remote management | - What your small business needs to incorporate, form an LLC or corporation! INCORPORATE your small business, form a corporation, LLC or S Corp. The SmallBiz network can help with all your small business needs! Wed, 23 Feb 2022 17:16:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 remote management | - What your small business needs to incorporate, form an LLC or corporation! 32 32 How to Manage Vacation Rentals Remotely Wed, 01 Dec 2021 12:07:56 +0000 In recent times, the world has undergone a lot of advancement, especially in terms of technology. Many global processes have been evaluated and modified to suit the times, with one of them being working conditions.

Since the global pandemic began in late 2019, mankind has witnessed a huge shift from typical office working conditions to now working from home, and hardly any sector was left out of this modification including the vacation rental industry. A lot of rental owners and managers have now tapped into remotely managing their rentals as this has proven to be very seamless and efficient compared to previous methods.

In this article, we will be discussing a few ways to effectively manage vacation rentals remotely and free from hassle.

Start Using a Vacation Rental Property Management Software

Technology has now made it even easier for rental owners to manage their vacation rentals with the introduction of vacation rental property management software. Now rentals can be managed completely remotely from anywhere in the world. Features in the software allow for the management of processes such as reservations, listings, calendars, cleaning, payments, rates, advertising, security, and a lot more.

Consider Signing Up for a Rental Channel Manager

This is yet another great way for rental owners and managers to manage rentals. By synching rental software with a rental channel manager, rental owners can automate their processes even further.

For example, with the Airbnb software, tasks can be done automatically and communication with guests can also be significantly streamlined. Other features that can be done with this tool include external booking management as well as calendar management.

There are a variety of listings providers to choose from such as Airbnb, VRBO, Couchsurfing,, and more.

Automate the check-in and check-out process for your guests

Having this very key process automated in your rental operations management easily saves you a lot of time and effort, leaving not only the manager satisfied but also your guests. So much new technology is available for implementation in this regard, some examples include Airbnb lockboxes and smart locks.

Install security systems

Security is yet another global industry in which technology has been able to proffer numerous solutions. Today, you as a rental owner and manager can monitor operations in your rentals with the help of surveillance cameras capturing real-time footage which can be streamed live on your mobile devices from anywhere in the world.

Other examples of security systems include alarm systems and a host of others available for instalment depending on your preference.

Cleaning service business idea

Consider putting a cleaning service of your choice on retainer

The importance of always having a clean vacation rental cannot be overemphasized, your guests are directly affected by how tidy your rentals are, and there is a certain standard that is expected. This is especially important because a bad review can be quite detrimental to your business. It is, therefore, necessary to have this sorted out, and the best way to do this remotely is by hiring a reliable cleaning service to tend to this for the long term. This is yet another process that guarantees automated functionality for your rental management.

In conclusion, having all these measures implemented not only allows you as a rental manager or owner to manage your operations remotely, but it also organizes all your processes, allowing more convenient management and monitoring which in turn will lead to more success for your business. A win-win if you ask me.
