camper searches for something that contains keywords on your website, it’ll pop up on their screen. Hence, we advise you to include as many keywords as possible.

2. Try Influencer Marketing

Since social media is expanding, influencers can help you significantly boost your business. It’s helpful to seek out influencers or vloggers who are fans of the outdoors and adventure.

Health and wellness influencers are also a good option, as their viewers are potential customers. Furthermore, you can partner with eco-friendly activists online if your campground practices sustainability.

Offering them discounts or free stays in exchange for a video or posts about your campground can do wonders for its reach. It will also help to identify your target market and pick an influencer based on their preferences and your campground’s ethos. An endorsement from a beauty blogger won’t boost your business as much as a hiking enthusiast will.

Don’t forget to repost all the content the influencer posts, as this helps increase your Instagram reach. We advise you to build a rapport with them, as this can allow you both to build a creative and attractive endorsement online.

Man in the campground using smartphone
photo credit: Uriel Mont / Pexels

3. Clear Objectives for Social Media Ads

Social media can also be daunting, especially for small business owners, because of its vast size. There are a multitude of options within just one platform. Luckily, you can speed up your process and attract more customers by streamlining your ads.

Choosing your target audience is the first step. It’s important to consider what platforms they use most often and what you want them to do when they see your advertisement.

Your ads should be easy to read, enticing, and offer a clear call to action. For instance, you can create an ad for a holiday discount and have a link to avail of the said discount.

Ensure you create a sense of urgency and thrill in your ads so customers can reserve a campsite or visit your website for more information.

4. Use One Primary Social Media Platform

Spreading your campsite’s online presence too thin or thick won’t attract new customers. However, sticking to one platform and consistency is an easy and guaranteed way to gain a following fast.

Being on many platforms at once can compromise the quality of your content if you don’t have an extensive marketing team. Furthermore, it can create inconsistencies in your branding, so it’s best to stick to just one. Keep your posts and pictures updated and manage your replies on time. People are more likely to engage if they get fast replies in a friendly and professional tone.

Your target audience also plays a role in this, so we advise you to familiarize yourself and the staff with the platform they use the most.

Using all the options within one platform can reach people far and wide. For example, going live on Instagram to show them a bonfire experience can offer viewers an intimate look into your campground.

Once you have built a considerable following, you can even include yourself and your staff in photos and videos on your platform. This can help viewers feel even more connected and encourage them to join the fun.

5. Text Campers With Their Permission

SMS marketing is a rising competitor to email, so we recommend you try it out. Text response rates are much higher than emails, which is better for your business. Texts are short, sweet, and easier to read than lengthy, formal emails.

Taking their permission is vital, as unsolicited messages can become a nuisance for your campers. Once they have opted in, you can spread your message faster and to more people simultaneously. You can text them about changes in the weather, reminders for specific events, and even notify them of last-minute changes.

Furthermore, you can entice them with texts telling them to extend their stay and keeping them up to date with any discounts you may be offering. SMS marketing is also a great tool to keep former campers in the loop and encourage them to return and bring more friends.

Campground people


In conclusion, you can boost your campground’s popularity and get more customers in no time by curating your online presence, building a website, and SMS marketing. Remember, the key is to stay consistent with your marketing.

By implementing these strategies, you will soon be entertaining lots more campers, who may just become loyal for life.

Appointment Setting tips For B2B Entrepreneurs Fri, 05 May 2023 11:17:43 +0000 Appointment setting in B2B business refers to the process of scheduling a meeting between a sales representative and a potential client. The goal of appointment setting is to establish a connection with the prospective customer, introduce the product or service, and explore the potential for a business relationship.

Appointment setting is an important part of the sales process as it allows the sales representative to demonstrate their expertise, understand the client’s needs and challenges, and showcase the benefits of their solution. Here are some top tips for B2B entrepreneurs looking to set appointments.

photo credit: Kampus Production / Pexels

Understand Your Target Audience

Before attempting to schedule an appointment with a potential client, it’s crucial to have a solid understanding of their business and their needs.

Take the time to research their company, industry, and pain points. This will help you tailor your approach to their specific needs and show that you understand their business. Additionally, it’s important to identify the decision-makers within the organization and tailor your message to their level of expertise and responsibilities.

gPrepare a Compelling Value Proposition

A value proposition in B2B business is a clear and concise statement that describes the unique benefits of a product or service and how it solves the customer’s problem. It’s a crucial element in the sales and marketing strategy of a company as it communicates the value of their offering to potential clients.

A well-crafted value proposition can differentiate a company from competitors and increase their chances of winning new business. You may want to hire an appointment setter who has experience in preparing value propositions.

When reaching out to a potential client, it’s important to have a clear and compelling value proposition that clearly communicates the value of your product or service. Your message should be tailored to the client’s specific needs and challenges and show how your solution can help them achieve their business goals.

Use Multi-Channel Outreach

In today’s digital age, there are numerous channels available for reaching out to potential clients. Email, social media, and phone calls are all effective methods for reaching out to potential clients. However, using a multi-channel approach is the best way to increase your chances of connecting with them.

By using a combination of channels, you can increase your visibility and stay at the front of your potential clients’ minds.

Scheduling for calls and appointments

Use Appointment Scheduling Tools

Appointment scheduling tools can help streamline the appointment setting process and make it more efficient. These tools allow you to automate the scheduling process, send reminders, and can even be integrated with your CRM system.

By using these tools, you can reduce the time and effort required to schedule appointments and focus on building relationships with potential clients.

Follow Up and Follow Through

Following up with potential clients is critical to the success of your appointment setting efforts. It’s important to stay at the front of your clients’ minds and demonstrate your commitment to helping them solve their business challenges. After scheduling an appointment, be sure to send a confirmation email and any relevant materials. After the appointment, follow up with a thank you email and any next steps.

By following up and following through, you can build trust and credibility with potential clients and increase your chances of closing a deal.

Win-Win or Walk Away? 10 Business Negotiation Tactics To Adopt Wed, 03 May 2023 12:40:29 +0000 In the world of business, negotiation skills are crucial for success. Whether you’re closing deals, securing partnerships, or resolving conflicts, the ability to negotiate effectively can make or break your outcomes. But what separates a good negotiator from a great one?

This article delves into the art of business negotiation, exploring the strategies and tactics that can help you achieve win-win outcomes or make the tough decision to walk away.

1. Understanding the Importance of Preparation

Successful negotiations start well in advance of the discussion itself. The secret is to plan. Find out about the parties, their interests, and any potential areas of agreement. Decide on your own aims and objectives as well as your BATNA (best alternative to a negotiated agreement), or the point at which leaving the negotiation becomes a possibility.

Being well-prepared gives you the knowledge, assurance, and flexibility you need to negotiate well.

2. Building Rapport and Active Listening

Establishing rapport and building a positive relationship with the other party is critical. Show genuine interest, engage in active listening, and seek to understand their perspective. By creating a comfortable environment and demonstrating empathy, you pave the way for open communication and collaboration.

Remember, negotiation is not a zero-sum game; it’s about finding mutually beneficial solutions.

3. Building Trust

Trust is the foundation of successful negotiations. Be reliable, honest, and transparent in your dealings. Follow through on commitments and communicate openly. Building trust establishes a solid working relationship, facilitating smoother negotiations and the resolution of potential conflicts.

4. Employing Effective Communication

Communication is the lifeblood of negotiation. Choose your words carefully, using clear and concise language to convey your points effectively. Practice assertiveness without aggression, maintaining a calm and composed demeanor. Ask open-ended questions to encourage dialogue and uncover underlying interests. Nonverbal cues, such as body language and tone of voice, also play a significant role in conveying your intentions and understanding the other party.

5. Making Use of Negotiation Techniques and Strategies

Using effective negotiation techniques and methods can help you get what you want. Setting high expectations (aiming for more than you anticipate to obtain), making calculated concessions, and using the “good cop, bad cop” strategy when negotiating as a team are a few methods that are frequently used. However, it is crucial to employ these strategies sensibly and morally, keeping a concentration on long-term relationships and trust-building.

Business negotiation for a better deal

6. Recognizing When to Walk Away

As much as we strive for win-win outcomes, there are instances where walking away becomes the best choice. If the negotiation reaches an impasse, the other party is unwilling to negotiate in good faith, or the terms are no longer aligned with your goals, it may be time to reassess.

Knowing your BATNA helps determine when to gracefully exit a negotiation and pursue alternative options that offer better prospects.

7. Managing Emotions

Keep emotions in check during negotiations. Emotional reactions can cloud judgment and hinder effective communication. Stay composed, practice emotional intelligence, and focus on the facts and objectives at hand. By maintaining a calm demeanor, you create an environment conducive to productive discussions.

8. Finding Creative Solutions

Think outside the box and explore creative solutions that meet the interests of all parties involved. Brainstorm alternative options, consider trade-offs, and propose innovative ideas. By expanding the realm of possibilities, you increase the chances of reaching a mutually beneficial agreement.

9. Focusing on Interests, Not Positions

Reaching win-win solutions requires a change from positional bargaining to interest-based negotiation. Instead than rigidly sticking to certain requirements, concentrate on the underlying motives and interests that drive each party. Investigate original approaches to these issues in order to widen the range of potential outcomes and boost the likelihood of discovering points of agreement.

Both parties can leave feeling fulfilled by pursuing benefits that benefit both of them.

10. Continuous Learning and Adaptation

Continuously seek opportunities for learning and improvement in the field of negotiation. Stay updated on the latest trends, techniques, and best practices. Reflect on your negotiation experiences and identify areas for growth. Adapt your approach based on the specific context and parties involved, as each negotiation presents unique challenges and dynamics.

Business sales negotiation


Business negotiation is a multifaceted skill that can significantly impact the success of your endeavors. By employing these 10 strategies and tactics, including thorough preparation, effective communication, interest-based negotiation, and knowing when to walk away, you can navigate the negotiation process with greater confidence and achieve win-win outcomes.

Remember that negotiating is a dynamic and continuing activity, and that improving your negotiation skills over time requires ongoing learning and adaptation. With training and experience, you can hone your negotiating skills to the point where you can forge successful business alliances and advance your endeavors.

11 Tips You Won’t Want to Forget When Setting Up Your Online Store Mon, 01 May 2023 13:17:05 +0000 Whether they’re using a streamlined platform like Shopify or are building their site from scratch, what’s one tip new entrepreneurs won’t want to forget when setting up their online store? Why?

These answers are provided by Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization comprised of the world’s most successful young entrepreneurs. YEC members represent nearly every industry, generate billions of dollars in revenue each year, and have created tens of thousands of jobs. Learn more at

1. Prioritize Your Site’s Performance

When setting up an online store from scratch or by using platforms like Shopify, always prioritize your website’s performance. This means getting the basics right for your site and looking into matters like your load time, navigation, broken links, unoptimized images, code density, content delivery network (CDN) concerns and caching issues. A website with a clunky user experience won’t get you anywhere.

Jared Atchison, WPForms

2. Consider Sales Tax Implications

One thing that new entrepreneurs overlook when setting up their first online store is the sales tax implications of selling online. Depending on your products and your customers’ locations, you may be required to collect and remit sales tax. Meet with your CPA to make sure you understand the sales tax laws and nexus rules before starting your online store. It will save you a world of headache.

Shaun Conrad, Number2 CPA Exam Resources

3. Think About the User Experience

Prioritize the user experience to ensure success. A well-designed UX fosters customer satisfaction and boosts sales by making it easy for shoppers to navigate, find products and complete transactions. Focus on a clean layout, intuitive navigation, responsive design for mobile and fast load times. This can help convert visitors into loyal customers and they can grow their businesses more effectively.

Jinny Hyojin Oh, WANDR

Improving website security

4. Ensure You’re Up to Date on Security and Browser Trends

Be up to date on security and browser trends. If a customer is getting a warning by just accessing your website, you’ve already lost a customer. To make sure your online store is secure, you can take several steps, such as updating your site and plugins on a regular schedule, choosing a reliable hosting provider and implementing an SSL certificate. Once you have a secure site, the sky’s the limit!

Shu Saito, SpiroPure

5. Include Detailed Product Landing Pages

If you’re in the process of starting your first online store, don’t forget to create detailed product landing pages. On each landing page, include a list of features and benefits. Users need to know how your product or service will improve their lives before they make a purchase, and product pages are by far the easiest way to relay this information.

John Turner, SeedProd LLC

6. Build an Email List as Soon as Possible

One thing to remember when setting up your online store is that it’s never too early to start building your email list. Create a “coming soon” page as a placeholder on your site until it’s finished. Promote your new brand on social media and ask people to subscribe for the latest updates. You’re far more likely to see sales on day one if you have an email list packed with prospects.

Chris Christoff, MonsterInsights

7. Focus on Search Engine Optimization

One tip new entrepreneurs should remember when setting up their online store is prioritizing search engine optimization (SEO) from the beginning. This includes conducting thorough keyword research, optimizing on-page elements such as title tags and meta descriptions and building quality backlinks to the site. Properly optimizing the site for SEO can help increase brand awareness and sales.

Miles Jennings,

Data privacy

8. Implement Practices to Guarantee User Privacy

One crucial aspect to consider when setting up your online store is user privacy. This is because protecting your customers’ personal information is becoming increasingly essential for building trust and maintaining a strong brand reputation. To ensure user privacy, you must implement strong encryption protocols, use a secure payment gateway and have a clear and transparent privacy policy.

Kelly Richardson, Infobrandz

9. Keep It Simple

Keep things simple, and don’t get carried away with all the bells and whistles at your disposal. Early on, it’s best to focus on getting a functional site live that makes it easy for visitors to find and purchase whatever you’re selling. A simple approach helps eliminate distractions from your site and helps ensure a frictionless shopping experience.

Ian Blair, BuildFire

10. Pay Attention to Your ‘Checkout Flow’

When setting up your online store, pay attention to your checkout flow. Most people will leave a website with items in their cart if the checkout process is clunky or missing key features. I suggest including an “always on” shopping cart, a minimal payment form, a progress bar and multiple ways to pay to maximize your conversion rate.

Daman Jeet Singh, FunnelKit

11. Optimize for Mobile

Optimizing for mobile is crucial when setting up an online store. With more and more customers using their mobile devices to browse and shop, it’s important to ensure your website is mobile-friendly and offers a seamless user experience. Failing to do so could lead to a significant loss in potential sales and customers due to frustrations during shopping.

Andrew Saladino, Kitchen Cabinet Kings

Thriving in a Small Pond: How Small Businesses Can Compete and Win Mon, 17 Apr 2023 16:28:17 +0000 As a small business owner, you may sometimes feel like you’re swimming in a small pond, surrounded by bigger fish. But don’t let that discourage you! With the right strategies and mindset, you can thrive in a small pond and even outcompete your larger competitors.

Here are some tips on how to do just that:

1. Focus on Your Niche

One of the advantages of being a small business is that you can specialize in a particular niche or market segment. By focusing on a specific area, you can tailor your products or services to meet the unique needs of your customers. This can make you more competitive than larger companies that try to appeal to a broad audience.

2. Build Personal Relationships

Small businesses have a unique advantage in that they can build personal relationships with their customers. Take the time to get to know your customers and build a loyal following. Offer personalized service, send handwritten notes or thank-you cards, and respond quickly to customer inquiries. By building a strong relationship with your customers, you can create a loyal base of customers who will stick with you even when larger competitors come knocking.

3. Leverage Technology

Just because you’re a small business doesn’t mean you can’t leverage technology to compete with larger companies. Use social media, email marketing, and other digital tools to connect with customers and promote your brand. Consider using customer relationship management software to keep track of customer interactions and provide personalized service. By leveraging technology, you can operate more efficiently and effectively than larger competitors who may be slower to adopt new tools.

Craftman using a tablet PC

4. Emphasize Quality over Quantity

As a small business, you may not have the resources to produce or sell as much as your larger competitors. However, you can make up for this by emphasizing quality over quantity. Focus on producing high-quality products or providing exceptional service. By providing a superior experience, you can differentiate yourself from larger competitors who may prioritize quantity over quality.

5. Be Nimble and Adaptable

One of the advantages of being a small business is that you can be more nimble and adaptable than larger competitors. Take advantage of this by staying attuned to market trends and changing customer needs. Don’t be afraid to pivot your business strategy if necessary. By being responsive to changes in the market, you can stay competitive and thrive in a small pond.

6. Collaborate with Other Small Businesses

Collaborating with other small businesses can help you expand your reach and offer more value to your customers. Consider partnering with other businesses in your community to offer joint promotions or services. By working together, you can pool resources and expertise, and provide a more comprehensive experience for your customers.

Enhancing customer experience

7. Offer Exceptional Customer Service

As a small business, you have the opportunity to offer exceptional customer service that larger companies may not be able to match. Make sure you prioritize customer service in everything you do. Train your employees to be friendly and responsive, and make sure you’re available to answer customer inquiries and resolve any issues promptly. By providing exceptional customer service, you can build a loyal base of customers who will recommend your business to others.

8. Build a Strong Brand

Building a strong brand can help you stand out in a crowded marketplace. Define your brand identity and make sure it’s consistent across all your marketing materials and customer interactions. Use your brand to tell your story and connect with your customers on an emotional level. By building a strong brand, you can create a sense of loyalty and trust with your customers.

9. Stay Financially Disciplined

As a small business, it’s important to stay financially disciplined and avoid taking on too much debt or overspending. Make sure you have a solid financial plan in place, and track your expenses and revenue closely. Look for ways to cut costs without sacrificing quality, and make sure you have a plan in place for unexpected expenses. By staying financially disciplined, you can weather any ups and downs and ensure the long-term success of your business.

10. Stay True to Your Values

Finally, it’s important to stay true to your values as a small business. Define your mission and values, and make sure you’re living up to them in everything you do. Don’t compromise your values for short-term gains, and make sure you’re always acting in the best interests of your customers and community. By staying true to your values, you can build a strong reputation and create a business that truly makes a difference.

small business owner

To Conclude…

In conclusion, small businesses can thrive in a small pond by focusing on their niche, building personal relationships, leveraging technology, emphasizing quality, and being nimble and adaptable. With the right strategies and mindset, you can compete and win against larger competitors. So embrace your smallness and use it to your advantage.

Surviving the Challenges of Small Business Ownership: Lessons Learned Mon, 10 Apr 2023 14:38:51 +0000 Owning a small business can be very gratifying, but there’s no denying that it’s also difficult. It may seem like there is always something to be done, whether it is due to budgetary difficulties, staffing concerns, or unending demands on your time and energy.

The good news is that you can overcome these difficulties and succeed as a small business owner if you have the correct attitude and plans in place. The following are some things we can learn from individuals who have been there.

Lesson #1: Expect the Unexpected

The fact that anything can happen at any time is one of the most crucial skills small business entrepreneurs acquire. Curveballs like unforeseen costs, market shifts, and staffing concerns are just a few that can be thrown at you. The secret is to have a strong business plan in place, keep a healthy cash flow, and be adaptable enough to pivot when necessary in order to be ready for these obstacles.

Lesson #2: Build a Solid Team

Your workforce makes up the majority of your company, no matter how fantastic your product or service may be. It’s vital to work with people that share your vision and are motivated to put in a lot of effort to make it a reality. Additionally, it’s crucial to support the professional growth of your staff members and give them the tools they require for success.

Lesson #3: Stay on Top of your Finances

Managing finances is one of the main difficulties small business owners encounter. Maintaining correct records, being aware of your cash flow, and being on top of your taxes are crucial. In the long term, consulting a financial expert can prove to be a wise investment.

Lesson #4: Embrace Technology

Technology might be a small business owner’s best friend in the current digital era. There are numerous technologies available to help you optimize company operations and attract new clients, from social media marketing to e-commerce platforms to project management software. However, it’s crucial to pick the appropriate technology for your company and make efficient use of it.

Happy customer at a coffee shop

Lesson #5: Take Care of Yourself

It can be exhausting to run a small business, but it’s crucial to put your personal health and wellbeing first. Setting limits, assigning duties, and taking pauses as needed are all examples of this. Small business entrepreneurs face a real risk of burnout, so taking care of yourself will ultimately help your company and you personally.

Lesson #6: Network and Collaborate

In order to share ideas, best practices, and resources, developing ties with other small business owners and entrepreneurs can be quite beneficial. Attend neighborhood networking functions, sign up for trade associations, and whenever possible, look for collaborative opportunities.

Lesson #7: Stay Focused on Your Vision

It might be simple to lose sight of your vision and goal amid all the difficulties and responsibilities that come with running a small business. But it’s crucial to keep your attention on what makes your company unique and what you want to accomplish. You can stay on course by regularly reviewing and revising your company plan.

Small business owner using AI apps on laptop


In conclusion, running a small business can be a rewarding and hard experience. You may overcome the difficulties and succeed as a small business owner by being prepared for the unexpected, developing a solid team, managing your finances well, embracing technology, caring for yourself, networking and collaborating, and remaining committed to your mission.

Keep in mind that there are a ton of resources out there to help you achieve; you are not alone. Good luck as you pursue your entrepreneurial dreams!
