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Get your business online

Is selling online over-saturated? No way! It’s still very doable to make money from anywhere with a laptop. You just need to learn how to sell online and have the dedication to make it work.

This guide will give you proven methods to sell products and services online with insights from people making money using digital platforms. Plus, we’re sharing tips for building your own website and the secrets to selling with social media.

How to start selling online

Before jumping in and making your first sale, you need to know what you’re selling and who to. Through market research, you will find the answers.

Do market research

Once you’ve brainstormed the products or services that you’d like to sell online, you’ll need to see if there’s a market for those products. To do this, there are market research tools online that you can use.

Market research involves gathering information about your target market, competitors and industry trends. The goal is to determine whether or not your ideas are likely to make money and, if they are, how you can reach an audience interested in buying from you.

Market research includes:

  • Competitor analysis to see what others are doing and what works for them. You need to look at where you fit within the market, what makes you stand out and what you can offer that competitors don’t.
  • Analyzing online forums where your audience hangs out to build a picture of who your audience is and what they need so that you can target them better.
  • Look for trends to discover products people are looking for now.

Top tip: When it comes to identifying trends, you can use Google Trends, which is a free tool. Search the product or service you’re considering selling and see how interested people are.

For example, a search for ‘buy selfie stick’ shows that searches for this product peaked in 2018 and have steadily declined in search volume; probably not the product for you right now.

Google Trends can help you choose what to sell online. The screenshot shows a steady decline for the keyword ‘buy selfie stick’.

Searches for air fryers, on the other hand, increased in 2020 and have remained relatively stable ever since.

Google Trends can help you choose what to sell online. The screenshot shows a stable search volume for the keyword ‘buy air fryer. An air fryer may be a great choice of product to sell online.

Google Trends can help you choose what to sell online. The screenshot shows a stable search volume for the keyword ‘buy air fryer. An air fryer may be a great choice of product to sell online.

Choose a niche and product

If you’re starting your online selling venture from scratch, it’s best to start with a niche product or service.

Niching allows you to build out an audience looking to solve a specific problem. You will get to know your buyer deeply, and only then can you provide them with all the reasons why your chosen product or service helps them.

Top tip: it will help if you genuinely like and believe in what you’re selling, especially if you’re going to sell on social media (more on that later).

Choose a platform or create an online store

The key to choosing a platform – or platforms – is not to spread yourself too thinly. If you’ve done your market research thoroughly enough, you will already have an idea of where your audience is hanging out online.

Top tip: consider your time. You are better off covering fewer platforms well than covering many badly. You can always scale later.

Market and sell

Once you’ve covered the above, it’s time to jump into your marketing plan. You’ll need a marketing plan that considers the buyer funnel. Think about the content you need to create to persuade prospective customers to buy from you. You will also want to build trust as part of your marketing strategy.

Top tip: sites like Reddit and Quora are free and provide insight into your audiences, their problems, their issues with competitors and so much more. The same applies to Google’s People Also Ask.

Sticking with the idea of selling air fryers, a quick search of the word ‘air fryers’ returns commonly asked questions about pros and cons.

Screenshot of Google’s People Also Ask shows questions about air fryers asking mostly about advantages and disadvantages. The screenshot shows how someone selling this product might want to answer these buyer queries.

Screenshot of Google’s People Also Ask shows questions about air fryers asking mostly about advantages and disadvantages. The screenshot shows how someone selling this product might want to answer these buyer queries.

Now that you’ve got your marketing plan started, it’s time to choose a platform for selling online.

Sell on your own online store

You can’t sell online without a digital store or platform. While you can sell on social media (more on this later), an owned channel like a website can become an asset over time.

Here’s some guidance on setting up your own platform.

Choose a domain

Check your desired domain name is available and buy online. Your domain name should be the same as your business name. It should be memorable, easy to spell, and relevant.

Create your store

Create an online store using GoDaddy’s Website Builder and set up shop within a day. You can add products, take payments and sell online from anywhere in the world.

Add payment processing

You need to integrate your online store with a payment gateway to accept payments. The gateway you choose comes down to personal preferences, terms and conditions and transaction fees.

PayPal is free to integrate but may charge a higher rate per sale, but if you want to test your ecommerce store before committing to a gateway like Stripe, PayPal can be a good start.

Manage inventory

Inventory management is crucial for any ecommerce business, especially if you receive orders online. If you have physical products, your inventory must match what’s available online; otherwise, your risk selling more products than you have in stock, resulting in disappointed customers.

If you’re selling online and offline, stock inventory can get more complicated as you must regularly update your online inventory.  Larger businesses have inventory management systems for this, but as a start-up, you can sometimes manage inventory updates with good administration.

Choose a shipping provider

Shipping can get rather complex, especially if you’re planning on handling international orders. You need to think about shipping costs and how you will manage them. Some businesses choose to absorb shipping so there’s no obvious cost to the buyer. Of course, if you do this, shipping costs should be factored into your product price.

Shipping calculations vary, but here are some options.

  • Flat-rate shipping is as it sounds. The business charges the same shipping cost for all packages, regardless of weight or distance. Flat-rate shipping should be carefully monitored. With a flat rate, your business expects to profit on some purchases and lose on others, especially if you’re shipping internationally. Flat-rate will only work if the profits and losses are approximately balanced.
  • Actual cost is a calculation where the business calculates the exact shipping cost for each package and charges this to the customer. This is usually done automatically at checkout using a shipping calculator. The calculation will take into account location, weight, size and more.

You can incentivize a purchase with free shipping, and you can also offer more expensive shopping options for faster delivery.

Top tip: Test your shopping experience before you start. You must ensure your prospective customers have a seamless experience from finding you to buying. That means no broken checkout.

Sell on Marketplaces

Marketplaces like Amazon, Etsy, eBay and Craigslist offer excellent opportunities to reach a broad audience and sell your products. Service-based businesses can try Freelancer, Upwork, Toptal and more.

You can sell on many of these marketplaces and your website. You can try the marketplaces and see how they perform.

Naturally, each marketplace will take a percentage of the sale, so you’ll need to factor that in.


Any ecommerce brand should at least try out Amazon. It is a search engine for products, and some of your buyers will go to Amazon before Google.


  • Amazon is one of the largest ecommerce marketplaces.
  • It’s simple to set up a seller account and list your products.
  • Users may use Amazon as a search engine rather than Google, so you’re reaching a new audience.


  • Amazon has over two million sellers, so you need good product photography to stand out.
  • For users to find you on Amazon, you need to know a little about Amazon SEO.


Etsy is a popular marketplace for crafts, handmade and vintage products. But Etsy is also an excellent marketplace for digital products like guides, ebooks and more.


  • If your product is crafty, handmade or vintage, you can know that users are heading to Etsy to find it.
  • It’s cheap to start selling.


  • It is a busy marketplace with lots of sellers.
  • You don’t have the same control over your Etsy store as you do your store.
  • Customers often expect personalization on Etsy.


eBay is one of the oldest ecommerce marketplaces. By now, most of us have probably sold (or tried to sell) something on eBay.


  • It’s familiar.
  • You may already have an account with some reviews to build trust.


  • eBay’s UX isn’t as friendly as some alternatives.


Craigslist is a classified advertisements website that allows you to sell products locally.


  • There are no fees
  • You can sell locally, which helps with shipping fees if you want to keep your business geographically small.


  • Local sales only can be limiting once you have the desire to grow.

Sell on social media

Once the products or services are available to buy, your first task is to drive traffic to the site. Here are some tips for promoting and selling your products digitally.

Social media

Social media is a great place to build an audience and, importantly, a brand. Through social media, you get to know your audience, and they get to know you; social media is personal.


TikTok is a platform credited for its generous algorithm providing accounts with excellent reach. As one of the fastest-growing platforms with over 1 billion users, your audience is likely hanging out there.

Mia Steele is a TikTok creator who began monetizing content in April 2022. She reports great success on the platform.

Steele says, “In less than six weeks of posting on TikTok and diving into User Generated Content (UGC), I began monetizing my content. I managed to replace my income by creating content and ads for brands.

“As my TikTok following grew, I even sold my own digital products to my audience.”

Steele’s top tip for a successful social media account is, ‘Devote time to cultivate and nurture your own audience, so you can capitalize on the traffic to sell your own products.’

TikTok also has TikTok Shop that you can access once you have 1,000 followers. TikTok Shop allows you to take a commission from items promoted and sold within your videos.

Facebook and Instagram

Like TikTok, you can grow an audience on Facebook and follow the path of selling digital products. Facebook and Instagram also have Shop functionality to sell products directly on the platform.

Facebook and Instagram benefit from the ability to post from Instagram to Facebook automatically, which will save you time.


Pinterest allows you to create a shoppable feed to list your products and sell them directly on the platform. You can also use Pinterest to drive traffic to your online store or blog.

Pinterest marketer Kayla Ihrig says, “The best way to make money on Pinterest is by making pins that lead to your services or products. Unlike other platforms where you need to constantly share valuable information to market your product or service, on Pinterest, users are searching for it and just want to be able to find it. Creators need to create images or videos (called pins) that display what they offer and then optimize them for search. Then, when a user searches for a solution to their problem, they find your content and go back to your website.”

Ihrig’s pin, pictured below, is the perfect example of a pin that leads a user to her service-based site.

Screenshot of a Pinterest pin demonstrating Pinterest done well. The pin links to a website where a sale can be made online.

Screenshot of a Pinterest pin demonstrating Pinterest done well. The pin links to a website where a sale can be made online.

Selling on social media opens a window of opportunity for entrepreneurs. You can sell your own products and services or explore affiliate and email marketing, which you can advertise in tandem with your platform.

Affiliate marketing

With a combination of your website and social media, you could sell products online without actually owning or stocking a single item. Ideal for the entrepreneur craving ultimate freedom.

With affiliate marketing, you take a percentage of sales made via your channels using trackable affiliate URLs.

Mia Steele drives traffic from her social media following of 20,000 to her website. She started with a domain name from GoDaddy and started her journey into affiliate marketing.  Steele says, “Within just seven months, I had joined more than 15 affiliate programs, built an email list of over 3000 subscribers, and earned over $90,000 in commissions by promoting products on TikTok and through my blog.”

The key, Steele says, is “Building your email list from day one. I underestimated the power of an email list until I ventured into affiliate marketing, and I regretted not starting earlier. Having a compelling free lead magnet and consistently producing high-quality content to drive traffic to your offers will be the key to your success.”

Email marketing

Email marketing is a cost-effective way to reach your target audience and promote your products. Done well, every email you send can make money. At least, this is the case for the team at Siligrams.

Arlene Battishill, Chief Marketing Officer, says, “Our email marketing is killing it with an average 55% open rate. Every email makes money. A recent email marketing campaign – a series of 10 daily emails – had an average 63% open rate because the campaign was nothing but stories and bad jokes and had absolutely nothing to do with our product!”

The secret to Battishill’s campaigns is consistency and humor; not every email is a sales plea that likely contributes to the sales success. Siligrams choose to humor and engage their audience instead of going for a hard sell. Remember, people buy from people.

Top tip: you can create and send stylish emails in bulk using GoDaddy’s marketing suite.

Trust the process when selling online

If it were easy, everyone would do it. Although the online selling path is simple, it requires dedication. Commit to your product, trust the process and be consistent.

As a budding entrepreneur, you have a lot to explore, and a platform that works for one business may not work for another, so be bold and experiment.

Sell online FAQ

Finally, we’re answering some of the most asked questions when it comes to selling online.

How do I sell online for the first time?

Your first online sale is the result of small steps made consistently. Follow the steps in this guide, from idea generation and market research to marketing and set-up, and you will make your first sale.

What are the most profitable items to sell online?

The most profitable items to sell online vary based on trends, but some items stand the test of time. These items include SaaS products via affiliate marketing since you earn recurring revenue.

For physical products, you can explore items in the following categories:

  • electronics
  • fashion accessories
  • beauty products
  • home decor
  • health and wellness

Naturally, these categories are also some of the most competitive, and you should consider the challenges. For example, electronics can go wrong, resulting in customer service issues and refund requests. Health and wellness is challenging to build authority in, especially if you’re relying on a new, owned website to sell from.

How can I sell products online legally?

The legal requirements for selling online can vary, and you must research to ensure you comply fully with laws and regulations.  You must consider registering your business, correctly paying your taxes, and customer privacy and security. Advertising online also requires you to adhere to rules and regulations, from product information to the types of images and ad copy.

What is the easiest platform to sell online?

Ease of use is a priority for any platform that allows you to sell online. You can set up an eBay, Etsy or Amazon store within a day. The platforms are already geared to helping people like you sell.

If you want to own your platform, which is not a good idea, website builders help you set up shop as quickly and efficiently as possible.

How to bring your brick-and-mortar store online Mon, 21 Mar 2022 16:23:02 +0000
IRL to online

It’s hard to keep relevant when you run an offline retail business.

Having an online store isn’t the exception, it’s the expectation, and when websites and commerce aren’t a part of a business strategy, it becomes increasingly difficult to remain resilient.

For instance, a recent IBM Retail Index report found the pandemic accelerated the shift toward ecommerce by roughly five years.

Meanwhile, in-store Black Friday sales dropped off a whopping 28% between 2021 and 2020 while online sales surged by 21% in the same period.

To adapt, many offline business owners find themselves launching online stores for the first time.

Others are making it easy for customers to order online and do curbside pickup.

And the savviest are experimenting with omnichannel selling, using their website to manage sales on Facebook, Instagram, and the other places their customers already spend their time.

If you haven’t done so already, the evidence is clear that it’s time to bring your brick-and-mortar store online.

In this post, we’ll walk you through everything you need to have a successful transition to selling online.

Table of contents

1. Research your ecommerce strategy

There are a variety of websites and tools you can use to understand consumer online shopping habits. Some sites that provide these insights for free through their blogs include eMarketer, McKinsey, PWC, Comscore, Pew Research, Nielsen IQ, and Think With Google Research Tools.

Take some time to research:

  • How do your target customers prefer to shop online?
  • When are they most likely to shop?
  • Which channels are they most likely to use to discover your site?

For example, your target customers may prefer using a mobile device versus their desktop. Others might prefer to contact your store online through text messages rather than email.

Knowing this will help you to choose the right ecommerce platform to build and host your website, and create customer experiences that meet or exceed expectations.

Install a web analytics tool to learn as you go

Moving beyond third party research, using a website analytics tool will show you how people actually interact with your site:

  • How your customers shop on your website after you launch
  • What are your most popular product pages
  • How they find your site through channels like search, social media, and blogs or traditional media sites

Google Analytics is free and is a popular option for many small business online retailers. To get started, watch this video which highlights some primary uses and benefits.

Ask your existing customers for help

If you already have a social media presence to promote your physical stores, you can also reach out through that channel to ask what your customers are looking for in an online store.

Their comments on various social channels can also give you insights into which products are the most popular and which ones they’d be likely to buy from you online.

Additionally, you can post an online survey on your social channels to find out what they might want in an ecommerce solution. Tools SurveyMonkey or Google Forms are an excellent place to start.

If you already have a customer email database in place, you can also send the survey out through that channel. It’s helpful to offer an incentive to get people to answer your questions, such as a gift card giveaway contest or a coupon code to use once your new site is live.

Research competitive ecommerce sites

Finally, take a look at your top competitors’ ecommerce websites and social media channels to see how they are targeting customers through savvy copywriting, design, and photography.

Make a list of the strengths and weaknesses of each site so that you can iterate on what works well for them and improve on what doesn’t.

2. Choose a reliable ecommerce website builder and hosting service

Once you’ve researched your market, the next step is to invest in the design, build, and launch of your ecommerce storefront.

Select and purchase a domain name

Likely, you’ll want a domain name that is an exact match to your business.

If the domain name you want is already taken or is too expensive, try for an abbreviated version of the name, or a different extension, such as .shop or .store for general ecommerce, or get more specific with .jewelry, .clothing and .coffee.

The price to purchase a domain name typically ranges from $2 to $20. However, there can be hidden costs. Refer to our domain name guide for more details on what to expect.

You can play around with different domain name options via this search box:


After you’ve selected a memorable URL, you’ll need to find a reliable website hosting service.

Many services — like GoDaddy’s online store — offer tools to build your own website for free.

Some things to look for in an ecommerce platform:

Accessibility: Your website hosting and design service provider should offer affordable (free or for a monthly fee), and easy-to-use templates. That’s for both an intuitive front-end design for customers and a back-end dashboard for managing orders and inventory.

They should also offer a variety of payment solutions and, preferably, a flat fee for service charges.

Customizability: Since it can get expensive to hire a graphic designer and website developer, the design templates offered by your service provider should be easily customizable and intuitive for anyone without a coding or design background.

Mobile-optimized: According to Oberlo, “nearly three out of every four dollars spent online today happen through a mobile device.” That’s why it’s critical that you select a mobile-optimized design theme and template for your new online store.

Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliant: Since credit card fraud and security breaches are a constant threat to ecommerce businesses, it’s crucial to find a service provider, like GoDaddy Payments and Online Store Builder, that comes with PCI compliance built into its ecommerce solution.

The business must also follow proper technical and operational standards, monitored by the PCI Security Standards Council, to secure and protect the data provided by credit cardholders which are transmitted through card processing transactions.

Secure sockets layer (SSL) certificate: SSL is a security protocol that creates an encrypted link between a web server and a web browser. When customers see a tiny lock icon beside your domain name URL in their web browser, they’ll rest assured that their online transactions and information are both private and secure.

Keep in mind that a robust, templated ecommerce store building solution should be available in one quick install, and should include:

  • An affordable website template/theme
  • Product pages
  • Shopping cart
  • An encrypted payment processing solution
  • Secure hosting for your site

3. Select an enticing store theme and template

Once you’ve selected your URL and platform, you’ll need a theme to suit your online store’s functionality and branding needs.

GoDaddy Online Store Builder offers multiple solutions to accommodate a variety of businesses — from selling goods and services to allowing customers to book appointments online.

GoDaddy online store templates

If you’re on a tight budget, start with a free theme or basic paid package (starting at $14.99/month) and re-evaluate your needs over time.

If you already have a managed WordPress website, you can also integrate WooCommerce themes and extensions to build an ecommerce storefront for your brick-and-mortar store that processes transactions using GoDaddy Payments.

Once your visual design is sorted, invest heavily in product descriptions and photography to appeal to as many of your visitor’s senses as possible.

If you’re creating copy and taking photographs yourself, here are  Just be sure you have the time to learn how to do it properly by watching videos or reading blogs on popular ecommerce sites.

4. Carefully select the products you want to sell online

While you already sell products in-store, you’ll need to decide which products to sell online. Between shipping, packaging, and a number of other factors, the margins on selling your products online can be very different than what you’re used to.

In those cases, you might want to take customer payments online but offer curbside pick-up, instead. You can also offer bundled solutions like the example below.

Other product and shipping considerations

When putting together your online product sales plan, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Will you feasibly be able to package your products yourself, or will you need to employ someone to help you with it? If so, then budget that cost into your shipping fees.
  • How are you going to store and track your inventory? You’ll need inventory-tracking software — ideally built into your ecommerce hosting and design solution. You can also use your stock room if you already have a physical storefront. Otherwise, you’ll need some sort of product storage solution.
  • How, when, and why are you adding new products to your website? Be strategic about adding the right items and consider seasonal sales items and discounts.

5. Choose your online sales channels

For example, you might want to sell and ship products exclusively online. On the other hand, you might want to offer customers the option of buying your products online and then coming to your store for curbside pickup.

In fact, “85% of shoppers have increased curbside pickup” since the pandemic started. And many of them want that pickup process to be completely contactless.

You can also offer contactless payment and other online shopping solutions in-store for customer convenience and safety.

Of course, the reverse can also be true where you can also have “online exclusive” products which can be used to encourage your in-store customers to shop online.

Select ecommerce payment providers

There are many options to choose from when selling online. The most common way is to sell your products via an online store or to add ecommerce functionality to your WordPress blog using WooCommerce.

In either case, you need a domain name and checkout page where customers can complete their transaction via their credit or debit card or using their preferred third-party payment provider like PayPal, Apple Pay, or GoDaddy Payments.

Many small businesses prefer to use a third-party payment provider. That’s because it minimizes your security risks by storing customer credit card data through an encrypted service via the payment provider and not on your site.

GoDaddy Payments lets small businesses sell via all major credit card and debit card providers, including Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover. It comes with advanced online encryption while maintaining the strictest payment card industry (PCI) compliance standards.

Likewise, your payment product questions and issues are managed 24/7 by GoDaddy’s customer support team.

GoDaddy Payments also offers the lowest fees (2.3% + 30¢ per online transaction) compared to other leading providers, and the money arrives in your account by the next business day. As a bonus, there are no long-term contracts, monthly minimums, or surprise fees to worry about.

It’s easy to set up your account in minutes, and you can manage all of your orders, inventory, customer reviews, and email in one place using the GoDaddy Online Store dashboard.

6. Consider your online payment solutions

If you don’t have the time, money, or resources to launch an ecommerce store right now, you can still sell online to customers using other sales channels.

GoDaddy Payments recently launched a variety of online sales solutions for small businesses.

Sell anywhere with shareable pay links

If you do most of your business with customers via text messages, email, social media or over the phone, you can process transactions using a customizable GoDaddy Payments Online Pay Link. Simply add your store branding and the cost of the transaction, then easily create and share a pay link with customers in minutes.

You can even transform a pay link into a scannable QR code with one click. Then post it or let customers print it anywhere to scan and pay in person quickly.

Via your GoDaddy Payments dashboard, select Pay Links and enter the price, description, and image for your payment request. Then, send your newly created payment link to your customer (through your preferred sales channel), and it’ll take them to a secure checkout page to complete their purchase.

After your customer completes the transaction, you’ll get paid by the next business day.

Related: GoDaddy Payments — Now available with Online Pay Links and Virtual Terminal

Turn your phone or computer into a virtual terminal

The new GoDaddy Payments Virtual Terminal allows you to accept credit card payments right from your computer, tablet, or smartphone.

It’s a simple, secure way to get paid when your customers aren’t standing in front of you (e.g., collecting credit card info over the phone). And you don’t need any extra hardware like a card reader to complete the transaction.

Simply log in to your GoDaddy account and open Virtual Terminal on your Payments dashboard. Then, take your customer’s credit card info, type it into Virtual Terminal, and confirm the charge. Again, you’ll receive your payment by the next business day.

Get a point-of-sale (POS) system for contactless payments

The global pandemic has also influenced a dramatic shift away from in-person cash payments to contactless payments. As a result, small businesses should look for innovative point-of-sale (POS) systems that allow them to evolve with their customers’ in-store payment preferences.

GoDaddy’s POS system offers a variety of payment hardware solutions, including contactless payments, with the lowest transactional fees (2.3% + 0¢) per in-person transaction.

It allows you to quickly and easily take credit and debit card payments, plus contactless payments with Apple Pay and Google Pay. Then you can track it all in your GoDaddy dashboard.

Additionally, you can connect GoDaddy’s POS with your GoDaddy Online Store to help unify and expand your selling and enable customers to buy online, pick up in-store, or book online and pay in-person.

You’ll also benefit from the following hardware solutions:

Dual screens: GoDaddy’s dual-screen POS makes checkout a breeze. Plus, the all-in-one terminal includes a built-in payment processor, scanner, printer, and security.

Tap, dip or swipe payments: You can use the included charging dock to go hands-free. One single battery charge keeps your sales going longer, and you can connect your Card Reader to your GoDaddy Mobile App to start taking quick and easy payments.

Peace of mind: Every GoDaddy POS checkout is PCI secure, and every device comes with a one-year limited warranty and thirty-day refund.

7. Market your new ecommerce site online and in-store

Once you’re ready to take your brick-and-mortar store online, it’s time to let your customers know about it.

There are several ways you can do this affordably — all of which will require an investment of your time at a minimum.

Encourage customer ratings and reviews

Consumers have always trusted opinions and product recommendations from their peers over advertising or PR messaging.

That’s why you should encourage your ecommerce customers to provide ratings and reviews on your product pages and learn how to appropriately respond to all online reviews — both positive and negative.

To use positive reviews and ratings as a promotional tool for your ecommerce business, refer to our comprehensive guide, which includes some helpful case studies.

Boost your social media activity and presence

Whether or not you already have a social media presence, it’s crucial to start boosting your online social activity and brand profile to drive traffic back to your new ecommerce website.

Creating and sharing valuable social media content is both an art and a science. Luckily we have created lots of content with tips and advice to help you do it properly.

You can start by watching the video below to learn how to think like a digital marketer to reach, engage, and convert customers on social media:

Next, read through our time-saving social media tips for business owners, and learn about other best practices to expand your reach and grow your business.

Build an email marketing database

Email is a highly targeted and effective way to increase ecommerce traffic and sales to your new ecommerce website. Start by gathering customer email addresses both in-store and online once you launch your site (if you haven’t done so already).

To incentivize customers, consider offering a 10% to 20% discount on their first order in exchange for their email opt-in to your newsletter. Then you can contact those customers whenever you’re doing a seasonal promotion or new product launch.

It’s equally important to set up an email report in analytics to help you track how your email campaigns perform in driving new sales transactions and site visits. To learn how, refer to our beginner’s guide to starting an email list.

GoDaddy Online Store Builder comes with built-in email marketing functionality. Have a look at this walkthrough to get started.

Use search engine optimization (SEO)

SEO is a highly effective yet often time-consuming traffic-driving strategy for your new ecommerce store. More than 80% of consumers frequently search online before they purchase a product or service. Likewise, “SEO drives ten times more traffic to a site than organic social media.”

Your best bet is to start small by creating engaging and educational content through a blog or through online videos, and work on building links back to your website through other websites.

To ensure your new ecommerce site appears in search engine results, read our SEO beginner’s guide or watch this video.

Advertise online

Once you’ve begun to build up your site traffic and are more aware of the most popular and highest-rated products on your site, you might want to invest in paid advertising.

Take a look at your website analytics to see which sites drive the most organic traffic to your online store. Then invest in advertising with those sites to drive even more targeted traffic back to your top product pages.

Watch this video for tips on how to get started with paid online ad spending.

Promote your ecommerce site in-store

Be sure that customers who frequently visit or pass by your brick-and-mortar store know about their new online shopping options.

Promote your new domain name on your retail storefront window or awning, shopping bags, receipts and anywhere else that they might see it when they shop in person.

Prioritize customer service

A happy customer is always your best word of mouth marketing tool. If you can’t hire someone to help you with online customer service, then set aside time each day to answer customer emails and phone inquiries, update order statuses, and enter their shipping details.

Before you take your brick-and-mortar store online, ask yourself:

  • How will you send shipping confirmations to customers?
  • Who will handle phone and email inquiries, how, and when?
  • Do you need a separate business phone line?
  • How and when should you answer social media questions and comments?

You can save some time by developing and posting an FAQ section on your website, and creating templated email responses to your most common customer inquiries.

It’s time to bring your brick-and-mortar store online

Ecommerce sales are soaring, and customers have accelerated their online shopping habits and preferences because of the global pandemic. As a result, brick-and-mortar stores must re-think their sales strategies.

Even if your retail store sales are solid, it’s time to offer online and contactless payment solutions to satisfy your customers’ evolving shopping needs.

With the right online and in-person sales strategy, using a PCI-compliant provider like GoDaddy Payments, you can rest assured that your customers’ privacy and security are in good hands.

For even more ecommerce tips and strategies, read our post: “How to start an online store.”
