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After much discussion, the debate over job displacement from artificial intelligence is settling into a consensus. Historically, we’ve never experienced macro-level unemployment from new technologies, so AI is unlikely to make many people jobless in the long term — especially since most advanced countries are now seeing their working-age populations decline. However, because companies are adopting ChatGPT and other generative AI remarkably fast, we may see substantial job displacement in the short term.

Compare AI with the rise of electricity around the turn of the twentieth century. It took factories decades to switch from steam-powered central driveshafts to electric motors for each machine. They had to reorganize their layout in order to take advantage of the new electric technology. The process happened slowly enough that the economy had time to adjust, only new factories adopting the motors at first. As electricity created new jobs, laid-off workers in steam-powered factories could move over. Greater wealth created entirely new industries to engage workers, along with higher expectations.

Something similar happened with the spread of computing in the middle of the twentieth century. It went at a faster pace than electrification, but was still slow enough to prevent mass unemployment.

AI is different because companies are integrating it into their operations so quickly that job losses are likely to mount before the gains arrive. White-collar workers might be especially vulnerable in the short-term. Indeed, commentators are describing an “AI gold rush” rather than a bubble, powered by advanced chipmakers such as Nvidia. Goldman Sachs recently predicted that companies would use it to eliminate a quarter of all current work tasks in the United States and Europe. That probably means tens of millions of people out of work — especially people who thought their specialized knowledge gave them job security.

That leaves two possibilities to mitigate this risk. The first is that governments step in, either to slow down the commercial adoption of AI (highly unlikely), or to offer special welfare programs to support and retrain the newly unemployed.

But there’s another, often neglected possibility that comes without the unintended consequences of governmental intervention. Some companies are rapidly integrating generative AI into their systems, not just to automate tasks, but to empower employees to do more than they could before — i.e., making them more productive. A radical redesign of corporate processes could spark all sorts of new value creation. If many companies do this, then as a society we’ll generate enough new jobs to escape the short-term displacement trap.

But will they? Even the least aggressive company tends to be pretty good about cutting costs. Innovation, however, is another matter. We didn’t worry about this in the past, because we had enough time for a few aggressive companies to gradually change industries. They innovated over time to make up for the slow loss of displaced jobs. That innovation created new jobs and kept unemployment low. But macroeconomically speaking, we don’t have the luxury of time with the AI transition.

So the alternative to relying on the government is to have many companies innovating fast enough to create new jobs at the same pace that the economy as a whole eliminates existing ones. Generative AI is spreading fast in business and society, but that speed also means an opportunity for companies to step up their pace of innovation. If we get enough companies to go on offense in this way, then we won’t have to worry about AI unemployment.

Of course, companies won’t — and shouldn’t — lean into AI in order to solve macroeconomic problems. But fortunately they have good business reasons to do so. The companies that create opportunities from AI will also position themselves to thrive in the long run.

Going on the Offensive with AI

Already we can point to aggressive companies looking to innovate in AI. Having become a trailblazer in reusable rockets and electric cars, Elon Musk is now promising to make Twitter as much of a leader in AI as Microsoft and Google. Musk, however, is a famous outlier and the jury is still out on Twitter. So what does it mean for a company to go on offense with AI?

To answer this question, let’s look at what makes companies adept at navigating the kinds of changes we’re seeing now. One of us (Tabrizi) assembled a team of researchers to study 26 sizable companies with good data from 2006–2022. The team divided the companies into groups of high, medium, and low agility and innovation over time, with comparable data and case studies of each.

What set the agile, innovative companies apart from those who remained neutral or defensive? The team narrowed the differentiators down to eight drivers of agile innovation: existential purpose, obsession with what customers want, a Pygmalion-style influence over colleagues, a startup mindset even after scaling up, a bias for boldness, radical collaboration, the readiness to control tempo, and operating bimodally. Most leaders praise those attributes, but it turns out it’s remarkably hard for big organizations to sustain any of them over time.

Tabrizi has written elsewhere about how Microsoft went on offense to become a corporate leader by overhauling its hierarchy and pursuing partnerships such as with Open AI. But other companies have done something similar with AI as a result of those drivers. Let’s focus on two of the most important drivers here — the bias for boldness and the startup mentality. Getting those drivers in place can take a company far into agile innovation, because these force changes throughout the organization.

A Bias for Boldness

Any company that invests in AI in the near future is likely to make money from it. Yet mere investment is likely to offer only incremental gains. The numbers might look good, especially in cutting costs. But the company will miss the opportunity for big gains by creating substantial value — or a defensible future niche. Cautious investment won’t protect you in the long run from competition, and certainly won’t help us with the macroeconomic challenge we’re facing.

That’s the problem with any new technology: You can proceed cautiously and probably do just fine. Big companies hate risk, which is why they operate as well-oiled machines churning out reliable products at an affordable cost. That’s also why many of them outsource their innovation by acquiring startups — and even that approach often leads to timid improvements. All successful organizations, especially at size, prefer to minimize risk and daring. But as Brené Brown points out, “You can choose courage, or you can choose comfort, but you cannot choose both.”

Boldness has become a corporate cliché, with leaders protesting too much, but with AI we need companies to really mean it — to embrace rather than minimize risk. Take Adobe, whose Photoshop program has long held the largest share of the photographic design market. Adobe could have played it safe as generative AI emerged, adopting it in small areas while waiting to see how the technology worked out. That’s what Kodak did with digital photography, and what Motorola did with digital telephony. But instead, Adobe has pushed generative AI deeply into Photoshop, to the point that ordinary users can create all sorts of videos they couldn’t before. Adobe could have seen AI as a threat or distraction, and it has continued to improve Photoshop without AI. But its leaders had the courage to invest aggressively in AI to elevate what users can do.

Deeper in the technology, Nvidia, the chipmaker, has been getting headlines for offering the best semiconductor chips for AI. To outsiders, the company might just seem lucky, with the right technology at the right time. But Nvidia’s current success is no accident: In the past decade, it aggressively acquired and developed expertise in AI, including creating customized chips and software. We can expect that aggressiveness to continue, enabling not only higher-value offerings for Nvidia, but better uses for AI than simple cost-cutting.

Boldness won’t work every time. But a bias for boldness is essential to overcome the deep-seated risk aversion in corporate hierarchies.

A Startup Mentality

Similar to boldness, and equally important for successful AI, is adopting the mentality of a startup company, no matter your company’s age or size. Startups excel in looking widely at markets and pivoting quickly to what customers are wanting now. Big companies have the resources to apply to those opportunities, but they usually move so slowly, with so many barriers (and lack of boldness), that startups get to markets faster. Open AI, which beat out Google with ChatGPT, had the best of both worlds: a startup mentality free of the hesitations that hampered Google, but with ample resources supplied by Microsoft and other investors.

The startup mindset is not just about courage and flexibility; it also involves a ferocious commitment to big achievement, a kind of hero’s journey to address a great challenge. Instead of predictability churning out good products at scale — though that’s a perfectly worthwhile goal — startups want to create something extraordinary. So they put a premium on looking around, flexibly partnering with others. They dispense with existing structures and biases, no matter how old and respected, in order to get done what needs to be done.

Amazon, the e-commerce giant, demonstrated a startup mentality in its embrace of AI. As the technology developed over a decade ago, the company saw an opportunity in creating a “smart speaker” as a new interface to the web. Amazon had no expertise in AI, but it picked up what it needed through hiring, acquisition, and internal development. The result was the Echo speaker and Alexa digital assistant, which did far more than simply help people order more items for purchase. It opened a new channel for adding value (and jobs) in many areas. Amazon has gone on to invest aggressively in AI beyond Alexa, with CEO Andy Jassy saying the technology promises to “transform and improve virtually every customer experience.”

• • •

Companies can’t adopt these drivers overnight, but they can start moving toward a point of serious commitment to new possibilities. Most of those drivers also work at the level of individuals looking for purpose and achievement in their own careers. They can embrace boldness, adopt a startup mentality, and other imperatives. Like companies, employees can invest aggressively in AI by acquiring the requisite skills and experience — thereby not just protecting their careers, but adding value at a higher level.

Much of corporate life has quite properly been about churning out reliable products at low cost. What we need now, to prevent mass unemployment, is for many firms to break out of this discipline and speed up the AI future. The great danger is that most companies will play it safe, make the easy investments, and do fine in the short term.

Humanity never thrives when it fears innovation. Imagine if the first humans feared fire; yes, they got burned sometimes, but without harnessing the power of it, we might have gone extinct. We think the same applies to AI. Rather than fear it, we need to harness its power. We must put it in the hands of every human being, so we collectively can achieve and live at this higher level.

Should You Invest in a Friend’s Business? Fri, 25 Mar 2022 12:00:34 +0000  

Ben & Jerry’s was started by childhood best friends. Four grad school buddies founded Warby Parker. A long friendship-turned-partnership brought Clear to TSA security lines across the U.S. A shopping trip between two pals launched size-inclusive clothing brand Universal Standard.

Yes, stories of successful business partnerships between friends exist. But for every Ben and Jerry, there are countless Janes and Joes ticked off at their college roommate for stiffing them on a business loan.

Mixing business and friendship can tank a relationship. So, if a classmate, colleague or childhood friend asks you to invest in their business, you need to look at it from all angles.

Think like a professional investor

Don’t let your personal relationship cloud your business judgment. Evaluate the request as if it was coming from a stranger.

Does the business offer something unique? Does it fill a need in the market? Does the founder have business acumen? Do they have experience in the industry?

“A professional investor always wants to see where the ‘Aha’ is,” says Dileep Rao, clinical professor of entrepreneurship at Florida International University. “Is this likely to become a major company? If the potential is huge, it makes sense from a financial perspective.”

You also need to know the terms of your investment and what you’re getting in return. If your friend is asking for a business loan, discuss the repayment timeline and interest.

If your investment is in exchange for equity, review the terms. Is it solely a financial transaction, or will you have access to and input on business operations?

A handshake deal doesn’t cut it, even with — or especially with — lifelong friends. Make sure everything is in writing if you opt to invest so there’s no confusion down the line.

Always, always study the business plan

Examine the business plan to see if your friend has thought through all aspects of the venture.

A thorough business plan should include financial projections, current revenue, five-year projections and a detailed market analysis that outlines competitors and potential obstacles.

“You have to do your due diligence even if you have known the person your whole life,” Dimitrios Mano, an entrepreneur, said through email. Mano co-founded Bloom Express, an online CBD marketplace, in 2019 with a close college friend while the two were still in school.

Outside of his co-founder, Mano did not approach friends or family for a startup business loan. The duo relied on personal savings and income from their day jobs.

“I have seen friends ruin 20-plus years of friendships over irrelevant business arguments and family members completely cut ties with one another because of a slight disagreement,” Mano said. For him, the investment wasn’t worth the potential personal cost.

Communicate, but set boundaries

The lines between business and personal affairs can quickly blur when you invest in a loved one’s business. While clear, frequent communication is essential, it’s important to draw boundaries.

When Mark Aselstine co-founded Uncorked Ventures, a now-defunct online wine club, with his brother-in-law, the duo set strict rules at the onset.

“We decided at the beginning that we wouldn’t say anything to each other that we wouldn’t say to our nieces or nephews,” Aselstine said through email. The two relegated business talk to morning meetings, rather than casual outings. “[We] had a rule to not talk about it at family events [and] dinners. Having those dividing lines, but open communication was key.”

Don’t invest money you can’t afford to lose

“Don’t think you’re going to make a fortune if you help a friend out,” Rao says. In fact, don’t expect to make any money at all.

Roughly 20% of businesses close within the first year, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. And most startups never deliver a positive return.

“Ask yourself if you are OK if you lose all the money you invested in your friend’s startup,” Amanda Sanders, founder of Authentic CEO, said through email. Sanders has been on both sides of the equation — as an entrepreneur and an investor.

“If the honest answer is yes with no ill will toward your friend, then the relationship is likely to remain solid regardless of the business outcome,” she said. “If your answer is conditional, then the outcome of the friendship is likely to be conditional on the business investment.”

Offer support, expertise over cash

Money isn’t the only way to support a friend’s business. You can offer time, expertise and connections.

Pitch in at pop-ups and events. Manage their social media accounts. Hand out flyers to get the word out. Be a sounding board for ideas and issues.

Or just show up with takeout from time to time, Sanders said.

“Having a friend interrupt your endless work schedule and bring in the food, the fun and the Fireball (the third part is optional) is very important for maintaining sanity.”
