Starting a Business | - What your small business needs to incorporate, form an LLC or corporation! INCORPORATE your small business, form a corporation, LLC or S Corp. The SmallBiz network can help with all your small business needs! Mon, 26 Jun 2023 12:11:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Starting a Business | - What your small business needs to incorporate, form an LLC or corporation! 32 32 Building a Strong Brand Identity for Your Small Business Fri, 23 Jun 2023 12:44:37 +0000 A strong brand identity is crucial for small businesses to differentiate themselves from competitors and connect with their target audience. It helps create brand recognition, build trust, and foster customer loyalty.

In this article, we will explore key strategies and considerations for small business owners to develop a compelling brand identity that resonates with their customers.

1. Define Your Brand Values

Start by defining your brand values, which are the guiding principles that shape your business’s identity. Identify what your business stands for, what you believe in, and how you want to be perceived by your customers. Your brand values should align with your target audience’s values and reflect the unique aspects of your business.

2. Craft Your Brand Story

A compelling brand story helps customers connect with your business on an emotional level. Share the journey of your business, including its origins, mission, and values. Highlight what sets your business apart and the problems you aim to solve for your customers. Your brand story should be authentic, engaging, and consistent across all communication channels.

3. Design a Memorable Logo and Visual Identity

Your logo and visual identity play a significant role in representing your brand. Design a logo that captures the essence of your business and resonates with your target audience. Choose colors, fonts, and visual elements that align with your brand values and create a cohesive visual identity across your website, packaging, marketing materials, and social media platforms.

4. Consistent Brand Messaging

Consistency in brand messaging is vital for reinforcing your brand identity. Develop a tone of voice that reflects your brand’s personality and consistently use it in all communication channels, including your website, social media posts, emails, and customer interactions. Ensure your messaging is aligned with your brand values and resonates with your target audience.

5. Engage with Your Customers

Building a strong brand identity involves actively engaging with your customers. Encourage feedback, respond to customer inquiries and reviews, and maintain a strong presence on social media. Foster a sense of community around your brand, and seek opportunities to create memorable experiences that leave a positive impression on your customers.

Customer service with the human touch

6. Deliver Consistent Brand Experience

Consistency extends beyond messaging and visual elements. It’s essential to provide a consistent brand experience across all touchpoints. Train your employees to embody your brand values and deliver excellent customer service that aligns with your brand identity. Whether it’s in-person interactions, phone calls, or online experiences, ensure that every customer touchpoint reflects your brand’s essence.

7. Collaborate with Influencers

Partnering with influencers in your industry can significantly boost your brand identity. Identify influencers whose values align with your brand and reach out to them for collaborations, sponsored content, or product reviews. Influencers can help increase brand awareness, credibility, and reach among your target audience.

8. Leverage User-Generated Content

User-generated content (UGC) is a powerful tool to strengthen your brand identity. Encourage your customers to share their experiences, testimonials, and creative content related to your brand. Repost and share UGC on your website and social media platforms to showcase real-life examples of how your brand adds value to customers’ lives.

9. Monitor and Adapt to Customer Feedback

Listen to your customers and actively seek feedback to refine your brand identity. Regularly monitor online reviews, social media comments, and customer surveys to understand how your brand is perceived and identify areas for improvement. Use this feedback to make necessary adjustments and ensure your brand remains relevant and resonates with your audience.

10. Stay Consistent and Evolve

While consistency is crucial, it’s also essential to evolve and adapt to changes in your industry and market. Continuously evaluate your brand identity and assess its effectiveness. Stay updated with industry trends, consumer preferences, and emerging technologies to ensure your brand remains fresh, relevant, and capable of meeting the evolving needs of your customers.

Brand identity


Building a strong brand identity is a vital component of small business success. By defining your brand values, crafting a compelling brand story, designing a memorable logo and visual identity, maintaining consistent brand messaging, engaging with your customers, delivering a consistent brand experience, collaborating with influencers, leveraging user-generated content, monitoring customer feedback, and staying consistent while evolving, you can establish a powerful brand that resonates with your target audience.

Remember, building a brand identity is an ongoing process that requires consistency, authenticity, and a deep understanding of your customers’ needs and desires.

Guide to Starting a Transportation Business: Key Steps and Strategies Fri, 26 May 2023 12:53:35 +0000 Did you know that the transportation industry relies heavily on the trucking sector for 72.5% of its freight transportation? That’s a lot of goods being moved around the world on the back of trucks!

And guess what? The future looks even brighter for this industry. Experts predict the global transportation industry will experience a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 38.5% until 2027.

With such promising statistics, it’s no wonder that starting a transportation business can be a smart decision. Whether you dream of running a taxi service, delivering packages to people’s doorsteps, or even managing a logistics company, the opportunities are endless.

photo credit: Tima Miroshnichenko / Pexels

Whatever business option you may select, in this article, we’ll walk you through the key steps and strategies to help you kick-start your transportation business. So, let’s begin!

Conduct Market Research

Before diving into the transportation business, it’s crucial to conduct market research to understand the demand, competition, and potential opportunities in your target market. It’ll help you make informed decisions and tailor your services to meet customer needs effectively. Let’s explore this step further by asking three important questions:

1. Who are your potential customers?

To identify your potential customers, consider demographics such as age, gender, location, and income levels.

For example, if you plan to start a rideshare service in a college town, your target customers might be students looking for affordable transportation options.

2. What is the level of demand for transportation services in your area?

Assess the existing transportation options in your area and determine if there’s a demand gap.

For instance, if you discover that there’s a high demand for medical transport services for the elderly population, you could explore starting a specialized medical transportation business.

3. Who are your competitors, and what sets you apart?

Learn about the leading service providers in your area and how they operate their business. Analyze their strengths and weaknesses and determine what unique value you can bring to the table.

For instance, if you’re starting a courier service, you could differentiate yourself by offering faster delivery times or specialized handling for fragile items.

This way, you can gain valuable insights into your target market, understand customer preferences, and develop a competitive edge.

Create a Business Plan

Needless to say, every successful business starts with a well-crafted business plan. It serves as a roadmap, outlining goals, strategies, and financial projections. Ultimately, it helps one stay focused, secure funding, and make informed decisions.

So, to kick-start your business, you must take time and create a robust business plan. Make sure to include details such as your target market, competitive analysis, marketing strategies, operational procedures, and financial forecasts.

Also, be realistic and thorough in your projections, such as considering expenses like vehicle acquisition, maintenance, fuel, insurance, and marketing costs. Agree or not, it will come in quite handy when pitching the investors.

Obtain the Necessary Permits and Licenses

It doesn’t matter what industry you are a part of; complying with legal requirements is a must for the smooth functioning of the business. So, contact your local government or transportation authority to understand the permits and licenses necessary for your specific transportation service.

This may include commercial driver’s licenses, vehicle permits, insurance coverage, and business registrations. You must meet all these legal obligations before launching your business.

It will not only help avoid any legal issues down the road but will also demonstrate your commitment to operating a legitimate and compliant transportation business. It also builds trust with your customers, who expect an honest and reliable transportation service.

Business vans

Acquire Vehicles and Equipment

The backbone of your transportation business will be the vehicles and equipment you’ll use. Not only do you need reliable vehicles to transport passengers or cargo, but you also need to ensure that they are well-maintained to avoid service disruptions.

According to professionals at Auto Glass Zone, one crucial aspect of vehicle maintenance is taking care of the glass components, such as windshields and windows. It’s because these provide visibility and safety for both drivers and passengers.

But, continuous exposure to road conditions and weather elements can damage chips, cracks, or other glass. That’s why it is essential to promptly repair or replace any damaged glass to maintain the safety and integrity of your acquired vehicles.

In addition to this, consider factors such as fuel efficiency, maintenance costs, and cargo capacity when acquiring vehicles and equipment for your business. Continuing the example above, if you’re providing courier service, you may also need equipment like hand trucks, dollies, or refrigeration units.

Build a Strong Network

Apparently, networking plays a vital role in the transportation industry. It involves establishing relationships with suppliers, clients, and other businesses in related industries. It opens doors to collaboration, referrals, and valuable partnerships.

For example, connecting with a local delivery service can lead to partnership opportunities where you can combine forces to provide comprehensive logistics solutions. Additionally, maintaining a strong online presence through a professional website and social media platforms allows you to showcase your services, attract customers, and engage with your audience.

Even so, keep in mind that networking is a two-way street. So, be proactive in reaching out, be a reliable and helpful partner, and nurture your connections.

Focus on Customer Service

Last but not least, when running a successful transportation business, one of the most critical aspects is providing excellent customer service.

Why is customer service so crucial? Well, imagine you’re a passenger in a taxi or waiting for a package delivery. How would you feel if the driver or delivery person was rude, unhelpful, or unresponsive? It would certainly leave a negative impression and make you think twice about using that service again, right?

Focusing on customer service can set your business apart from the competition and build a loyal customer base. So, train your staff and promptly address customer inquiries and concerns. You can also consider implementing technology solutions like GPS tracking systems or mobile apps to improve efficiency and communication with your customers.

Fleet tracking device in a company car

Final Words

Starting a business requires dedication, perseverance, and adaptability. So, stay informed about industry trends, continuously evaluate and improve your operations, and be open to learning from your experiences.

With the right strategies and a passion for providing reliable transportation services, you can navigate the road to success in the transportation industry.

How to write a business plan in 10 steps Wed, 10 May 2023 19:47:55 +0000
Planning is the key to making your dreams a success

Your business plan is the document to help you go from idea to execution. You’ll likely depend on your business plan to organize your thoughts, strategize for success and stay focused. You might also write a business plan to secure funding.

If you want to write a winning business plan, read this comprehensive guide. We’re sharing step-by-step tips on how to write a business plan.

What is a business plan?

A business plan is a document that you use to strategize for your business’ future. The business plan includes an overview of your business, its goals and your marketing strategy. The document will also include financial forecasting.

Need help deciding on a business to start? Check out this list of small business ideas that are easy to launch  on a low budget. You might also consider other online business ideas that require minimal upfront investments.

In this article:business plan

Why do you need a business plan

You need a business plan to outline your business goals and the strategy to achieve them. Your business plan is also your first opportunity to create something tangible from your ideas. By putting ideas on paper, you’re giving yourself the opportunity to properly think through your plan and vet its likely effectiveness for business success.

Outside of your personal reasons for writing a business plan, you will need this document if you need to convince funders or investors that your business is legitimate and likely to return a profit. You would be expected to provide investors with a well-thought-out business plan demonstrating market awareness and financial planning.

How to write a business plan

If you’re ready to get stuck in and write your business plan, the next steps will greatly help. You want to be thorough at every step, especially if you’re sharing the plan with potential stakeholders. But remember, this is your business; your plan will be unique to you.

1. Create an executive summary

Your executive summary is essentially your first impression to investors. In a few sentences, it needs to grab attention and explain what you/your business does. It wants to grab the reader’s attention, so they’re compelled to read on.

2. Describe your company

Your business plan will include a description of your company. Think about your elevator pitch and write your company description into your plan. Be very clear here, think about what you do, who you do it for, and exactly what problem you are solving.

You’re likely not the first person to create a company solving a particular problem for your audience, so try and detail what it is that makes your company stand out.

3. Introduce team members

If you have any particularly credible or expert team members, be sure to introduce them within your business plan. Write a short bio with key credentials and how they contribute to your new business.

4. State your company goals

Every business needs goals, and deciding exactly what yours are might not be so obvious. Yes, your company needs to make a profit, but the goals need to be broken down into more measurable and actionable steps.

Start with desired business goals. Then decide what you need to achieve to make each goal a success. For example, for your company to meet your projected revenue goal, then what do you need to achieve? What marketing goals does the business need to meet to satisfy business goals?

5. Detail values and a mission statement

Of course, your business is here to make money and provide the lifestyle that you want. When writing a business plan, it’s easy to get wrapped up in the data and the money, but your why is the lifeblood of your business.

Take some time to create a page that digs into the meaningful element of your business. What larger problem are you trying to solve? What values will you hold the business to? How will you create a truly meaningful layer within your business?

This section should be very useful for you as a business owner since this is what will keep you going. But, it can also be used to help onboard a team later and better understand your connection with your audience.

6. List products or services

When you write your business plan, you must include your products or services.

Within this section, write:

  • What the product or service is
  • How it helps your audience
  • How it stands out in the marketplace

For product-based businesses, include:

  • A brief introduction to costs (you’ll expand on this later)
  • Where products are sourced
  • Quantity of products owned

7. Do market research

Every business must conduct market research. You need to think about the local market and if you’re starting an online business, you must consider the digital market. You may have different competitors in each marketplace.

It’s crucial that you can develop comprehensive market research that shows a deep understanding of competitors and your place amongst them.

Your market research will help you determine if your business venture is justified and also act as support to your proposition which is especially useful when pitching to investors.

The market research section will help you see where the gaps are between your business and competitors, and it will form the beginning of your sales and marketing plan as you strategize to close the gap on leading competitors.

8. Create a marketing and sales plan

Your marketing and sales plan will generally be built from your competitor research. You can use competitive data to get a feel for what’s working. However, it’s important to remember that your brand and its audience are unique.

Also, when it comes to marketing, you are better off doing less better than trying to do more poorly, so you must factor in your budgets.

Your marketing plan should be in support of the business goals outlined previously. Your marketing plan should have a clear goal and a strategy to help achieve it. As a business owner, you are not necessarily expected to know the ins and outs of marketing, so if you need support here, you can get it. You may need to reach out to your marketing team or other professionals who can help you decipher what the business needs to succeed.

9. Create a financial projection

When it comes down to it, finances determine a successful business from an unsuccessful one.

If you’re seeking investment, your financial forecast is everything. If there’s one thing that investors need to know very clearly is the financial estimations and performance of your business over time.

In your projection, plan for:

  • Sales
  • Expenses including wages
  • Pricing of products and/or services
  • Contingency for unexpected finances

10. Add an appendix

It’s not enough to simply write a business plan; every claim you make needs to be well-documented and supported. So, include an appendix.

Your appendix is a compilation of supporting documentation and/or evidence. Items that might be included in the appendix include:

  • Resumes of key team members
  • Documentation supporting your market research and analysis. If your plan summarizes findings, include the marketing research and data here.
  • Legal documents, such as incorporation papers, patents, or trademarks
  • Marketing materials, such as brochures or flyers
  • Customer testimonials or case studies. New businesses might not have this, but if you have conducted research or focus groups, you can include findings here.
  • Product prototypes or lab tests if you have them
  • Any other relevant supporting documentation that was referenced in the main body of the plan.

Business plan format

There are three types of business plans, traditional, lean, and nonprofit. Whilst this article focuses primarily on the most common business plan format, the traditional plan, it helps to know what might be involved in other formats.


The traditional format provides a detailed business overview and is useful for presenting to investors or lenders. In a traditional plan, you will likely write more than you would in a lean plan. Some businesses might opt for a traditional plan and then create a lean version for specific functions.


The lean business plan format is, as you would expect, a leaner (simplified) version of a traditional business plan. The lean business plan format includes the most critical aspects of the business. If you’re writing a lean business plan and you want to pitch to investors, then you must include key sections like market analysis, revenue forecasts, etc.


The nonprofit business plan is similar to the traditional business plan, but naturally, it differs as it includes items that are required to run a nonprofit organization. For example, if you were writing a nonprofit business plan, you would likely include all elements of the traditional plan, plus fundraising and development, governance, and financials.

You may also have research from the local area you’re serving to help with that market analysis section. Your aim will be to prove that there’s a public need for your nonprofit.

Tips for writing a small business plan

Before you start writing your small business plan, read through these tips that might not be so obvious.

Use a business plan template.

Business plans are not new, so why not start with a tried and tested template? There’s plenty of space to turn the template into something unique that feels like yours. Using a template avoids overwhelm and provides structure. Check out this free business plan template you can download and customize in a cinch.

Write for yourself, not just investors.

Your business plan is yours. Writing your business plan is your chance to organize your thoughts and get your ideas on paper. Upon completion, you should feel satisfied with your robust roadmap to success. Of course, consider your audience and investors and give them everything they need, but don’t forget to satisfy your own intent. Remember the business plan formats; you can always start with a traditional plan for you, then provide the investors with the lean version.

Demonstrate what makes you unique.

You’re likely joining a busy marketplace, and you want to go in ready to disrupt and stand out. Clearly articulate what sets your business apart from the competition, and explain why customers should choose your products or services.

Use concrete data and examples.

Your business plan is no longer your place to dream. Writing your plan takes dreams and helps you turn them into something tangible and achievable. Within the business plan, you should be able to support your ideas with concrete data and real-world examples. You need to prove to yourself – and investors – that this business is viable.

Be realistic in your projections.

As above, writing your business plan is about creating something achievable, You must be realistic with your projections. Whilst being optimistic is exciting — and you can still be optimistic — you must be realistic in your plan.

Realistic projects are better for you mentally, too. If you’re more likely to achieve your goals, you’re less likely to get overwhelmed. Plus, goals that are not realistic will heap pressure on you and your team, and that’s the last thing a new business needs.

Business plan FAQ

Here are your most asked questions, answered.

How do I write a simple business plan?

You will write a simple business plan if you keep focused and aim to be thorough but concise. Aim to cover all important aspects and don’t over-plan. Focus on shorter time frames and be realistic about what can be done. Rely on research and data to help shape the plan.

Can I write a business plan myself?

Yes, you can write a business plan yourself. That said, if your plan covers areas of business where you’re not so strong, you might need support.

How long should a business plan be?

Your business plan will be as long as it needs to be, but the aim here is to create something thorough but concise. As a guide, aim for around 15 to 20 pages.

How long should it take to write a business plan?

Writing your business plan will probably take a few days, but you’ll need to do a lot of research behind the scenes. You also need to step away from the plan, return and edit it to ensure it is accurate and void of errors. A business plan should take three months from beginning to end.

How to start a business in 2023 | 10 step guide Mon, 24 Apr 2023 13:30:31 +0000
Put your ideas into motion

There has never been a better time to start a business. In our hyper-connected digital age, you can set up a website, online store, and entire brand from anywhere in the world.

Online business-building tools have never been more accessible—and with the right approach, you can grow a loyal customer base quicker than you might think.

If you’re wondering how to start a business in 2023, we’re here to help. In this guide, we’ll look at the essential steps you need to take to make your business a real success. Here we’re going to cover:


Ready? Great. Let’s get started.

Related: How to start a business

1. Find a business idea

First of all, to enjoy sustainable commercial success, you have to find a business idea that is not only feasible but something you feel passionate about.

If you have a shortlist of business ideas in mind, dig a little deeper by carrying out a little market research. Look at brands in your potential niche and find out how their consumers engage with them while looking at overall demand based on public sales or growth data.

Doing so will give you inspiration for your own business ideas. Armed with your market and competitor research, you can develop your ideas by considering:

  • What am I passionate about?
  • What are my specific skills and expertise?
  • Which subject matter am I most passionate about?
  • Can I feasibly sell or promote the product or services in my potential niche?
  • What unique spin can I put on well-trodden business ideas or concepts to stand out?
  • What gaps or weaknesses can I exploit in my potential niche or market?

Ask yourself these questions and you’ll eventually land on a business idea that has the potential to scale while keeping you engaged and inspired in the long term.

Related: Read our guide on essential small business ideas for more small business inspiration.

2. Use market research to validate your idea

Once you’ve landed on a solid business idea, you’ll need to see if it has any legs. We just touched on the concept of market research, but now we’re going to drill down a little deeper.

When brainstorming business ideas, you will have scratched the surface. But, to really validate your concept, you must get under the skin of your industry as well as your target audience. In addition to gathering industry insights and data, you should build buyer personas that represent your ideal target audience.

During this phase of the operation, it’s also important to conduct extensive market research as well as market analysis. Here are some market research and analysis ideas for your consideration:

  • Conduct consumer surveys across channels (phone, email, social media, mobile app, etc.).
  • Hold focus groups to gain a deeper understanding of how your target audience might perceive your brand and what you have to offer.
  • Observe how your target audience engages with potential competitors on social media as well as the related subject matter they’re discussing online.
  • Explore public data related to your target market to uncover consumer buying patterns as well as sales trends. This will help you validate your idea while giving your business planning a definitive direction—which brings us onto our next point.

3. Create a business plan

Now your idea is validated and you’ve got a handle on your target market, you’ll need to start planning. When it comes to knowing how to start a business, developing your plan methodically is a vital skill. Here are some tips to help you navigate the process like a boss:

  • Consider your “why”. This will help you gain an understanding of your key motivations for starting your business as well as what you want to achieve
  • Outline plans of action or initiatives  that represent your brand mission and what you do
  • Define your key business goals using timelines and milestones to keep you on track
  • Write an executive summary that states all essential information related to your business’s aims, goals, and products

To break down each step in more detail, read our essential guide on how to write a business plan and use our official business plan template to make sure you don’t miss anything important.

4. Get funding, explore finance options

To get your business off to a flying start, you’re going to need to get the right level of funding. The funding options you explore will depend on the type of business you’re looking to start.

If you’re looking to start a solely online business and scale up, you could use your personal funds or savings to get up and running. Doing so will give you complete control on your decisions, allowing you to scale the business on your own terms. But, it’s worth noting that if your business struggles or fails to achieve profit, you will be solely responsible for paying back any debt.

Other business funding options include:

  • Crowdfunding: Using dedicated crowdfunding platforms, you can inspire people to donate to your business venture in return for incentives or equity. This can be a very effective form of fundraising—and there have been many crowdfunding success stories over the years.
  • Gain a line of credit: Akin to obtaining a personal line of credit, you can gain a line of business credit. The terms, limits, and interest rates will depend on the nature of your business as well as factors including your financial history and credit rating.
  • Get a grant: Another way of securing a healthy level of funding for your business is getting a grant. If your business mission is rooted in building a better community or inspiring innovation, you could be eligible for a healthy grant from the Federal Government.
  • Pitch to investors: Researching investors in your niche and pitching to them is an excellent way to get funding as well as professional backing and expertise. This is certainly an avenue worth exploring if you’re looking for startup capital as well as help with your business’s launch and development activities.

Interested in learning more about planning for business funding? Our guide covers the cost to start a business in full detail.

When starting a business in 2023, settling on a water-tight legal structure is vital. Before you officially register your business, you have to decide on a concrete business structure—and the type you choose will impact your business from a legal standpoint. So, take your time when considering these structures.

Sole proprietorship

If you own your business independently, you can opt for sole proprietorship. This means that you will have full autonomy over your business, but you’ll be responsible for all debt, obligations, and finances.


  • You will be in full charge of business decisions, development and planning
  • You will receive all of the business’s profits
  • You will find filing for tax simpler


  • Managing everything on your own could burn you out and limit your potential for growth
  • If you hit financial hot water, you will be liable for settling any debts or arrears


Combining forces with another budding business owner will give you double the startup as well as another person who is liable for the red tape as well as the financial aspects of the business. More often than not, two heads are better than one—forge the right partnership and you could see your business thrive from the get-go.


  • You will have twice the skills, perspective, and financial scope
  • You will have another person who is responsible for the running as well as financial and legal aspects of the business


  • If you and your partner disagree on any aspect, this could cause the kind of friction that could derail progress and stunt growth


As a corporation, you will separate your personal assets from your business assets. This means that while your company can incur debt and be subject to legal disputes, your personal finances and assets will remain protected. There are many different forms of a corporation to consider, some of which offer access to some pretty decent investment opportunities.


  • You will gain access to excellent capital options
  • You will benefit from certain tax breaks
  • You will be able to protect your personal assets


  • Corporates can be costly to form and run
  • There can be a lot of red tape involved in the running of a corporation

Limited liability company (LLC)

This type of business structure is one of the most common options for new businesses. As a limited liability company (LLC), you will benefit from the legal protection of a corporation while also reaping the tax rewards of a business partnership.


  • The setup process is relativity straightforward
  • You will gain access to a healthy choice of capital and funding options
  • You will have a certain level of protection concerning your personal finances


  • Your investment options can be limited with an LLC
  • You can be subject to fairly costly annual maintenance fees

Want more information on how to start an LLC? Our guide has you covered.

Weigh up the pros and cons of each business structure, taking your aims and goals into consideration. At this point, you will want to brainstorm a catchy business name to make it official and bring your brand to life.

Once you’ve decided on your brand-boosting business name, you secure the appropriate domain name.

6. Register your business and get the required licenses

The next step in your how to start a business journey is registering your business and getting any required licenses.

By choosing your business name and settling on your business structure, you will have already started the registration process. To complete the registration process and obtain the right licenses, you will need to:

  • Check the full registration requirements depending on your legal structure
  • Work though the registration requirements of any regions where you’re looking to trade or operate
  • Register for any taxes
  • Obtain an employee identification number (EIN)
  • File any relevant trademarks
  • Find out which business license is relevant to your organization and start the application process

7. Open a business bank account

With your business almost up and running, you’ll need to open a bank account. In 2023, there is no end of choice when it comes to setting up a business bank account.

You should choose a bank account with benefits and features that suit your business’s size as well as your goals.

Tip: Create a shortlist of business bank accounts with flexible loan options as well as excellent customer service and online banking applications.

To set up your business bank account, you will need:

  • Official business formation documentation
  • EaIN or tax ID numbers
  • Your official business name and location
  • Date the business was  set up or established
  • Your  Social Security number, address and date of birth

8. Get business insurance

In addition to opening your bank account, you will also need to get business insurance. If you don’t, you could find yourself footing a colossal bill if any unexpected issues, damages or disputes arise.

Even as a small business, you will need to cover yourself with the right kind of insurance to protect yourself against any eventuality. At the minimum, you will need general liability insurance (GL) to cover you for loss, injury or damage to yourself or a third party.

If you’re offering a service rather than tangible goods, it will also pay to get professional liability cover incase of any consumer-facing mistakes you might make. Also, as your business scales, you might also consider employment practices liability insurance. This type of cover will protect you against any potential employee claim or complaint.

9. Build your website

At this point, you will be ready to build your website and bring your business to life. Your website or online store will be the digital hub of your entire business—so getting the design and the functionality just right is essential.

If you’re interested in starting a website for your business, here are some hand-picked resources to help you out:

Tip: To build an online store that is slick, wonderfully designed, and easy to navigate, try the powerful and easy-to-master GoDaddy website builder. Or build an online store with our slick and savvy ecommerce tool. And tie your business together with a GoDaddy POS system to accept payments anywhere.

10. Launch and grow your business

“There’s no shortage of remarkable ideas. What’s missing is the will to execute them.”—Seth Godin

If you’ve followed all of the steps in this how to start a business in 2023 guide successfully, you’ll be ready to launch.

Once you build a buzz about your big business launch across various channels including email and social media, you can start selling and take measures to grow year on year through marketing campaigns and sales initiatives.

Starting a business in 2023 is a challenging but potentially rewarding venture. Be persistent, play to your strengths, take the time to ensure you’ve covered every base, and you’ll be winning on the commercial battlefield in no time. Best of luck.


How can a beginner start a business?

A beginner can absolutely start a business. As long as you have a clear idea of your goals and a passion for what you do, you can make your business a real success. Follow the steps in this guide and you’ll be up and running sooner than you might think.

How much money do you need to start a business from scratch?

The cost of starting a business will vary depending on your industry or business model of choice. But, research from the US Small Business Administration shows that most small businesses cost around $3,000 to get started. And, the majority of home-based ventures cost $2,000 to $5,000 to set up.

Can I run a business by myself?

There is no reason that you can’t run a small business by yourself. With the right resources and the right approach, you can set up, launch, and operate your business. Going solo is more than possible, but with so much to consider it’s a huge undertaking. As your business scales, hiring a small team or getting a partner on board will be a good idea. That way, you can further accelerate your commercial growth.

To move your business idea into a legal organization, here’s a quick rundown of what you’ll need to do. First, come up with a unique name for your business. Next, figure out what kind of business structure works best for you, such as a sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC or corporation. Once you’ve got that sorted, pick a good location for your business and make sure you’ve got all the necessary permits and licenses. Then, get all your paperwork in order and register with your state. After that, it’s time to set up your financials, like opening a company bank account and staying on top of your taxes. Just remember, forming a business can be a bit complicated, so it’s always a good idea to chat with a tax advisor or lawyer to make sure you’re doing everything right.

What is the easiest business to start?

A service-based business is often considered the easiest to start as you don’t have to deal in physical stock or inventory. But, in 2023, it’s never been more accessible to set up and launch a successful online business. In the digital age, tools exist to help you set up an ecommerce store or build a website without technical expertise. Follow the right steps and almost every kind of business will be within your reach.

A sole proprietorship is the easiest business legal structure to set up. If you have a little capital of your own, you can apply for a sole proprietorship with ease. You will have complete control over the entire business, but be aware: you will be responsible for the financial as well as legal aspects of the business.

Just Started a Business? Here Are 5 Good Reasons to Consider Using Microsoft Teams Thu, 20 Apr 2023 12:57:24 +0000 Starting a new business is an exciting adventure, but it can also be challenging, especially when it comes to team communication and collaboration. Fortunately, technology has made it easier to manage and connect with team members, regardless of where they are located. One tool that has gained popularity in recent years is Microsoft Teams.

In this blog post, we will explore five good reasons why new businesses should consider using Microsoft Teams.

Enhanced Communication and Collaboration

Microsoft Teams is a powerful collaboration tool that combines chat, video conferencing, file sharing, and many other features in one platform. It allows team members to communicate in real-time and share information and ideas more efficiently, eliminating the need for endless email chains or constant back-and-forth messaging. Moreover, it enables seamless collaboration on documents, presentations, and projects, as team members can work on them simultaneously in real-time.

With Microsoft Teams, new businesses can improve their communication and collaboration, leading to more productive and efficient teamwork.

Easy Integration with Other Microsoft Tools

Microsoft Teams integrates seamlessly with other Microsoft tools, such as Outlook, SharePoint, and OneDrive. This means that businesses can easily access and share files and documents across platforms, making it easier to manage workflows and projects. Additionally, businesses can integrate Microsoft Teams with other third-party tools, such as Trello and Asana, to streamline their workflow further.

The easy integration with other Microsoft tools makes Microsoft Teams a convenient option for new businesses that are already using Microsoft software.

Scalability and Customisation

Microsoft Teams offers scalability and customization options that can fit the unique needs of a new business. Businesses can create teams for different projects or departments, add or remove team members as needed, and customise team settings to suit their workflow. Moreover, Microsoft Teams allows businesses to customise the user interface with themes, logos, and branding, as well as other program such as Microsoft Teams Operator Connect, making it a more personalised and engaging platform for team members.

Microsoft Teams

Security and Compliance

New businesses often deal with sensitive information that needs to be kept secure and compliant. Microsoft Teams has robust security features, such as two-factor authentication, single sign-on, and data encryption, that ensure the safety of sensitive information. Additionally, Microsoft Teams is compliant with various industry standards, such as HIPAA and GDPR, making it a reliable and trustworthy platform for new businesses.

Cost-Effective Solution

Starting a new business comes with its own set of financial challenges, and one of them is managing costs. Microsoft Teams is a cost-effective solution for new businesses, as it offers different pricing plans that fit different budgets. Businesses can choose a plan that suits their needs and only pay for what they use. Additionally, Microsoft Teams eliminates the need for expensive communication and collaboration tools, as it combines all these features in one platform.


Microsoft Teams is an excellent solution for new businesses that want to improve communication, collaboration, and productivity. It offers easy integration with other Microsoft tools, scalability and customisation, robust security and compliance, and a cost-effective solution that fits different budgets.

By using Microsoft Teams, new businesses can streamline their workflow, manage projects more efficiently, and build a more engaged and productive team.

Free business plan template for small businesses in 2023 Tue, 18 Apr 2023 23:35:53 +0000
Open up shop

A business plan is critical for any serious entrepreneur and business owner. Without a plan, you can lose your vision; it’s easier to get distracted by the next new thing, and without an established WHY it can be difficult to keep going when times get tough. If business planning feels overwhelming, we’ve got the solution: free business plan templates for small businesses.

In this article, we’re sharing free business plan templates, what we love about them and our tips for creating a business plan that will set you up for success.

  • What’s covered in business plan templates?
  • Use one of our favorite free business plan templates
  • Tips to create a business plan that works
  • Business plan template FAQ

What’s covered in our business plan templates?

Business plan templates cover all sorts of areas of business. The best thing about a free business plan template for startups is that the template acts as a guide to help you write your plan effectively — overwhelm, be gone!

We’ve highlighted sections commonly included in the templates, and below, you can find seven of the best business plan templates and what we love about them so you can pick the template that best suits your needs.

Executive summary

Introduce your business plan and outline any key points. You’ll include a brief overview of the business plan, its purpose, its mission statement, and a summary of notable points.

Company description

The company description is an in-depth description of the business, including values and mission statements.

Company goals

The company goals section should include specific key performance indicators and strategies, you’ll be able to track your progress and celebrate your successes along the way.

Products / Services

Your business plan will outline what you’re selling. You might start thinking about your target market here, too.

Market research

Include a comprehensive evaluation of the industry and market. This section must be thorough, especially if you’re presenting to investors. They will feel more comfortable investing if they believe you’re well-researched and know your market. You’ll want to consider an analysis of competitors, market size, customer demographics, where your product or service fits, and how you intend to close the gap on aspirational competitors to disrupt the market.

Marketing and sales strategy

In your business plan, create a roadmap for marketing and sales. You’ll need to demonstrate how to reach and attract customers, including advertising, promotions, and sales tactics. During this section, you’ll need to choose priorities and support why you’re focusing on particular marketing or sales tactics.

Financial projections

A detailed analysis of the financials, including revenue forecasts and expense projections. You’ll need to include a break-even analysis to indicate when funders can expect a return on their money. This section is critical, especially if you’re starting with someone else’s cash.


Supporting documents, such as resumes of key personnel, market research data, and financial statements.

Use our free business plan templates

We’ve provided our free business plan templates in several formats, for your convenience. Simply download a template in your desired format, follow the instructions and compose your own text to replace the example.

Ready to get started? You got this!

Tips to create a business plan that works

Here are some of our top tips for creating a business plan that will help you.

Get very clear on what you’re saying in your plan.

When you develop your business plan, you will be focusing hard on each aspect of your business. Now is the time to focus intently on the business. If you aim for absolute clarity on your plan, you’ll thank yourself later since your business planning will help you spot potential issues that you can resolve, or plan for, now.

Conduct thorough market research.

Your market research is of utmost importance. In most cases, you need to think about your market online and off. You need to prove this research is well-thought-out so that investors are not struggling to find faults or missed opportunities.

Develop a focused marketing plan.

It’s very easy to become enamored with marketing, but you must keep yourself focused and realistic. Marketing is expensive. You need to pick your channels wisely based on data, and better to focus on a few channels well than many poorly.

Project your financials realistically.

Investors won’t take kindly to unrealistic financial projections or timelines for break-even.

Keep your language clear and concise.

Your business plan needs to use simple terms to avoid confusion.

Include an executive summary.

Your summary provides a concise overview of your business plan. Since all stakeholders must review this plan, the executive summary will be an excellent reminder of notable details.

Regularly review and update your plan.

My first business plan was a four-year plan, but within one year, I had achieved almost everything planned. After the first year, I reviewed my plan, so the business was constantly evolving.

Think hard about your why.

Your real why might not be something you put in front of your investors, but when I created my business plan, I added a page dedicated to my personal why. This slide goes beyond revenue, expenses, and logistics. I use it to keep myself motivated and inspired. My ‘why’ includes having a better work/life balance, supporting my friends and family, pursuing a business that allows me to hire new talent, and earning enough to donate to charities or mentor aspiring entrepreneurs.

Business plan template FAQ

Is the business plan template really free?

Yes! The business plan templates are free and highly customizable too. The free plans should get you started, and you can feel free to add or remove sections to tailor the template to your business.

How do I write a business plan?

If you’re asking how to write a business plan, then starting with a free business plan template is an absolute must. The template will guide you through each phase required.

To write a business plan, you must outline your mission, target market, and unique value proposition. Your business plan should include market research and an understanding of who your immediate and aspirational competitors are. Also, where exactly you fit in the market and how your offering is unique.

What’s of utmost importance, especially if you want to persuade funders or investors, is demonstrating a clear understanding of your market, competitors, and financial projections. You need to be realistic but bold and knowledgeable in your approach. Investors need to feel very safe that the money they invest (and more) will return in ample time.

Why do I need a business plan to start a business?

Importantly, a business plan is there for you; it helps you articulate your vision. Whilst you may already know what you want to do with your business, taking the time to put your thoughts in writing will help you gain clarity over your thoughts and direction.

A well-thought-out business plan will help you settle your ‘why’ for both an online business or offline venture. It can also help you stay on track as you grow your business by providing a framework for measuring progress and making informed decisions.

Writing your business plan can also help you assess the viability of your business idea. When you create the plan for the business, you think about the details so you can highlight any roadblocks or things that won’t work before you start. This will save expensive mistakes later.

Outside of your needs as an entrepreneur, a business plan will likely be required to secure funding from investors or lenders. Without a plan, there’s no real backing to demonstrate why you need funding and how quickly it can be returned.

The information contained in this guide is provided for informational purposes only, and is not intended and should not be construed as legal advice from GoDaddy on any subject matter.

How to start an LLC in 6 steps Fri, 14 Apr 2023 16:20:23 +0000
Get into business

When you start an LLC, it’s  an exciting time for a business owner, but it can also be daunting. There’s a lot to think about, from paperwork and certification to registration and more.

We’re making the process as simple as possible in this six-step guide. We’ll take you through the LLC journey from picking a name to registration and forming your LLC. It’s important to note that how you start an LLC will depend on the state you’re in, so check local legislation as you go.

LLC infographic showing 6 steps

In this article:

6 steps to create a business

  1. Choose a business name
  2. Find a registered agent
  3. Get an EIN (Employer Identification Number)
  4. File the Articles of Organization (Certificate of Formation)
  5. Create an Operating Agreement for your LLC
  6. Additional things to consider when creating an LLC

More about the LLC

1. Choose a business name

Every business needs a name. Before registering your business, make sure the matching domain name is available. The last thing you want is to choose a name to find it’s already in use or trademarked.

Enter your desired domain into the search bar and hit Buy It. If the domain is available, it’ll be there for sale; if it isn’t, GoDaddy will provide options that might inspire you.

An available domain indicates that the business name is available, but do your due diligence and check via registration offices.

Screenshot of GoDaddy’s domain page where users can check to see if their desired LLC domain name is available.

Screenshot of GoDaddy’s domain page where users can check to see if their desired LLC domain name is available.

There may also be state restrictions on words you can use within your business name. Restricted words might include ‘bank,’ ‘trust’, ‘trustee’,’ or ‘corporation.’ Basically, your business name must reflect your business and not be misleading.

Once you’ve confirmed your business name is available for use, you can buy a domain, choose a web hosting plan and create your website for your own online business.

For more information on the importance of domains, check out the video below.

2. Find a registered agent

Appointing a registered agent is a must-do in the process of starting an LLC in most states. Your registered agent will generally need to have a physical address in the state in which your LLC is registering.

The role of the LLC registered agent is to pass important documentation to key personnel within the LLC. Your registered agent will forward documentation such as legal notices and tax forms. Your registered agent should notify you of any legal issues at your earliest convenience. It’s an important role and if someone within the company is going to take it, they need to be diligent.

In many cases, the option for a registered agent service is highly desirable. This way, you can hire someone (or a company) to handle the legal and administrative tasks of being a registered agent. Hiring someone is especially useful if there’s no one qualified or happy to take on that role within the LLC. Or, if there’s no physical address within the state the company is registering in.

3. Get an EIN (Employer Identification Number)

Your EIN (Employer Identification Number) is a unique number given to you by the IRS. It is essential for many types of activities, including opening a business account, hiring employees, filing taxes (the EIN is used to identify the business), applying for licenses and permits, and more.

Essentially your EIN proves you’re an established business.

4. File the Articles of Organization (Certificate of Formation)

Your Articles of Organization (aka. Certification of Formation) is a form that you can pick up from the state’s Secretary of State.

You will need to file the form and provide the information required. Each state has its own form so it’s important to make sure you’ve picked up the correct one. You can expect to fill out your typical information, such as the company name, business address, names and addresses of the LLC owners.

When it comes to submitting the form, you may need to pay a filing fee. The fee will vary between states. You might find it’s as little as $50, but it can cost around $100 and more.

5. Create an Operating Agreement for your LLC

Your Operating Agreement is a bit like a contract between owners. The document is legally binding and outlines how the LLC will be managed. Importantly, the Operating Agreement is in place to outline how profit and losses are shared.

Although the Operating Agreement is a legal document, you can see how this agreement could be used to resolve potential future conflicts. The agreement means that all owners are aligned on some of the most important aspects of starting an LLC.

When creating this agreement, it can be helpful to work with a lawyer.

6. Additional things to consider when creating an LLC

Finally, take a moment to think about any other items that are state-specific, or necessary to start your LLC with the best possible foundations.

Some extra considerations might include:

  • Setting up a business bank account. Although a separate account to manage business finances is best practice for any business, when you start an LLC, you want to be especially diligent in keeping your personal finances from your business finances. This will make tax returns infinitely less confusing, and you must remember, with an LLC, you have a business that is a separate entity from you, so it will have its own bank account.
  • Obtain permits and licenses. You might need specific licensing and permits depending on your industry and location. Be sure to check that all your paperwork is neatly gathered and legally compliant.
  • Registering to do business in other states. If you’re registered in one state but have assets or employees in other states, you may need to register to do business elsewhere. This is dependent on the states you’re working within. If you need to register in other states, you’ll need a registered agent there, too.

What are the benefits of an LLC?

There are benefits to starting an LLC, and below we’ve listed some of the most desirable reasons why you might want to switch to an LLC business model.

  • Limited liability protection removes liability from you personally. Your business becomes its own entity, responsible for its own debts or legal obligations.
  • Pass-through taxation allows owners to take earnings without paying tax first. The profits and losses pass through to the owners’ personal tax returns.
  • Easy to form and maintain (especially now that you’ve read this article). LLCs can be set up in as little as six steps.
  • Business credibility is developed from having a registered LLC business. It could even help secure higher ticket clients or help justify price increases.
  • Transfer of ownership is easy and flexible for LLCs.

Your questions about starting an LLC, answered:

It’s common to have a lot of questions before deciding whether or not to make the leap into an LLC business. Here, we’re answering commonly asked questions.

What is the lifespan of an LLC?

The lifespan of an LLC varies, but some states require LLCs have a lifespan of 30 years. In some states, the lifespan of an LLC is indefinite and can continue until the owners dissolve it.

How do you make money with an LLC?

You can make money as part of an LLC as you would in any business. Your LLC might make money buying and selling products through selling services or offering memberships and subscriptions to customers.

The main difference is how you make money with an LLC. As the owner, you might also be contracted to work. So your LLC pays you a wage.

Should I pay myself a salary from my LLC?

You should seek financial support before deciding how to pay yourself through your LLC, but as above, there’s an option to pay for contracted hours for services benefitting the business. Or, as the owner, you can take distributions.

What is the downside of an LLC?

Managing an LLC requires some further work that could be perceived as a downside. For example, you will need to manage paperwork and filing differently. If you used to manage taxes alone, you might start considering an accountant to help manage your finances as you start an LLC.

Can I use my personal money for my LLC?

As a business owner, you can use personal money to fund an LLC. This is particularly common in the early days of starting an LLC.

Final thoughts on starting an LLC.

Owning and managing an LLC doesn’t stop with the six steps feature above. Once you know how to start an LLC, you must look after it and keep your new-found LLC in line with the state’s ongoing requirements. You’ll need to file reports and accounts accordingly. And on top of that, you must keep an eye out for potential changes in legislation.

Whilst it can feel overwhelming, there are attorneys and accountants to help you take the right steps when starting an LLC. And, when the time comes to managing new legislation, you’ll feel ready to tackle it when the time is right.

25 ideas for online businesses that work in 2023 Mon, 27 Mar 2023 16:41:22 +0000
Elevate your entrepreneurship

In today’s fast-paced digital world, the allure of starting an online business has never been greater. The ability to work from anywhere, cater to a global audience and enjoy the flexibility of being your own boss are just a few of the many reasons aspiring entrepreneurs are exploring online ventures. However, with so many possibilities at your fingertips, choosing the right online business idea can feel like a daunting task.

Don’t fret, we’re here to help.

In this guide, we’ve compiled a list of 25 diverse online business ideas that cater to a variety of interests and skill sets. Whether you’re a seasoned professional looking to transition into the online space, or a budding entrepreneur looking for the perfect opportunity, these ideas will inspire you to take the leap and start building your ideal online business right away.

25 online business ideas that you can start today

Here are the 25 online business ideas that we’re going to cover:

  1. Provide content editing.
  2. Launch dropshipping business.
  3. Develop an ecommerce store.
  4. Produce podcasts.
  5. Offer translation services.
  6. Construct niche websites.
  7. Revamp and update websites.
  8. Sell handmade products.
  9. Design a training program.
  10. Create a YouTube channel.
  11. Provide ghostwriting services.
  12. Do voiceover work.
  13. Stream videogames.
  14. Sell 3D-printed items.
  15. Offer social media management.
  16. Become a freelancer.
  17. Curate subscription box service.
  18. Buy and sell domain names.
  19. Provide accounting services.
  20. Offer travel planning services.
  21. Do resume writing.
  22. Become a life coach.
  23. Teach online classes.
  24. Provide technical support.
  25. Operate online community management.

Ready? Let’s go.

1. Provide content editing

With the rise of AI-generated content, the need for careful and thorough content editors continues to grow. 

  • What it involves: Content editors spruce up content, fact-check, and give content suggestions, as well as correct grammar and punctuation. They also explain writing ideas in simple terms for non-writers.
  • Skills needed: Writing, copy editing, and proofreading experience. Strong attention to detail.
  • Equipment required: A computer and reliable internet connection.
  • Possible earnings: A content editor earns an average of $26 per hour, with ranges of $21-38 per hour depending on location.

2. Launch dropshipping business

Dropshipping is a great way to get started in ecommerce without having to manage your own inventory. 

  • What it involves: Dropshippers operate an online store, selling products without holding inventory or handling the shipping process. They partner with suppliers who fulfill orders on their behalf, allowing the dropshipper to focus on marketing and customer service.
  • Skills needed: Ability to identify a profitable market segment. Create a strong marketing plan. Source reliable suppliers. Provide solid customer service.
  • Equipment required: A computer, reliable internet connection and dropshipping website.
  • Possible earnings: Depending on niche/market, dropshippers can make $1000-$3000 monthly.

Note: If you need a seamless way to accept payment online, GoDaddy Payments is a great tool.

3. Develop an ecommerce store

Person taping custom packing tape to a small box

If you’d rather sell your own products instead of dropshipping, opening your own ecommerce store would be the next logical step.

  • What it involves: Ecommerce store operators need to effectively manage their online platforms, manage product inventory, and ensure a seamless customer experience. Additionally, they must implement strategic marketing and customer service efforts to drive sales, build customer loyalty and maintain a strong online presence.
  • Skills needed: Skilled in digital marketing, including SEO, email campaigns, and social media to promote their store. Web design and development skills. Ability to conduct product research and inventory management to identify profitable items and maintain accurate stock levels.
  • Equipment required: A computer, reliable internet and an online store builder.
  • Possible earnings: Earnings for ecommerce stores vary widely, but a 10% net profit is considered to be an average profit for ecommerce stores.

4. Produce podcasts

Podcasts continue to grow in popularity and, with a relatively low barrier to entry, the possibilities are numerous. 

  • What it involves: Podcasters create and distribute episodic digital audio content, often focusing on specific topics or themes, engaging listeners through storytelling, interviews or discussions. They also manage the technical aspects of recording, editing and promoting their podcasts, building an audience and fostering a sense of community among their listeners.
  • Skills needed: Strong communication and storytelling skills. The ability to engage and connect with their audience through compelling content. Must have technical proficiency in audio recording, editing, and publishing software. Marketing skills to promote their podcast.
  • Equipment required: Quality microphone, headphones, recording software, camera (if doing video), computer, strong internet connection.
  • Possible earnings: Depending on audience and monetization, podcasters can earn anywhere from $300-5000 per episode.

5. Offer translation services

Language translation is a specialized field, but is one that can be easily performed online. 

  • What it involves: A language translator converts written text from one language to another, ensuring that the meaning, style and tone of the original content are accurately preserved.
  • Skills needed: Possess a deep understanding of the source and target languages, as well as cultural nuances. Strong grasp of grammar and syntax. The ability to accurately convey meaning and tone.
  • Equipment required: A computer and reliable internet connection.
  • Possible earnings: A language translator can expect an average of $33 per hour, with ranges of $21 to $48 per hour.

6. Construct niche websites

Multiple computers on a light-toned wood desk

Multiple computers on a light-toned wood desk

Niche websites are websites intended to cater to a small segment of a large market by focusing on a specific interest.

  • What it involves: A niche website developer designs and builds websites that target a specific audience with a shared interest in a particular subject. They create user-friendly and engaging content, ensuring the site’s layout and features effectively address the unique needs and preferences of the niche market.
  • Skills needed: Strong web development skills. Keen understanding of user experience and interface design. Deep knowledge of the targeted niche market. Ability to create engaging, audience-specific content that resonates with users.
  • Equipment required: A computer and reliable internet connection.
  • Possible earnings: Web developers earn a median salary of $77,030 in the United States, with freelance web developers typically earning twice that.

7. Revamp and update websites

The internet has been around for a long while and older web technologies are rapidly becoming outdated. Offering web redesign services is a valuable online business idea.

  • What it involves: This job is similar to the previous listing, but someone providing website update services will need to assess the current site’s layout, user interface and overall design to identify areas that require improvement or modernization. They will then create and implement a refreshed design that adheres to the latest web design trends and meets the specific goals and objectives of the website owner or business.
  • Skills needed: Strong web development skills. Keen understanding of modern user experience and interface design. Ability to combine modern web design standards with the needs of the website owner. Detailed knowledge of how to bring old content up to current standards.
  • Equipment required: A computer and reliable internet connection.
  • Possible earnings: Earnings will vary widely based on skill level and the amount of work needed, but website update work is typically billed hourly at a rate of $18-25 per hour.

Note: Need a logo for an updated website? GoDaddy’s free logo maker has you covered.

8. Sell handmade products

If arts and crafts are your strong suit, then selling your crafts online can be a good way to bring in some extra money.

  • What it involves: A crafter creates handmade items, such as jewelry, clothing, home decor, or artwork, by utilizing their artistic skills and various materials. They earn a living by selling these unique products through various channels, such as online shops and craft fairs.
  • Skills needed: Strong digital marketing skills, including photography, search engine optimization (SEO) and social media management. Quality customer service. Skills either with web design or familiarity with marketplace platforms like Etsy, Amazon or Instagram Shopping.
  • Equipment required: A computer, reliable internet connection, POS system (if also selling via craft fairs) and crafting materials specific to their specialty.
  • Possible earnings: Earnings will vary widely by the type of craft being sold. Etsy sellers, for example, earn a median of $537 per month, but individual experiences will differ.

9. Design a training program

Online skills training courses remain a strong demand and, if you have extensive knowledge on a topic, you can turn that knowledge into an online business.

  • What it involves: Virtual trainers design and deliver educational content through digital platforms, typically in a video or audio format. Typically done via a static online course that users pay to access, but can also be live.
  • Skills needed: Strong communication skills to effectively train viewers on complex topics in an understandable way. Proficiency in using various online training tools and technologies. Excellent time management and organizational skills to plan lessons and create relevant training courses.
  • Equipment required: A computer and a reliable internet connection, as well as access to a digital learning platform, such as Udemy or Skillshare.
  • Possible earnings: What you can earn will vary based on how you choose to distribute your online classes, but online trainers can earn an average of $51,544 per year.

10. Create a YouTube channel

Person hiding their face behind a clapperboard

Person hiding their face behind a clapperboard

YouTube is a popular video-sharing platform that allows users to upload, view, rate, share and comment on a wide variety of user-generated content, ranging from entertainment and educational videos to music and live streams.

  • What it involves: A YouTube creator produces, edits and uploads video content on the YouTube platform, often focusing on specific topics, interests or niches. YouTubers aim to grow their subscriber base, increase views and potentially earn revenue through ads, sponsorships or merchandising.
  • Skills needed: Strong storytelling and communication skills to create engaging, relatable content that resonates with their target audience. Solid video editing and production skills. Keen understanding of social media and digital marketing strategies to promote their channel and grow their viewership.
  • Equipment required: Quality video camera, studio lighting, microphone, editing software, a computer and a strong internet connection.
  • Possible earnings: The average YouTube pay in 2022 was about $1,154 per week or $4,616 monthly. Creators earn about 55% of the revenue on their channels. For every $100 an advertiser pays, Google pays $55 to the creator.

11. Provide ghostwriting services

Self-publishing is exploding in popularity and, along with it, the demand for skilled ghostwriters has grown as well.

  • What it involves: Ghostwriters create written content (articles, books, speeches, etc.) on behalf of another person, often without receiving public credit for their work. They collaborate closely with clients to ensure the final product reflects the desired tone and message.
  • Skills needed: Impeccable writing skills, strong grammar, punctuation, and storytelling abilities. Ability to adapt to different writing styles and tones to accurately convey the client’s voice. Excellent research skills.
  • Equipment required: A computer and a reliable internet connection.
  • Possible earnings: Ghostwriters sometimes charge by the word or by service, but typically can expect between $35-$140 per hour.

12. Do voiceover work

For those with strong acting backgrounds, voiceover work and voice acting continues to be a solid work option. 

  • What it involves: Voiceover artists provide the spoken narration or character voices for various media projects, such as commercials, films, video games, and animations. They use their vocal talents and acting skills to convey emotions and personality to a script.
  • Skills needed: Exceptional vocal control and versatility to alter pitch, tone and accent. Strong acting skills. Good enunciation. Ability to interpret scripts and take direction.
  • Equipment required: Quality microphone, headphones, recording software, camera (if doing video), computer, strong internet connection.
  • Possible earnings: Earnings will vary based on the format and skill, most voice actors can expect to earn within the range of $13,500-87,499 per year.

13. Stream video games

Pile of audio equipment in a room lit by blue LED lights

Pile of audio equipment in a room lit by blue LED lights

Streaming video games started as a niche form of entertainment but continues to grow in popularity, especially around esports competitions and noteworthy personalities. 

  • What it involves: Video game streamers broadcast themselves playing video games live on platforms like Twitch or YouTube Gaming, providing entertainment and commentary to their viewers. They engage with their audience through chat interactions and often monetize their content through donations, subscriptions, sponsorships and advertising revenue.
  • Skills needed: Strong communication and entertainment skills, enabling them to captivate and engage their audience through commentary, humor, and personality. Solid understanding of the streaming platforms. Technical expertise for troubleshooting issues. Social media savvy to promote their channel and build a loyal community.
  • Equipment required: Quality microphone, headphones, streaming software, camera, a computer able to handle simultaneous gaming and streaming, and a strong internet connection.
  • Possible earnings: Video game streaming has a wide variance in earnings, with smaller streamers earning $50 and $1500 per month and medium to large channels earning $3000-6000 per month.

14. Sell 3D-printed items

3D printers are becoming increasingly accessible to the public, allowing owners to create custom 3-dimensional products. 

  • What it involves: A 3D printer crafter designs and creates unique objects, such as figurines, sculptures, or functional items, using 3D modeling software and a 3D printer. They may sell their creations online or at craft fairs, or provide custom 3D printing services to clients seeking personalized designs and products.
  • Skills needed: Proficiency in 3D modeling software to design and prepare digital files for printing. Thorough understanding of 3D printer operation, maintenance, and materials. Strong entrepreneurial skills, including marketing and customer service.
  • Equipment required: Quality 3D printer, 3D modeling software, print materials, POS system (if selling at trade shows) and a computer.
  • Possible earnings: Similar to handcrafted goods, the earnings will vary widely for 3D printer designers and crafters. Given the time required to both design and print the items, most crafters will charge hourly, from $10-50 per hour.

15. Offer social media management

Social media is a must for businesses these days, but managing a business across multiple platforms is extremely time-consuming. And so, the demand for social media management continues to grow. 

  • What it involves: A social media manager is responsible for creating, curating and managing content across various social media platforms to enhance a brand’s online presence and engage with its audience. They also analyze performance metrics and develop strategies based on those metrics to increase engagement for the brand.
  • Skills needed: Strong communication and writing skills to create compelling content that resonates with the target audience. Deep understanding of each social media platform’s algorithms and best practices. Highly organized, creative and analytical, with the ability to multitask and adapt to the ever-changing digital landscape.
  • Equipment required: A computer and a reliable internet connection.
  • Possible earnings: The average salary for a social media manager is $70,287.

Note: Interested in creating videos for social media? GoDaddy’s online video editor can help you out.

16. Become a freelancer

If you’re more of a generalist, jack-of-all-trades type of person, then general freelancing can be a diverse and interesting option. 

  • What it involves: A general freelancer offers their expertise and skills in various fields such as writing, graphic design, web development, or marketing on a project-based or contractual basis, allowing them to work with multiple clients simultaneously.
  • Skills needed: Excellent time management and organizational skills to handle multiple projects and meet deadlines. Exceptional communication abilities to build rapport with clients and understand their requirements. Self-motivated, adaptable and continuously focused on developing their expertise in their specific field to stay competitive and relevant in the ever-evolving market.
  • Equipment required: A computer and a reliable internet connection.
  • Possible earnings: Due to the variance in work needed, the earnings will vary, but freelancers generally make an average of $30-40 per hour.

17. Curate subscription box service

Subscription box services have flourished in recent years and are increasingly expanding their reach into more niche markets. 

  • What it involves: Creating a subscription box service involves carefully curating and sourcing unique, high-quality products tailored to a specific niche, and designing an appealing and functional packaging that reflects your brand identity. Additionally, you would need to develop a robust marketing strategy, manage inventory and logistics, establish pricing and billing structures, and provide excellent customer service to maintain subscriber satisfaction and retention.
  • Skills needed: Project management and organizational skills to oversee product quality and sourcing. Creative and strategic thinking abilities to curate appealing boxes. Excellent customer service and relationship-building skills to foster loyalty and ensure subscriber satisfaction.
  • Equipment required: A computer and a reliable internet connection.
  • Possible earnings: Subscription boxes tend to generate a gross profit of between 40% and 60% due to the low cost of goods and recurring renewals.

Note: Your subscription box service will need a website. Create a website using GoDaddy’s Website Builder.

18. Buy and sell domain names

If you’re unfamiliar with this particular field, domain investing, also known as domain flipping or domain trading, is the practice of buying domain names to hold onto them or improve their value and later selling them at a profit. 

  • What it involves: A domain investor strategically identifies and registers potentially valuable domain names, anticipating future demand for these web addresses based on trends, keywords or industry relevance. They then hold onto or improve the domains and eventually sell them at a higher price to interested parties, generating profit from the increased value of the domain names.
  • Skills needed: Superb analytical skills to identify valuable and potentially profitable domain names. Excellent negotiation and marketing abilities to sell or lease those domains at the best possible price. Deep understanding of market trends and consumer behavior within the digital landscape to make informed decisions and maximize their investment returns.
  • Equipment required: A computer and a reliable internet connection.
  • Possible earnings: New domain investors typically start small, earning around $100-$2000 per month.

19. Provide accounting services

Two people reviewing a notebook and laptop on a long table

Two people reviewing a notebook and laptop on a long table

Are you an accountant by trade and want to be your own boss? Freelance accounting would be a great fit. 

  • What it involves: A freelance accountant provides professional accounting services to clients on an individual or contractual basis, without being tied to a single employer or company. Their responsibilities may include financial reporting, tax preparation, bookkeeping and financial analysis, allowing businesses and individuals to maintain accurate financial records and make informed financial decisions.
  • Skills needed: Exemplary analytical and organizational skills to accurately maintain and analyze financial records. Understanding of accounting principles, tax regulations and financial management. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills to effectively convey financial information and advice to clients, and adapt to the varying needs of different businesses and industries. CPA license will also likely be required.
  • Equipment required: A computer and a reliable internet connection.
  • Possible earnings: Freelance accountants tend to make around $35 per hour.

20. Offer travel planning services

Travel is booming in 2023 and more travel planners are a necessity. If you’re a seasoned traveler, why not offer travel planning services?

  • What it involves: Travel planners, also known as travel agents or travel consultants, assist clients in planning, organizing, and booking various aspects of their trips, including transportation, accommodations and activities. They leverage their expertise in the travel industry and destination knowledge to create personalized itineraries, provide travel advice and ensure a seamless and enjoyable travel experience for their clients.
  • Skills needed: Organizational and multitasking skills to manage multiple clients and bookings simultaneously. Strong attention to detail to ensure all trip components are arranged accurately and efficiently. Exceptional interpersonal and communication skills to build rapport with clients, understand their travel preferences and effectively convey relevant information and recommendations.
  • Equipment required: A computer and a reliable internet connection.
  • Possible earnings: Freelance travel planners typically make an average of $62,439 per year.

21. Do resume writing

As the economy continues to shift through this year, resume review services are in high demand and are likely to stay that way for a long while.

  • What it involves: A freelance resume writer specializes in crafting, editing and optimizing resumes for clients to effectively showcase their skills and achievements in a compelling manner. They work closely with clients to understand their career goals, tailor their resumes for specific industries or job opportunities, and provide guidance on best practices for resume writing and formatting to increase the likelihood of securing job interviews.
  • Skills needed: Strong writing and editing skills to accurately and creatively present a client’s professional background. Deep understanding of current recruitment trends and hiring practices to ensure the resume aligns with industry expectations. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills to effectively collaborate with clients, gather relevant information and provide constructive feedback throughout the resume development process.
  • Equipment required: A computer and a reliable internet connection.
  • Possible earnings: Most resume writers charge a flat rate per resume, with the average currently being about $200.

22. Become a life coach

If your strength is motivating others, the coaching field is in-demand and likely a perfect match for your skills.

  • What it involves: A life coach is a professional who helps individuals identify their personal and professional goals, overcome obstacles and develop strategies to improve various aspects of their lives. Through guidance and support, life coaches assist clients in building self-awareness, fostering personal growth and achieving desired outcomes in areas such as relationships, career, health and overall well-being.
  • Skills needed: Active listening and communication skills to understand their clients’ needs, challenges and aspirations, while providing thoughtful feedback and guidance. Excellent interpersonal and empathetic abilities to establish trust and foster a supportive environment.
  • Equipment required: A computer, a web camera for remote sessions and a reliable internet connection.
  • Possible earnings: Coaches currently earn a median income of $60,510 per year.

Note: It’s a good idea to keep your personal and professional phone numbers separate to accommodate clients. Get a second phone number to use for your coaching business to separate it from your personal one.

23. Teach online classes

A mug resting next to a laptop with the screen full of Zoom thumbnails

A mug resting next to a laptop with the screen full of Zoom thumbnails

Teachers and skilled tutors are always in demand, so if you have a passion for helping others learn, consider teaching live courses online. 

  • What it involves: An online teacher delivers educational instruction and support to students through virtual platforms, utilizing digital tools and resources to facilitate learning and engagement. They create lesson plans, assess student progress, provide feedback and adapt their teaching methods to accommodate different learning styles and needs in a remote setting.
  • Skills needed: Strong communication and presentation skills to effectively convey information and concepts through digital mediums. Ability to utilize technology and online teaching tools to enhance the learning experience. Excellent time management, organization, and adaptability skills to meet the unique challenges and demands of virtual education.
  • Equipment required: A computer, a web camera for remote sessions and a reliable internet connection.
  • Possible earnings: Teachers typically make $48,033 per year.

24. Provide technical support

As long as technology continues to grow and develop, there will be a need for technical support. 

  • What it involves: Freelance technical support professionals provide remote assistance and troubleshooting services for clients experiencing issues with their hardware, software or network systems. They diagnose and resolve technical problems, offer guidance on best practices and may also assist in system maintenance, updates, and configurations to ensure optimal performance and user satisfaction.
  • Skills needed: Advanced problem-solving and analytical skills to efficiently diagnose and resolve a wide range of technical issues, as well as in-depth knowledge of various hardware, software and network systems. Strong communication and customer service skills to effectively interact with clients, explain complex technical concepts in layman’s terms and provide clear guidance and support.
  • Equipment required: A computer and a reliable internet connection.
  • Possible earnings: The pay will vary on the specialty and technical skill level, but freelance technical support engineers are paid an average annual salary of $99,686.

If you’re outgoing and enjoy listening to multiple points of view on topics, then a community manager role could be for you. 

  • What it involves: An online community manager is responsible for overseeing, engaging with, and growing an online community on behalf of a brand, organization or client. Their duties typically include creating and curating content, moderating discussions, responding to community members’ questions and concerns, monitoring community sentiment and implementing strategies to foster a positive and active community environment, all while working remotely.
  • Skills needed: Excellent communication and interpersonal skills to effectively engage with diverse community members, address their concerns and foster a sense of belonging within the community. Organizational skills and a keen understanding of social media platforms, analytics and content creation to strategically manage and grow the online community in alignment with the brand or organization’s goals.
  • Equipment required: A computer and a reliable internet connection.
  • Possible earnings: Depending on the company size and skills required, the earnings can vary, but the US average salary is $60,172.

Tips for starting an online business

Starting an online business can be both an exhilarating and challenging endeavor. If you’re interested in getting started, here are some quick tips to get you rolling:

  • Choose a business idea based on passion and knowledge
  • Identify a niche with gaps in the marketplace
  • Conduct market research and competitive analysis
  • Familiarize yourself with relevant laws and regulations
  • Obtain a federal employer identification number (FEIN)
  • Decide on a suitable legal structure
  • Insure your business
  • Select appropriate software for your business venture
  • Develop a comprehensive marketing strategy

By following these steps, you will be well on your way to establishing a thriving online business.


As this list of online business ideas shows, 2023 offers a wealth of opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs to establish successful online businesses. There’s something for everyone, with a wide range of professional interests and skill sets.

By identifying the right niche, honing the necessary skills and leveraging the power of the internet, you too can build a thriving online business and enjoy the flexibility and freedom that come with it.

How to start an online business Mon, 20 Mar 2023 18:56:51 +0000

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Get on the web

If you want to step out of the corporate office, stop commuting, work independently of location and become your own boss, you may want to start an online business. If you are ready to take the plunge, peep this post to learn how to start an online business.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

Ready to dig in? You can do this!

Research online business ideas

To make your online business succeed, you need to make money. So, the first step in starting your business is deciding how you will generate revenue. When it comes to online business ideas, you have a few options.

Sell products online

stack of pink shipping packagesOver the past few years, people have grown more comfortable shopping from their couches, which means there’s never been a better time to start an online store or add ecommerce functionality to your website. It’s never been easier for small businesses to get into the ecommerce game, either.

If you’re an ecommerce noob, however, you may need help selecting the right products and platforms to sell online, learning how to build and launch your ecommerce site, finding your target customers, and closing the deal. We’ve gathered all the information and tools you’ll need to easily launch your online store and list your products on all marketplaces, both quickly and effectively.

Try dropshipping

Many first-time ecommerce entrepreneurs start their careers with no physical inventory. Through a process called dropshipping, you can act as a wholesaler of products that you curate on your site, then purchase directly from the manufacturer to ship to your customers.

Sell courses

Online courses that you create yourself or sell on behalf of others. Like digital products, online courses can be set to automatically deliver to customers upon purchase.

Start a blog and become an affiliate

Affiliate products that you sell on behalf of another business. When selling affiliate products, you usually don’t have to store or ship products. The merchant deals with delivery, and you simply receive a commission for helping sell their product.

Create a SaaS product

Software as a service (SaaS) is an offering that falls somewhere between a product and a service. If you develop software — say, like a scheduling app for small business — you can have customers sign up and pay a recurring fee to use the tech you developed. For this type of product, a platform with membership functionality helps a lot.

Offer services

You can start an online business based on selling consulting and freelancing services that are completed online or over the phone. When you sell services online, you can find customers and make sales on your own. Or you can sign up for sites that manage the process and allow you to connect with clients through their platform.

Choose a niche that works

Dog Looking At Food In A Bowl

Dog Looking At Food In A BowlThe best product ideas are often born from hobbies and passions, where you discover an opportunity in a niche that no one is serving.

For example, pet products are always popular in the ecommerce sphere, but competition can be high. But if you choose a niche like organic pet products, there’s less sellers offering similar products and a greater opportunity to refine your catalog.

Search for keywords or phrases that your target market will likely use to find your niche product or service, and note if the market is saturated.

If that is the case, it could cost you extra money and time to stand out in an already crowded marketplace. Sometimes, it’s better to start small in an underserved market.

Check the online competition

Once you have positive product feedback, research your competition and gain market insight online.

Start by searching for and visiting popular product review sites, where you can find lists of top websites  for specific categories, compiled by experts. Read what the experts like and visit the websites to see how they’re doing it. Additionally, look at customer reviews to learn what people like and dislike about them.

Likewise, go on social media to see what people are saying. Do people complain about them, or do most of their customers sing their praises? This exercise will give you an idea of how much brand loyalty the competition has. Also, see if those brands respond to customer questions and complaints, and list what the common issues might be.

Subscribing to your competitors’ email lists is another effective way to analyze how they are talking to your target audience. Make note of their pricing and promotional strategies, which we’ll detail later in this post.

Research keywords and difficulty

Use a keyword planning tool such as Moz, Semrush or the Google keyword planner tool. These will show you search volumes for a particular keyword, as well as how much competition there is when it comes to ranking for it.

As you research keywords, it’s important to strike a balance between search volume and competition — there’s not much benefit targeting a keyword nobody searches, yet it’s best to avoid high-competition terms.

Check the SERPs

When you start getting your head around the keywords you want to target, plug some of them into a search engine and check the results. Note who’s at the top of the page — they must be doing something right, so pay a visit to their websites and ask yourself some of these questions:

  • How are they incorporating keywords into the website text?
  • How does the language they use establish their brand?
  • Are there any design elements that jump out?
  • What other things make this website special?

While you should never copy a competitor’s website, there’s nothing wrong with getting inspiration from it. Jot down notes that you can refer to as you continue to start an online business.

Create a business plan

A business plan can be like a roadmap that guides your business from starting to succeeding. And if you’re planning to apply for a loan or attract investors, a solid business plan is evidence that you’re a safe bet. At a minimum, your business plan should include these sections:

  • Executive summary — Be brief in describing, from a high level, what your business will do or sell.
  • Organization and management — Introduce key members of your team, and how their skills and experience will help you succeed.
  • Service or product line — Describe your offering, how it works, and why there’s a demand out there for it.
  • Marketing and sales — Explain how you’ll get your product or service in front of the largest possible audience.
  • Funding request — If you’re seeking external funding, specify your needs and what the funding will support.
  • Financial projections — State how much revenue you expect to generate. This can strengthen your case for funding.
  • Appendix — If you have reference materials, technical specs or certifications, include them here.

Consider funding options

Unless you have that rich uncle everyone dreams about, you’ll need to secure funding before you successfully start an online business. There are a few routes you could take here:

  • Secure a loan — If your business idea is compelling and you have a rock-solid business plan, you might persuade a financial institution to front you the startup funds. Just be sure to understand any interest and potential penalties.
  • Attract investors — Investors also could show interest if you have a great idea and business plan to put in front of them. However, you might need to relinquish some control of your venture to accommodate them.
  • Bootstrap it — This would be the most direct route. If you have savings, investments or other assets, using them to bootstrap your idea gives you total control. But you need to consider the ramifications if your business idea falls through.

Choose a business structure

Separate yourself from the business by setting up a C-Corp or LLC status that limits your personal liability for the company. This protects you and makes you appear more professional to customers and clients. Here are three structures to consider:

  • Sole proprietorship — The business is nor incorporated, with a single person designated as the owner.
  • Partnership — Two or more people are designated owners, contributing toward expenses and sharing profits.
  • LLC — With a limited liability corporation, definitions can vary by region, but essentially the business exists without owners, offering legal and tax protection.

Separating your personal and professional finances will make it easier for you to file your taxes and keep an eye on your financial situation.

Once you establish your business as a separate entity, you can get a tax ID number for the business, allowing you to better manage your taxes and open a business bank account.

Check laws for online businesses

Law Firm Web Design Stock One

Law Firm Web Design Stock OneHere, you might need to source some professional advice or at least do some comprehensive research. Don’t start an online business only to discover there’s a law that creates a conflict leaving you dead in the water.

There’s likely a local government agency — such as a Department of Revenue — that could provide a checklist of applicable laws.

For example, in some regions there are very strict laws that apply to marketing to individuals online. And if you’re setting up an online store, it’s crucial to understand all the regulations that cover privacy and data protection.

Obtain permits and licenses

At the very least, you’ll likely need a license issued by your regional authority to start an online business. And if you specialize in a particular product or service, there might be additional permits or licenses you need to secure.

For example, a barber or stylist would need a license from their local cosmetological authority. And many home services require specific licenses or permits, for example, to excavate or operate heavy machinery.

Register a domain name

When choosing your ecommerce business name, consider something that is short, memorable, and marketable. A thorough search for a domain name can also help you find the right name for your ecommerce store.

The cost for a domain name can range anywhere from $2 to $20, but there can be hidden costs. Review this guide on how much a domain name cost for more details on what to include in your budget.

You might also consider using .shop or .store for general ecommerce, or get more specific with .jewelry, .clothing, .coffee and more.

Build your website or online store

Person working at computer while referencing a notepad

Person working at computer while referencing a notepadOnce you decide on a business model, you need to choose the best place to build your business online. How you make money online will dictate which platform you should build your business on. Choosing where to build an online business is just as important as learning how to start an online business.

Whether you plan to create a website or use an online store builder to get online, be sure to evaluate all your options, taking cost and complexity into consideration.

Target your main keywords

Do some research to discover what select words and phrases people use to search for your type of business. Sprinkle these keywords throughout the content on your website and create pages that focus on your target keyword. These might represent services — such as “lawn care” — or products if you’re operating an online store. Here it helps to check what the competition is doing to perform well in search results.

Create content that ranks and sells

Whether it’s a shareable infographic, entertaining how-to video, or blog post about why spending time in your online store is more fun than watching a favorite TV show, make content that people can’t find anywhere else.

This is the kind of stuff people will want to link to from their own websites and social profiles (remember backlinks?). Make sure they find that amazing content by optimizing it for search engines.

When it comes to content that ranks and sells, there are a couple main elements to consider: SEO and compelling product listings.

Search engine optimization (SEO): the process of refining a website to get higher search engine rankings and organic visitors to your site, without paying for search engine placement.

Unlike paid listings — advertisements that display in sponsored areas — organic search results are “free” and based on, among other things, the site’s content and how closely it matches the keywords being searched.

After you (or your website guru) does the website backend stuff needed to attract the attention of the search engine bots (like connecting the site to Google Search Console), search engines know that your site exists. They scan it, index the information, and analyze the website’s content to determine how and where your website’s content should display on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Compelling product descriptions that sell

Details can make or break a sales transaction. Since you don’t have a sales clerk to answer your customer questions on a website, start by thinking of all the questions they might ask that person in-store.

For example, what fabrics is a sweater made of? Is it organic and earth-friendly? Was it made locally? What other items might pair well with it?

Your descriptions should be as detailed as possible. However, being honest and upfront about it helps to build trust with customers.

Set up payment providers for ecommerce

The key to closing an online sale is to provide an intuitive and seamless checkout and payment experience.

Some platforms offer built-in checkout and payment processing tools. For example, GoDaddy’s Online Store enables you to securely accept all major credit cards, PayPal and Apple Pay — but not all service providers do. If you’d prefer to sell both online and in person, a solution like GoDaddy Payments is easy to set up and provides a high level of security for your transactions.

When evaluating options, you’ll need to consider:

  • Does the platform’s merchant account accept all currencies and offer SSL certificates?
  • What forms of payment can you accept through your account? Credit cards, personal checks, wire transfers, or money orders?
  • How about PayPal or Stripe?
  • Does your platform offer a payment gateway to verify, approve, and process charges in real-time?
  • Does it integrate with your website’s existing platform?
  • Do other merchants like or complain about the platform’s checkout and payment experience?

Review all your options and ask the platform provider about the associated transaction rates and processing fees. For example, GoDaddy Payments offers the lowest transaction fees compared to other leading providers.

Source products

If you’re planning to start an online business to sell products, having a reliable source will be essential. There are a few ways to consider locking this down:

  • Find a supplier — A reliable manufacturer or wholesaler can keep you supplied, but inventory control (too much vs. not enough) can present a serious challenge, as can storage and transportation.
  • Set up dropshipping — As mentioned earlier, dropshipping lets you sell while your supplier fulfills the orders. This might require specific technology to manage the supply chain once you get things moving.
  • Supply it yourself — This option gives you the most control, but you need to think about your workforce. Doing everything yourself could be rewarding, until you find yourself scrambling to keep up with demand.

Build a brand

Even if you hire a pro to build your site for you, you’ll need to make (or at least approve) decisions about the look of the site — its design. Here are a few design fundamentals you’ll want to consider:

Logo. If you don’t have a logo or would like a new one, try our logo maker, where you can make a new logo in a matter of minutes. Once you have it, think about how you want to incorporate your company logo into your website’s design.

Colors. For brand harmony, it’s important to choose the right color palette for your website. Do you own a creative company? Perhaps vibrant colors like hot pink and tangerine speak to your brand. If you’re in the professional services industry, more subtle hues such as charcoal and blue might be more appropriate.

Think about the feelings colors evoke for you and match them with how you want your customers to feel when they visit your website.

Fonts. Think about the fonts that might best represent your particular business — from bold, linear styles to more delicate, feminine fonts.

Layouts and more. Consider the amount of “whitespace” (space between elements) in your design. A lot of whitespace can denote clarity or simplicity, while having very little of it can make your site look active or intense. Other elements, like background colors, gradients, and the “texture” of your overall design, can contribute to your online impression.

By putting a little thought into these basic design elements, you’ll make big strides in telling your story, building your brand, and framing your products and services in the best possible light on the web.

Related content: How to Make a Logo

Market and grow

Once you have a product or service to sell, a place to sell it and the peace of mind that you are operating legally and strategically, it’s time to get some customers and get to work. Tell family and friends, market yourself and seek out potential clients and customers.

Here are a the main ways to market your online business:

  • Organic search — Learn the basics of SEO and get your content to rank higher.
  • Paid search — Discover and bid on keywords to display your ads in related searches.
  • Social media — Build a following and promote your online business on social media.
  • Email marketing — Curate subscriber lists and develop email marketing campaigns.
  • Online reviews — Monitor review sites and work to ensure you hold a high rating.
  • Word of mouth — Network in person to build awareness of your online business.

The perk of having an online business is that you can take your work with you just about anywhere. But one of the best perks is that your online business is accessible to a massive audience of potential customers.

So, set up shop and get to work on building, marketing and growing your online business.


What kind of business can I start online?

While the limit is your imagination, in this post we’ve covered some of the more popular types of business to start online:

  • Ecommerce store — Set up an online store and process sales through your website.
  • Dropshipping — Have a third-party supplier fulfill the orders you generate online.
  • Online courses — Charge people to access learning material you post online.
  • Affiliate marketer — Build a following and sell another business’ products to visitors.
  • Create a SaaS product — Develop software and charge a fee for access to it.
  • Offer services — Services such as counseling or teaching can be delivered online.

How do I start an online business with no money?

Starting an online business with no money can be a challenging task, but it is possible with the right approach and mindset. Here are some steps you can take to get started:

  • Build a website — Use a free website builder to create a professional-looking website for your business.
  • Use social media — Take advantage of social media to promote your business and reach potential customers.
  • Network — Connect with other entrepreneurs and professionals in your industry through online forums, groups, and events.

Starting an online business takes time, effort, and persistence. Stay committed to your goals and remain flexible in your approach as you adapt to new challenges and opportunities.

What kind of online business is most profitable?

The most profitable one depends on various factors such as the target audience, the niche, and the business model. Here are some examples of profitable online businesses:

  • Ecommerce — You can create your own online store or sell your products on marketplaces like Amazon, Etsy, and eBay.
  • Online education — Platforms like Udemy, Skillshare, and Coursera allow instructors to create and sell courses.
  • Affiliate marketing — Many bloggers and content creators use affiliate marketing as their primary source of income.
  • Digital marketing — Provide digital marketing services like search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, and email marketing.
  • Software as a service (SaaS) — Examples of successful SaaS companies include Dropbox, Slack, and Zoom.

It’s important to note that the profitability of an online business depends on various factors such as the quality of the product or service, the target audience, and the marketing strategy.

Which online business is best for beginners?

There are many online businesses that are suitable for beginners, depending on their interests, skills, and resources. Here are some ideas:

  • Dropshipping — Set up an online store and sell products without holding inventory. A third-party supplier ships the products directly to your customers.
  • Affiliate marketing — Promote products or services on your website or social media platform and earn a commission on each sale made through your referral link.
  • Blogging — Start a blog and create content around it. Once you have built up an audience, you can monetize your blog through ads, sponsorships, or affiliate marketing.
  • Online courses — Create an online course and sell it to people who want to learn the same skill. You can use platforms like Udemy or Teachable to host your courses.
  • Social media management — Offer your services to small businesses or individuals who need help with their social media presence.

Ultimately, the best online business for beginners is one that aligns with their skills, interests, and goals. It’s important to do your research, understand the market, and be willing to put in the time and effort required to succeed.

7 Lessons We Learned From Nature While Starting a Business Sun, 30 Oct 2022 13:01:20 +0000 At Flying Pig Adventures, our mission is to get our clients back into the outdoors, reconnected with nature, and reminded of the infinite possibilities that exist when dreamers pull their heads out of the clouds and start putting those dreams into action. Our relationship with nature has diminished in this modern age, but we believe that nature is the greatest teacher of all, and the best thing that we can do for ourselves is to restore our relationship with it.

Nature can teach us a great many things in all areas of our lives. When we first started Flying Pig Adventures, nature informed many of our business decisions and helped us shape the amazing company that we proudly own today.

Here are the top seven lessons we learned from nature when it came to starting our business.

1. Harvest takes time

Ancient Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu famously said, “Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.” While the concept of slowing down and being patient is a hard one to digest in a society centered around instant gratification, it’s important to remember that things take time.

You have to allow what you sow the proper amount of time to harvest and not rush things. Your harvest, aka your rewards, will come in due time, and they’ll be all the more rewarding when you allow them to unfold organically.

2. Be flexible yet resilient

Flora and fauna adapt to the conditions that they’re in; their flexibility and adaptability are what make them strong and resilient. When starting a business, it’s important to have flexibility and adaptability to be successful.

Sometimes your original plan or way of doing things won’t work out. This will only end your dream if you become rigid and don’t embrace change and adapt to new things.

3. Everything has a purpose

In nature, everything is there to maintain homeostasis. There’s no excess or anything unnecessary. In business, make sure that when making decisions — whether it’s for marketing, operations, management, etc. — everything has a clear purpose and reason for being part of your business plan.

4. Collaborate, don’t compete

Nature isn’t survival of the fittest — it’s survival of the most adaptable. As humans, we tend to forget that when we collaborate and work in groups, we’re far more successful than when we pit ourselves against each other. The ability to partner with other businesses in your area will create more success for everyone within your community.

Shared success is more important than individual success, after all.

Startup manager collaborating on computer with team

5. What goes around, comes around

The principle of karma exists in nature as well as in business. In nature, everything returns to where it came from and every action has a consequence, good or bad. Keep that in mind when starting a business and always prioritize responsible and positive business practices, consumption, and sustainability.

6. Know what’s good for you

Everything in nature revolves around self-preservation. Plants and animals know what’s good for them and don’t engage with things that aren’t.

It’s important to develop a strong sense of intuition, focus on your goals and growth, and operate your business in a way that aligns with your values and mission. And if something isn’t working or isn’t good for your company? Course correct and find something that works better.

7. Be open to change

Nature is cyclical and there are daily, monthly, and yearly cycles. Watch a tree over the course of a year and see how many changes it goes through. In business, be open to changes that will benefit you and your business. Embrace “kaizen” to be more flexible and successful.

If you haven’t experienced the sheer power of an outdoor experience lately, do yourself a favor and immerse yourself in nature sometime soon. It doesn’t have to be as life-changing as a Yellowstone horseback ride or a whitewater rafting trip. A simple walk through the woods will do wonders for your psyche.

Thanks to the lessons we pulled from nature, we were able to follow our dreams and reconnect with nature while bringing all of our clients along for the ride.
