marketing strategy | - What your small business needs to incorporate, form an LLC or corporation! INCORPORATE your small business, form a corporation, LLC or S Corp. The SmallBiz network can help with all your small business needs! Mon, 10 Jul 2023 12:48:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 marketing strategy | - What your small business needs to incorporate, form an LLC or corporation! 32 32 5 Proven Marketing Strategies for Promoting Your Campground Tue, 09 May 2023 14:10:37 +0000 If you want to attract more customers and make your campground stand out, look no further! We have five proven marketing strategies to make your campground the most popular in your area.

A campground business, in its truest form, sells unforgettable experiences. Your campers are as essential to it as the campsite and its equipment, and they should know about your campground before they even step foot in it.

The good news is you can achieve this quickly by strategic marketing and exercising your creativity!

In this article, we’ll discuss five campground marketing strategies proven to promote your business and increase your reach by a mile, including how to use campground reservation software to your advantage.

1. Make a Website

While news of your campground may spread from word of mouth, people often check online for more information. Most importantly, they check to ensure your campground’s legitimacy, so ensure you make a website. Even a simple homepage with a few subpages can do the trick.

The website should ideally be hosted through a domain that includes your location and your property’s name. Many owners use Facebook or social media to promote their campgrounds, but a website’s capabilities differ significantly. However, we suggest hosting your campsite on a campground reservation software where it’s more likely to be seen and shared by multiple campers.

Low-cost to free website building options include WordPress, Wix, and Squarespace, which contain various templates.

A well-designed website will impress viewers and leave them curious to experience the real deal. It’s a great way to flaunt all your campground facilities, eco-friendly practices, and, most importantly, scenic beauty.

For example, campgrounds in Houston are packed to the brim, not just because they have countless picturesque locations but also because those locations are marketed appropriately online.

Additionally, your website will appear in search engine results, allowing for optimization. If a camper searches for something that contains keywords on your website, it’ll pop up on their screen. Hence, we advise you to include as many keywords as possible.

2. Try Influencer Marketing

Since social media is expanding, influencers can help you significantly boost your business. It’s helpful to seek out influencers or vloggers who are fans of the outdoors and adventure.

Health and wellness influencers are also a good option, as their viewers are potential customers. Furthermore, you can partner with eco-friendly activists online if your campground practices sustainability.

Offering them discounts or free stays in exchange for a video or posts about your campground can do wonders for its reach. It will also help to identify your target market and pick an influencer based on their preferences and your campground’s ethos. An endorsement from a beauty blogger won’t boost your business as much as a hiking enthusiast will.

Don’t forget to repost all the content the influencer posts, as this helps increase your Instagram reach. We advise you to build a rapport with them, as this can allow you both to build a creative and attractive endorsement online.

Man in the campground using smartphone
photo credit: Uriel Mont / Pexels

3. Clear Objectives for Social Media Ads

Social media can also be daunting, especially for small business owners, because of its vast size. There are a multitude of options within just one platform. Luckily, you can speed up your process and attract more customers by streamlining your ads.

Choosing your target audience is the first step. It’s important to consider what platforms they use most often and what you want them to do when they see your advertisement.

Your ads should be easy to read, enticing, and offer a clear call to action. For instance, you can create an ad for a holiday discount and have a link to avail of the said discount.

Ensure you create a sense of urgency and thrill in your ads so customers can reserve a campsite or visit your website for more information.

4. Use One Primary Social Media Platform

Spreading your campsite’s online presence too thin or thick won’t attract new customers. However, sticking to one platform and consistency is an easy and guaranteed way to gain a following fast.

Being on many platforms at once can compromise the quality of your content if you don’t have an extensive marketing team. Furthermore, it can create inconsistencies in your branding, so it’s best to stick to just one. Keep your posts and pictures updated and manage your replies on time. People are more likely to engage if they get fast replies in a friendly and professional tone.

Your target audience also plays a role in this, so we advise you to familiarize yourself and the staff with the platform they use the most.

Using all the options within one platform can reach people far and wide. For example, going live on Instagram to show them a bonfire experience can offer viewers an intimate look into your campground.

Once you have built a considerable following, you can even include yourself and your staff in photos and videos on your platform. This can help viewers feel even more connected and encourage them to join the fun.

5. Text Campers With Their Permission

SMS marketing is a rising competitor to email, so we recommend you try it out. Text response rates are much higher than emails, which is better for your business. Texts are short, sweet, and easier to read than lengthy, formal emails.

Taking their permission is vital, as unsolicited messages can become a nuisance for your campers. Once they have opted in, you can spread your message faster and to more people simultaneously. You can text them about changes in the weather, reminders for specific events, and even notify them of last-minute changes.

Furthermore, you can entice them with texts telling them to extend their stay and keeping them up to date with any discounts you may be offering. SMS marketing is also a great tool to keep former campers in the loop and encourage them to return and bring more friends.

Campground people


In conclusion, you can boost your campground’s popularity and get more customers in no time by curating your online presence, building a website, and SMS marketing. Remember, the key is to stay consistent with your marketing.

By implementing these strategies, you will soon be entertaining lots more campers, who may just become loyal for life.

7 Important Tips for Improving Your Small Business’ Local Marketing Strategies Wed, 11 Jan 2023 13:24:22 +0000 Oftentimes, startups tend to neglect the local market, as most of them adopt their marketing and business cues from bigger conglomerates. While the big shots in the industry may boast an impressive client list, their marketing strategy might not always be ideal for small businesses. Sometimes it’s much better to hire a local marketing agency.

While every local marketing strategy won’t work for your startup, these tips will guide you.

photo credit: Pixabay

Know Your Audience

The most fundamental step to establishing any effective marketing campaign is understanding who your target audience is. Not only should you know what category the ideal clients belong to, but you should also understand the ideal customers’ interests, as well as what appeals to them. You also have to know where your target audience is. For instance, what media platforms would be best ideal for them?

Reach Out to Your Target Audience

Now, you have to develop the best means to reach your audience. With your knowledge of who and where they are, this has been made a lot easier. Develop your marketing campaigns around the interests of the audience. Create an advertisement that properly explains how your services and products solve the problems your audience has.

Get Involved

Find community events and actively participate in them. Volunteer for an important cause in your town, and don’t forget to market your business anyhow you can. You and your employees can put on T-shirts with your brand’s logo on them. Engage people and give them a reason to work with your business.

Post Testimonials

Unless your company is completely flawless, you are more likely to get bad reviews than positive ones. However, when you do get a positive review, share it with others. When your company positively interacts with other customers, encourage these customers to create and post good reviews about your business.

Client testimonials and references

Utilize Local Media

Never underestimate the reach and influence of a small town’s local media. Local radio stations, shows, or newspapers can be increasingly effective if you’re looking to generate more traffic and revenue.

Improve Your Company’s SEO

Search engine optimization, especially organic SEO, encompasses developing content and making sure that your business has an ideal website to reach its customers without having to pay for ads.

Organic SEO could be a major investment for your business. While it might take you months or years to successfully pay off, its benefits are beyond immense. This marketing strategy has become even more important for businesses as search engines such as Google have refined their technology to deliver more applicable outcomes to searchers, including location-based search results.

Cross-Promote Alongside Other Local Companies

When executed appropriately, cross-promotion can be a perfect method of marketing locally. As the name implies, it is a reciprocally beneficial marketing strategy that comprises two or more companies advertising one another to their respective customers. Gaining more clients and boosting sales overall.

While you might think local marketing only works for startups and local organizations, lots of global or big companies create local marketing plans to reach more people in a certain region where they would love to increase sales.

Where Should Small Businesses Focus Their Digital Marketing? Wed, 19 Oct 2022 09:53:14 +0000 Digital marketing is the most common way to get your company name in front of your customer base. It is estimated that 94% of the British population uses the internet, which is why the web is the best place to put your advertising materials. However, small businesses do not need to reach this many people.

While you are more likely to target local clients when running a small business, it does not mean that you cannot make use of digital marketing strategies. All you need to do is know which are the right techniques for you.

photo credit: Mikael Blomkvist / Pexels

As such, this article will look at some of the best places you can focus your digital marketing so you can make the most out of these new strategies.

Web Page

The first thing any business needs to do in the current era is set up a web page. It doesn’t matter if you aren’t using eCommerce as part of your business strategy. Your customers are going to be looking for a web page when searching for your service, so you had better make sure that your site is up and running.

Your company website should include all the information a potential customer could possibly need to know about your services. As a small business, you may also find it beneficial to include a short story about how you set up your company and why. People use small businesses because they prefer a more personal touch. Focus on this aspect in your marketing and you will find it much easier to make a sale.


Now that you have a website, you need to work out how you are going to direct people’s attention toward it. All your current business correspondence should include a link to your website, such as your business cards and company emails. However, these are given to people who are already aware of your existence. Your main focus should be on gaining the attention of new potential customers, and you can do so with SEO.

Search engine optimization is a strategy for building up a strong web presence so that your website climbs up the google rankings. You can do this by using keyword optimization, backlinks, or by using targeted ads on specific web pages. SEO is now one of the most popular digital marketing strategies, so make sure you are using it to full effect to outrank your competitors.

Social Media

Using social media is a no-brainer when it comes to digital marketing. Unfortunately, it takes a very proficient person to navigate this space correctly.

Larger businesses will have teams of individuals who have been trained in digital marketing by professional teaching bodies. It is important that you and your employees sign up for digital marketing courses to help boost your strategy. You should lead by example. Ensure that you maintain a strong presence when you can spare a minute to answer any potential questions your employees or customers may have. There can be no substitution for maintaining strong customer relations when it comes to marketing, and this remains true in the digital age.

Sending mass email

Targeted Emails

A common problem for businesses in the digital marketing age is that the majority of the ad space is dominated by the same names. What’s more, these companies can come from anywhere in the world. It can be incredibly difficult for a customer to cut through the digital noise, which is why a smaller business can turn this situation to its advantage.

As you move forward, you will start to receive a steady flow of the same customers. These individuals will be responsible for keeping your company afloat, so try to include them in as many upcoming sales or strategies as possible. You should have collected their email addresses during your regular interactions, so create a list for your targeted emails. These messages can place these customers at the front of the queue whenever they require your services again, and it ensures that these clients stay loyal to your brand.

Again, digital marketing is all about creating a rapport with your customers, so make sure you target them with emails whenever possible.


Digital influencing is a new concept in advertising, but it can be crucial for a small business. Influencers are always on the lookout for new and innovative ideas to grow their reputation. Unfortunately, popular businesses cannot fulfil this goal.

A smaller business can give them more credibility as an influencer, and these professionals can use their status to push your product to their audience. If you feel that your product or service is ripe for a younger market, it may prove beneficial to create an alliance with a specific influencer.


As you can see, small businesses need to be more tactical with their digital marketing. However, being a small company can always work in your favour, so make sure you put this fact front and centre when marketing yourself in the digital space.

Want to Grow Your Business? Here are 5 Marketing Tactics to Accelerate Your Business Growth Tue, 21 Jun 2022 12:45:34 +0000 In this digital era, growing a business isn’t a piece of cake. You can have the best products in the market but not getting to your target audience through the right channel can leave you at loss. Nowadays, it’s all about how a business markets itself by using effective marketing strategies to approach its target audience. You need to stand out from the crowded market and have a competitive advantage over your competitors.

Businesses around the globe understand the importance of digital marketing and are heavily investing in it. If you want your business to grow at a faster pace, it’s high time to invest in effective marketing strategies to boost your business growth. Here are a few marketing strategies that can do wonders for your business irrespective of its size.

1. Use Social Media Marketing

As the name indicates, social media marketing makes use of social media platforms and channels to market your products and services to your potential customers. It is one of the highly effective marketing channels due to the growing use and dependence on social media of users. For instance, sites like Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok, etc, are commonly used by businesses to execute social media marketing.

Social media marketing helps businesses to communicate with their audience in a more effective way and provide them with a genuine connection. In addition, it provides a more targeted approach to your customers by using customer data and improving the customer experience service with every visit. Moreover, it also allows your customers to give their honest feedback and help your business to improve the customer experience and in turn, bring in more loyal clients.

2. Invest in Video Marketing

Youtube is the second most popular search engine after Google has approximately 2.6 billion users. Seeing the numbers and not using them to your advantage can only bring loss to your business, knowing that most of your target customers will be there. Using the platform for making quality short-form videos can help you not only reach your target audience but also convert them into sales.

Video marketing facts
Source: The Marketing Trends of 2022 [New Data] (

In general, people prefer informative short-term videos to watch instead of reading a block of text on the same topic. The reason behind this is, that videos are easy to consume and retain in memory for longer than a simple text. By posting creative, short-form, and valuable videos, you can not only boost your followers but also sales. In addition, you can invest in an email copywriting service to fully customize the emails that you send to your subscribers daily and reduce the extra burden off your shoulders.

If your brand is about clothing, you can make a short and trendy video on ‘summer outfits to upgrade your style’ and help your audience see how your product line can add value in the ongoing season to their life. This will make your audience interested in your business by showing how your brand can make a difference for them.

3. Learn And Use SEO the Right Way

Search engine optimization ( SEO) can unleash tremendous results for businesses if used rightly. It is the most cost-effective way for businesses to reach their target audience and generate leads. The reason why SEO has created a buzz in the business sector is that it improves site visibility in the search engine and improves its ranking. As a result, more organic traffic directs to your business website.

Seeking professional help from SEO experts can give you a competitive advantage and boost your credibility in the search engine. According to a survey, 73% of users do not even go to the second page of a search engine to find what they want. They prefer the top results on the first page of the search engine. The SEO experts will optimize the content of your business website and improve the user experience, so Google can improve its ranking and hence, the influx of organic traffic.

Similarly, using local SEO optimization can help the target audience that lives nearby, to find you easily. SEO makes you accessible and credible to your potential customers and helps to boost sales.

Online influencer

4. Use Influencer Marketing Wisely

Influencers are people who are experts and know how to engage their followers well. They already have an audience that finds their content interesting, engaging, and valuable. Influencers use social media platforms to engage with their audience. Through influencer marketing, you can increase the brand awareness and credibility of your brand. Collaborate with influencers for paid partnership and gain genuine followers.

You don’t necessarily have to hire a celebrity for this purpose. That will cost your growing business more. However, you can hire micro-influencers who have thousands of followers and connect with their audience to promote your brand.

5. Go for Sales Promotion

Another effective marketing strategy for business growth is introducing sales promotion in your business. Nothing attracts a customer more than discounts, promotions, etc, where they can get value for their money. Use social media platforms, advertisements, leaflets, flyers,  etc, to spread the word before launching sales. This will help to inform your target audience and keep them updated throughout.

Sales promotion not only brings in profit but also tends to add value to your customer’s experience. Customers feel accomplished getting more quality products and services for less money than usual. It improves your brand reputation and customer experience. Most brands take the email and phone numbers of customers and keep them informed of next upcoming sales and promotions through push notifications. This allows you to have personalized marketing and yield more profit.

Marketing team discussing marketing strategy

The Bottom Line

Hence, businesses can use these marketing strategies to their advantage and bring in more sales. Effective marketing channels will help businesses to align sales and marketing objectives so they can be more productive. In addition, it will help them to bring sustainable business growth to yield fruitful results not just in the present but also in what the future holds.

Ways to Scale Search Engine Marketing Tue, 19 Apr 2022 11:19:02 +0000 As the internet has become more commonplace in society, search engine marketing has become an increasingly important tool for businesses.

Search engine marketing, or SEM, involves using paid advertising to improve a website’s visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs). Companies can optimize the website content, structure, and code and increase the number of backlinks to the site.

The Benefits of Search Engine Marketing

There are many benefits to SEM, including increased brand awareness, traffic, and conversions. However, it can be a challenge to scale SEM campaigns effectively. Here are some tips on how to do so:

1. Prioritize Quality Over Quantity

When scaling an SEM campaign, it’s important to focus on quality over quantity. This means that you should prioritize creating high-quality ads and landing pages over increasing the number of ads you run. Additionally, you should make sure that your ads are targeted to the right audience and contain relevant keywords. You can do this by checking out your Google Shopping account audit data.

2. Test, Test, Test

Another important tip for scaling an SEM campaign is testing, testing, testing. You should constantly be testing different aspects of your campaign, such as ad copy, keywords, and targeting options. By doing so, you’ll be able to identify what works best for your business and then scale accordingly.

3. Use Automation

One way to scale an SEM campaign effectively is to use automation. Several software platforms can help you automate various tasks, such as keyword research, ad creation, and bid management. This can save you a lot of time and allow you to focus on other aspects of your business.

4. Partner with an SEM Agency

If you’re looking for help scaling your SEM campaign, consider partnering with an agency specializing in this form of marketing. An agency can provide you with the resources and expertise to scale your campaign effectively. Additionally, they can help you create high-quality ads and landing pages.

Search Engine Marketing strategic analysis

Scaling Your Search Engine Marketing Campaign

Every marketing campaigns are resource-intensive. This also holds true for SEM campaigns.  That’s why you need to scale your campaign in order to make it resource-effective.  Here is how:

1. Use Dynamic Search Ads For Query Mining

When scaling an SEM campaign, one effective strategy is to use dynamic search ads (DSAs). DSAs are ads that automatically generate headlines and landing pages based on a user’s search query. This can be a valuable way to mine for new keywords and ideas. Analyzing your Google Shopping account audit data can help you with this.

To set up DSAs, you’ll need to create a DSA campaign in Google Ads. Then, you’ll need to provide your website URL and select the pages you want to target. After that, Google will generate headlines and landing pages based on the content on your website.

2. Use RLSA to Expand Keyword Options

RLSA, or remarketing lists for search ads, is another effective way to scale an SEM campaign. RLSA allows you to target users who have previously visited your website with targeted ads. This can be a valuable way to increase brand awareness and conversions.

To set up RLSA, you’ll need to create a separate campaign in Google Ads. Then, you’ll need to create a remarketing list and add the relevant targeting options. After that, you can create your ad and choose the keywords you want to target.

3. Pair a Token Analysis With Broad Match Expansion

When you’re expanding your keyword list, it can be helpful to use a token analysis. A token analysis helps you identify which keywords are most relevant to your business. Companies can then use this information to expand their keyword list.

To conduct a token analysis, you’ll need to enter a seed keyword into a tool like SEMrush. Then, the tool will generate a list of related keywords. You can choose which keywords you want to add to your campaign.

Search engine marketer
photo credit: Ekaterina Bolovtsova / Pexels

Final Thoughts

These are just a few tips on how to scale an SEM campaign. You can ensure that your campaign is effective and efficient by following these tips. Additionally, you can avoid common pitfalls that can cause campaigns to fail.

Budget Marketing Tips For Start-Ups Thu, 17 Mar 2022 11:22:47 +0000 Start-ups are hugely exciting and innovative organisations. A popular misconception is that start-ups are all propped up by large venture capital investors, also known as private investors.

The reality is that start-ups often have little to no marketing income. They struggle to communicate what makes them different from their competitors to their target audience. However, you don’t necessarily need deep pockets to make an impact. With a little creativity and quick thinking, start-ups can adapt their marketing strategies and tell the world just how special they are.

photo credit: Garrhet Sampson / Unsplash

Here are a few budget marketing tips to help your brand stand out.

Put your Brand on Their Desk

People love a freebie. Use this knowledge to your advantage and offer branded merchandise. It’s an opportunity for long-term brand recall and for you to present your merchandise time and again. Merchandise options can be bulk bought at lower per unit prices. Examples of popular choices include tote bags, ballpoint pens by IGO and water bottle.

Learn The Value of Word-of-Mouth Recommendations

Word-of-mouth recommendations are free and a great way of promoting your brand. Consumers are 92% more likely to trust recommendations from friends and family above other kinds of endorsement. This kind of marketing can be employed both face-to-face and through consistent social media pushes. Inside the business, ensure everyone in your start-up can recall immediately, and in layman’s terms what the business is, who it’s for and what it does; it makes this message easier to filter down through other channels for a clear marketing message.

Unconventional business networking

Network, Network, Network

We all know the well-known phrase “sometimes it’s not what you know, it’s who you know” and it’s just as true in networking circles as it is personal ones. Look for networking opportunities for your start-up. If a specific industry-focused group doesn’t exist in your area, research start-up networking groups. You may find them a useful place to meet others and build a strategic list of contacts. If you don’t have a suitable group in your area, set up your own, and publicise it using your start-up social media pages. For the cost of a few bottles of wine, soft drinks and an evening after work, you could hugely boost the profile of your business.

Toot your Own Horn

Enter industry awards. They are usually free to enter and even if your start-up isn’t likely to win or make a shortlist, it’s a profile-raising opportunity. If you’re shortlisted, use this as a marketing tactic. If you don’t make the shortlist you’ve still drawn attention to your start-up with potentially high profile judges.

Speak Up

Volunteer to speak and/or present at industry or local events. It’s a way of you cementing your organisation’s reputation as a thought leader while promoting your start-up to anyone attending or streaming the event.

Social media networking

Stay Social

Social media marketing is a critical part of business strategy for most businesses, and remains an inexpensive advertising option. Most channels that offer paid-for advertising provide the ability for hyper-targeting and audience segmentation alongside trackable ROI. It means audiences can be built and developed swiftly without too much trial-and-error.

Ensure you use social media networks that are relevant to your target audience. It’s an opportunity to raise your brand profile, stay relevant with your audience and gather important customer intelligence.

Instead of investing heavily in marketing at the beginning, it’s important you set your budget and intended marketing outcome first, and then focus on producing quality content for your target market, consistently engage with your audience on social media and learn from any mistakes along your business journey.

4 Tips for Successful Pop-Up Events Thu, 13 Jan 2022 14:07:47 +0000 If you’re looking for a fun and fresh way to drum up excitement in your business and engage with customers in a face-to-face manner, planning a pop-up event could allow you to seize on both of these opportunities.

But before you go all-in, there are a few things that you’ll want to keep in mind.

photo credit: Friends of The Earth Scotland / Flickr

What is a Pop-Up Event?

Pop-up events emerged in the late-1990s and early-2000s and were extremely popular in urban, congested areas with lots of foot traffic. For example, New York City was the original “hot spot” for these one-off events.

But with the rise of the internet and the ability to quickly communicate messages to millions of people, these events are no longer restricted to busy urban areas. They can be hosted in almost any city or town – so long as the correct strategies are used.

But before we dig into the how of pop-up events, let’s get clear on the what. As EventMobi explains, “Pop-up events are temporary, unexpected events in unique spaces. They pop up and, after a few hours or days, they pop down. By definition, most events are temporary. It is the element of surprise in unexpected locations that distinguish pop-up events.”

Pop-up events are almost always face-to-face (using a physical storefront or booth), though we’ve also seen some virtual and hybrid attempts in recent months. Physical pop-up events are almost always stronger than virtual/hybrid (for obvious reasons), but it’s worth noting that there’s some flexibility.

Pop-up event
photo credit: City of Calgary / Flickr

4 Tips for Pop-Up Event Success

If you want your pop-up event to be successful, you have to be strategic and intentional with your planning. Here are several suggestions:

1. Identify a Clear Objective

There can’t be anything vague about your pop-up event. This is not the time to get cute or experimental. While you’ll certainly learn a lot, there has to be a very specific event goal from the start. Common goals include increasing product/brand awareness, adding new customers, conducting market research, collecting customer data, etc.

2. Pull Out All of the Promo Stops

The absolute worst thing that can happen at a pop-up event is a lack of significant foot traffic. Not only does it hurt your sales results, but it negatively impacts your brand image in the minds of the customers who do show up. (They’ll be thinking, “Where is everyone else?”) To avoid poor turnout rates, get serious about pre-event promotion and day-of promotion.

Take signage seriously. Good event signage (both within your pop-up event and in strategic locations nearby) drives awareness and promotes your brand. Work with local businesses and building owners to secure placement for your signage in the days leading up to the event.

3. Make it Engaging and Memorable

A good pop-up event is highly engaging. There are several ways you can do this, including through the use of technology, sensory elements (like food and beverages), and one-on-one attention from your sales staff. People should leave the event impressed by your brand. This creates a memorable interaction that they’ll look back on with fondness.

4. Have a Post-Event Strategy

Most of the time, the pop-up event is just a way of getting your foot in the door and positioning your brand well for the future. Sure, you might make some quick revenue during the event, but the real goal is to create an engaging atmosphere that allows you to generate buzz and build credibility for future events, sales, and/or product releases. But in order to maximize these long-term benefits, you need an intentional post-event strategy.

For starters, collect as much lead information as you can during the event. This includes email addresses, mailing addresses, phone numbers, and anything else that you need to effectively market and advertise.

Secondly, determine what your goal is. For example, if the objective is to turn pop-up event customers into phone calls where you can push more expensive and profitable services, that needs to be factored into the equation from the start. This will influence your approach to how you execute the pop-up event, what information you collect, etc.

Pop-up event crowd
photo credit: Toybot Studios / Flickr

Adding it All Up

Not all pop-up events are successful. In order to make it work, you have to plan ahead and think through the details. From marketing and promotion to engagement and sales, no detail can be left to chance.

Develop a plan, execute, and then carefully analyze what did and didn’t work so that you can iterate the next time for even better results.

What digital marketing collateral do you need to thrive online? Tue, 28 Dec 2021 17:41:38 +0000

As a small thriving business, it makes sense to leverage as many marketing tools as possible to grow your brand. You may not be a household name (yet), but one sure-fire way to get closer to world domination is to harness all of the power from a holistic marketing suite – aka digital marketing collateral.

What does digital marketing collateral mean?

Digital marketing collateral is the messaging you use on various online platforms to share with your audience on a regular basis. It’s often used to encourage a positive rapport, help your audience learn about your products or services and ultimately sell, sell, sell.

Marketing collateral examples from GoDaddy Studio

With all this in mind, you might be wondering:

  • What marketing collateral do I currently have?
  • What am I missing?

Answering these questions can be hard if you don’t know what options are available to you. But don’t worry, we’re here to help! Keep reading to learn where to start.

Popular examples of digital marketing collateral

Below you’ll find a list of fundamental examples to help boost your digital marketing collateral.

Review them all to see which ones you might be missing out on, or discover ones that could fit well with your brand and offering.

Your logo

Your logo is your business’s very first introduction to the world, so it needs to neatly encapsulate all that you do and all that you are. While it’s the foundation of your brand’s identity, we understand you may not have the budget to pay a designer to develop one for you.

Luckily, GoDaddy Studio has you covered with plenty of logo templates to create one on your own.

Use it to easily experiment with color variations and customize as you see fit. Then, add your logo to all your digital marketing collateral to fly your brand’s flag with pride.

Logo Marketing collateral examples from GoDaddy Studio

Instagram content

It’s hard to imagine anyone who isn’t clued-up with this social media behemoth. Instagram is one of the most powerful forms of digital marketing collateral to promote with and many brands benefit by posting stunning visuals to engage their viewers. Additionally, it’s the perfect place to connect your followers to the rest of your brand’s activities via a “Link in Bio” post.

When it comes to marketing on Instagram, a good rule of thumb is to make sure your content is consistent and beautiful for maximum engagement. Remember, static posts aren’t the only thing you’ll need to craft on a regular basis. Think about ways to also incorporate video into things like:

  • Stories
  • Instagram TV
  • Paid ads
  • Carousels

Within GoDaddy Studio, Instagram is perhaps the most popular category to create with. There are thousands of carefully curated IG Post and Story designs just waiting for you to explore. Choose from your favorites and have fun personalizing your brand and message the way you want.

Instagram Marketing collateral examples from GoDaddy Studio

Facebook content

To help your Facebook content stand out from the rest, it’s worth spending time designing a post with fun graphics and fonts. Jazz up standard pictures and text with a range of designs or create a cover at the top of your page to keep your branding coherent and attractive.

Not sure what size or resolution to format your images? You don’t need to be a designer to have it all figured out. Simply choose the right template using GoDaddy Studio for a quick and easy solution in no time.

With Facebook, engagement is key.

This means it’s less about the hard sell and more about reaching your customers where they spend their time most. It’s important to give them content they’ll find interesting and likely to share with others.

Bear in mind that Facebook recently launched a new “Click to Chat” (CTX) capability that allows users to click through a post to directly message you. Not only is this great for engagement, but it could also be a game changer if your business relies on leads through Facebook.

It’s definitely worth looking into if you plan on growing your audience with this platform.

Facebook Marketing collateral examples from GoDaddy Studio

Pinterest content

Selling through Pinterest? Then you’ll want to go for eye-catching graphics and aesthetically pleasing photographs. Choosing visual themes that are on-brand for your business is key to success here — especially since it’s the place people visit most for visual inspiration.

No matter what industry you’re in, you’re sure to find a related audience on this platform. Popular categories include:

  • Recipes
  • Style and décor tips
  • Gift guides and craft ideas
  • Inspirational quotes

Pinterest is also a brilliant space to grab attention with visual content that links to your website or shop. The secret is to create ultra-shareable content that entices your audience, while still adhering to your brand’s unique look and feel.

Pinterest Marketing collateral examples from GoDaddy Studio

Flyers and posters

Before the advent of cellphones, posters were often slapped on street corners as a way of letting people know about your business. And they still are today – it’s just that now they’re mostly shared in digital formats. You can use posters to advertise or communicate:

  • Events you’re holding
  • Special discounts or promotions
  • New holiday hours or store closures

This type of digital marketing collateral is an extremely versatile option that can really benefit your marketing suite. It also tends to invite some design flair, seeing as poster design is regarded as an art form unto itself. The opportunity to make an impact with bold, eye-catching design can often offer rewarding new ways to connect with your audience.

Flyer and Poster Marketing collateral examples from GoDaddy Studio

Banner ads

Banners and ads are a vital part of getting your name out there in the digital universe, beyond your own website and social pages. An ad may be the very first time a potential customer lays their eyes on your brand or offering, so they’re hugely important. This form of digital marketing collateral can appear as a graphics across:

  • Facebook feeds
  • Third-party websites
  • Email newsletters (think quick discount flash sales)

When designing, consider creating a selection of ads in different sizes and specs. This will help you better prepare for quick sales and advertising opportunities, since your banners will be ready to go.

Banner Ad Marketing collateral examples from GoDaddy Studio


Who doesn’t love an inspirational quote? They’re incredibly relatable and people often share with others when they feel inspired by a certain phrase or idea. The right words could be the thing that motivates viewers to:

  • Get out of bed for the day
  • Try something new
  • Encourage acts of kindness

Brands often use this type of digital marketing collateral to attract new viewers to their site and eventually convert them into new customers. This is why it’s important to include a clear handle or company name on any quote graphics you design.

Additionally, tying your quotes into your brand’s purpose and story is an important factor that will help develop your unique persona online. Make sure to hone in on the topics that are important to you and your audience for the best results.

Quote Marketing collateral examples from GoDaddy Studio

Business cards

You may think these are quaint relics from days gone by, but nostalgia helps it remain an ongoing trend. Many people relish hard copies of things like physical business cards, which makes it a handy sales tool you can as digital marketing collateral. Business cards are great for handing out at:

  • Meetings
  • Trade shows
  • Social occasions
  • Professional networking events

A well-designed business card can also be a powerful way to encourage someone to connect with your business for the first time. If you’d like to print out your cards, remember to save them as a PDF file when exporting your project from GoDaddy Studio.

Business card marketing collateral examples from GoDaddy Studio

Profile picture

Want to jazz up that plain selfie a bit with something more artistic? Profile pictures are essential to put a face (or faces) behind the name.  The best way to do this is to have a coherent look and feel – something that really pops. Keep this in mind as you showcase your team or any other people associated with your brand’s work.

Not only is this an excellent way to humanize your brand, but it also makes your profile more relatable to viewers. Adding a unique design will only enhance this positive perception and can include things like:

  • Colorful borders
  • Illustrated graphics
  • Photo filters
  • Stickers

Take a look at the templates on GoDaddy Studio to find something that sets your profile picture apart from the rest. And don’t forget to try out the Remove Background tool to experiment with cutouts for a fun collage effect.

Profile picture marketing collateral examples from GoDaddy Studio

Web and email headers

Email communication has seen a huge rise in use since the pandemic hit. More people are spending a lot more time at home and email has remained an extremely powerful tool for brands to communicate with their audience.

In many ways, email inboxes are fuller than they ever were.

But this upward trend could mean higher competition for your reader’s attention. People tend to have a lower tolerance for any email communication that is not useful or interesting to them. So be sure that you have an impactful email header that entices viewers to read more or click through to your site.

Don’t forget about the valuable real estate your own website offers, either. If you have a current promotion, or an important message you’d like to communicate, try a website header at the top of your page. It’s typically the first thing people see when they arrive at your home page and a good way to help drive sales.

web and email Marketing collateral examples from GoDaddy Studio

Final thoughts

It’s clear that there are loads of tools to help boost your digital marketing collateral. And as a small business owner, you’re probably already stretched between all the different hats you have to wear.

The best advice is to not choose every single marketing element all at once.

Take your time and avoid scrambling to get it all out there. Quality, rather than quantity, is key here.

3 Ways To Make Content More Effective Fri, 24 Dec 2021 07:21:16 +0000

Content creation is important for any business. Regardless of whether you own a small startup or a large, thriving corporation, you need to produce content to keep your customers engaged with your business. If you aren’t happy with your current content marketing strategy, the good news is that you can take steps to start improving it. Use these three tips to get started.

Keep Content Fresh

If you want your content marketing strategy to be effective, you need to generate it consistently. This means that you may need to post new content on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, depending upon which type you choose to use. Generating new work is time-consuming, and you may find that you get burned out trying to keep every piece fresh and new. If you find yourself creating stale filler that has little to add to your business, it may be time to hire article writing services. These services produce posts for you according to best marketing practices. While you choose the topic, type and length of each piece, someone else does the hard work of writing it for you so that you can grow your business in other ways.

Use Different Types of Content

There are many different types of content. Because each individual strategy is most effective for a specific demographic, the most effective marketing campaigns combine a variety of types. You can make your strategy more effective if you use various types of content to connect with different demographics within your target audience.

For example, if your target audience is women, you should strive to appeal to a range of demographics within this market. Television ads may be most effective to target older women, while social media campaigns may be a better strategy to connect with a younger audience. Using both of these content tools allows you to connect with all the members of your target audience.

Make Sure All Content Is High Quality

Good content is much more than just words on a page. You can have large chunks of copy on your company website and still not have an effective marketing strategy. If your current marketing strategy is failing to keep your customers engaged with your business, it may be time to examine the quality of the content you are producing. If every piece doesn’t meet the following criteria, it is not high quality and may not be effective:

  • Fresh:  People need a reason to keep returning to your website. If your site is only rarely updated, they have no reason to keep checking it for new products. Make sure you change up your content on a regular basis to keep it fresh and new.
  • Relevant:  Posting random content for the sake of having something on your page will not keep your customers engaged in what your business has to offer. Every piece you produce should be relevant to the industry your company is in so that it positions your business as an expert in the field.
  • Engaging:  Content needs to be both informative and interesting. If your posts have something valuable to offer your customers, they are more likely to trust your business when they need its products or services.

It is never too late to start improving your content marketing strategy to make it more effective. If you don’t feel like your current strategy is driving sales and helping your company thrive, it may be time to change the way you approach content creation. By using these three tips, you can make sure your internet marketing is effective so that your company can thrive in the competitive business industry.
