Web Designers & Developers | SmallBiz.com - What your small business needs to incorporate, form an LLC or corporation! https://smallbiz.com INCORPORATE your small business, form a corporation, LLC or S Corp. The SmallBiz network can help with all your small business needs! Fri, 26 May 2023 13:01:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.2 https://smallbiz.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/cropped-biz_icon-32x32.png Web Designers & Developers | SmallBiz.com - What your small business needs to incorporate, form an LLC or corporation! https://smallbiz.com 32 32 How does the local search algorithm work?  https://smallbiz.com/how-does-the-local-search-algorithm-work/ Fri, 26 Aug 2022 15:41:05 +0000 https://smallbiz.com/?p=74071
Get found locally

The internet has revolutionized the business world and changed how we conduct business. Any business that aims to increase its visibility and boost profit needs to pay much attention to top ranking factors, including local SEO — which introduces the topic of the local search algorithm.

Local SEO is one of the top practices that help boost a business’s visibility and generates more sales.

However, achieving better local SEO rankings is not a walk in the park, especially due to increased competition. To appear higher on local results, businesses and marketers need to understand how the local search algorithm works.

Knowing this helps guide the steps for improving rankings in the local pack.

The competition gets stiffer as more businesses open and optimize for local searching. Besides, Google is updating its algorithm consistently, meaning only businesses that can keep up with these updates can appear at the top of local search results.

Luckily, you have come to this post as this article looks at everything you need to know about Google’s local search algorithm and what you can do to get that top spot in the local pack.

Understanding the local search algorithm

Google aims to provide the best results that match a specific local search query. It constantly updates the local search algorithm to determine which business to rank on top of local search results.

Ideally, Google wants to provide local content that is relevant and valuable to users. As with search engine optimization, keyword stuffing cannot give you that top spot in local search results.

SEO specialists and marketers should consider Google’s local search algorithm updates and make the necessary changes to rank higher. Failure to consider these updates means losing your local search presence, resulting in fewer leads and conversions.

Local algorithms check the Google My Business (GMB) listings to determine where to rank a business in local search rankings.

Ideally, Google’s local algorithm ranks businesses with information that matches a searcher’s query. And the higher a business ranks in local search results, the more chances a potential customer will click on it.

This post looks at the three major pillars that determine local search results to better understand the local search algorithm: proximity,  prominence and relevance.

Of course, other factors make up Google’s local search algorithm, but since we cannot identify all of them, we’ll focus on the most crucial ones in this post.

By understanding these pillars, marketers can better position themselves for local search success.

1. Proximity

Proximity is one of the major ranking factors when it comes to local search. That means the distance between a business and a searcher is a ranking factor in local search.

When a searcher searches for something, Google considers how far the searcher is from the location of the term they use in the search. When a searcher doesn’t specify the location, Google calculates the distance based on the information they have regarding their location.

Ideally, Google aims to provide the most relevant results to a search query. For instance, why would Google provide a list of coffee shops in Los Angeles if the searcher is searching from Colombia?

That would be irrelevant local search results that won’t benefit the searcher.

Unfortunately, while proximity is a major local search pillar, it’s one of the factors that businesses have little control over. After all, you cannot change where your business is located, right?

You can only ensure your business location is as clear as possible, so that it appears for related nearby queries. Here are steps you can take to achieve this:

  • Claim and verify the Google My Business listing
  • Ensure local listings are accurate and optimized for local products or services
  • Get the Google Maps API Key and optimize for your location and routes
  • Set up your profile correctly (for Service Area Businesses) to avoid violating Google’s guidelines

Users can perform several types of local searches, including:

Geo-modified searches

Users will perform geo-modified searches when they are planning to visit somewhere. For instance, a searcher in Los Angeles planning to visit Toronto, Canada, may search for a “coffee shop in Oakville.” The results will differ from if they searched for “coffee” while physically in Oakville.

To be specific, geo-modified searches are mainly based on relevance and prominence as opposed to proximity when a user searches for something when outside the city included in the search.

Non-geo searches

Searchers perform this type of search when looking for something around them. For instance, a user in Los Angeles performing a local search for “coffee.”

Ideally, the user only needs to search for something and is shown results based on proximity. They will get the results that are closest to them.

“Near me” searches

“Near me” searches have been so popular in recent years. Although their popularity has significantly declined, users still perform this type of search when looking for something locally.

For instance, some users could add “near me” when searching for a coffee shop, hoping to get the most relevant results near them. As we’ve stated, this trend has lost popularity because when you perform a local search, you are searching for something near you.

It is not necessary to add “near me” to what you’re searching.

2. Prominence

Prominence refers to how important Google thinks your business is, which gets factored into the local search algorithm.

In other words, it refers to how well a business stands from the rest in various aspects, including directories, links, reviews, mentions, among other things.

If search engines view your business as trustworthy and credible, they will likely show it on top of related search query results.

The local search algorithm views businesses/brands with a stronger online prominence as credible and trustworthy. Some of the factors that determine prominence include:


A local citation is the mention of a business’s information online. The mention can include the partial or complete name, address, and phone number (NAP) of a local business.

Citations are an excellent way for people to learn about local businesses and impact local search results.

A business with high-quality citations can rank better in local search results, although businesses must continually manage citations to ensure data accuracy.

Inbound links

Backlinks play a crucial role in local business prominence. Gaining relevant backlinks from high-quality sites is an excellent way to build a business’ online reputation.

If you’re trying to outrank your competitors without much success, your backlink profile could be the reason.

In that case, you should check your competitor’s backlinks and compare them with yours. When doing this, pay attention to the number and quality of their backlinks.

As a rule of thumb, aim to have high-quality local backlinks pointing to your site to improve your page’s authority.


Next, you need to pay much attention to reviews to improve local prominence. Many customers look at a business’s online reviews before deciding whether to engage more with the business or not. Besides, many positive online reviews can increase a business’ ranking factors.

Consider this scenario. A potential customer is looking for a pub around Oakville. When they perform a search, they are presented with two results: one with over 100 reviews and another with less than 10 reviews.

Which business do you think the searcher would trust? The one with 100 reviews, obviously.

As with search engines, customers need to trust a business before they decide to do business with it. Similarly, search engines can view online reviews and analyze them to determine a business’s online prominence.

That said, here are strategies you can use to boost your online review signals:

Have a strategy

You won’t have a strong online prominence if your products or services are not of a high standard. So, the first step to having many great reviews is to develop great products and services.

After that, develop a strategy to encourage your happy customers to leave honest but valuable reviews of their experience doing business with you to help boost your online reputation.

Monitor and manage the reviews

Having many reviews is one thing; you need to develop a plan to engage with your customers for better results. Responding to reviews shows people that you care and are genuine about your products and services.

People will avoid businesses that don’t respond to customer reviews (whether positive or negative).

Search engines, too, can tell whether you engage with customer reviews or not and will use the information to determine where to rank on local search results.

When responding to online reviews, pay special attention to negative reviews and how you respond to them. While no business likes getting negative reviews, how you respond to them can positively impact your business — respond positively to turn the negative reviews around.

3. Relevance

As earlier stated, Google wants to provide the most relevant results to a local search query. This key ranking factor will determine a business’s position in local search results — how well does a local business match a search query?

Even if your business ticks the above pillars (prominence and proximity), if the content on your page isn’t well structured and doesn’t cover the topics that a searcher is looking for, you won’t appear on top of local search results.

Here are factors that businesses should consider to create a relevant listing:

  • Local page signals
  • Local listing categories and attributes
  • Social posts and responses to online reviews

Local listing signals and categories

A business GMB listing and category can impact its relevance score for local searches. As such, complete your business profile carefully and continually add quality content to the web page to ensure it is relevant for proximity searches.

More specifically, ensure that all information on all listing pages, including Yelp, Bing, and Google, is complete and accurate. Aside from these factors, here are two crucial features you should pay attention to:

Category selection

Selecting the right categories for your local business listing is among the crucial factors for ranking locally. With over 4000 GMB categories, you want to choose categories that best describe your business — ensure they are relevant and specific.

Here are guidelines to follow when selecting a category:

  • Describe your business as opposed to your services
  • Be specific to minimize competition
  • Reduce the number of GMB categories to describe your business better
  • Business description

Without a proper description, users won’t know what your business is about. This section is about adding an introduction to your business so that customers and search engines can know more about your business.

However, don’t use this section for marketing your business. Just give users and search engines descriptive info that can help determine whether your business matches their needs.

Local page signals

Another way a business can improve its standing in the local search algorithm is by optimizing web pages for specific keywords. For multi-location businesses, it’s essential to have separate, localized pages for each location, with relevant information and contact details for customers to reach you.

Performing competitor research is advisable to determine what terms or keywords to use for a specific query. Here are top on-page signals to consider when trying to gain relevance for a given topic:

  • Keyword research — Before creating local content, you need to find keywords that matter to your business. Perform keyword research to determine highly relevant keywords with high intent. When finding relevant terms to use in your content, base your research on the customer perspective; think about what they search for and the type of content they are looking for.
  • Create local content — After finding the right keywords, it’s time to create your content. Google values the quality of content more than the length of the content, so keep this in mind when creating content. Another crucial thing to pay attention to is localizing the content. For example, you can create content on local news and events or use your city’s name within your content.

The goal is to create a connection between what’s happening in your local area and your business. Also, use pictures with your specific geolocation to increase your content relevance.

Creating quality and relevant content is only the start. You need to optimize your content for on-page signals so local search algorithms can discover and rank them better. Here’s how you can optimize your local content for on-page signals:

  • Meta descriptions — Include keywords in your meta descriptions to encourage searchers to click through and increase visibility
  • Title tags — Title tags are some of the factors that search engines use to determine where to rank content. Incorporating keywords naturally in your title tags can help boost local rankings
  • Image tags — Another way to improve local rankings is by including relevant keywords in your image tags. Including geotags also comes with an added advantage
  • Headings — Users and Google value pages with clear structures. Consider creating headings within your content to capture readers’ attention and encourage them to read on. However, ensure your heading tags describe the content that comes after them well. Also, include keywords in your heading tags to help search engines understand them and their importance.

Off-page local signals

Gaining high-quality backlinks is a great way to boost credibility and trust. Backlinks refer to external links from another website to your site. Aim to have more high-quality backlinks to boost your website authority.

Ideally, having many quality backlinks shows search engines that your website or page is credible and trustworthy, which boosts the chances of ranking it higher in search engine results.

Guest posting is one of the best examples of link-building strategies you can use. Finding great guest posting opportunities provides an excellent opportunity to share your content to a new but relevant audience, which helps boost your website authority.

Another strategy you can use is to create longer and better content than what is already available on the web. When your content is high quality and relevant, it will be easier to get high-quality backlinks.

Review and social signals

Online reviews can also help boost relevance for your local business. Aim to get as many positive reviews from your happy customers as possible.

Remember, when customers perform a local search, they get not only the relevant businesses but also reviews related to the search. The more positive reviews a business has, the higher chances a potential customer will do business with them.

Closing thoughts on the local search algorithm

Ranking on top of local search results can seem daunting, but it shouldn’t when you know the vital things to focus on. As you have seen above, the local algorithm is based on three pillars: relevance, proximity, and prominence.

Of course, other factors determine local search rankings depending on your industry and competition.

Managing images for a WordPress site  https://smallbiz.com/managing-images-for-a-wordpress-site/ Fri, 17 Jun 2022 15:01:26 +0000 https://smallbiz.com/?p=68249
Say cheese

Images enhance the user’s experience and help get a message across, all the merrier. But while it’s tempting to start throwing images everywhere, avoid rolling like a mad imagery scientist. With images, less is more. And a sound strategy for managing images on a WordPress site is key.

You have to remember that your WordPress site won’t load too well if you’ve just uploaded a 4MB hero image to your home page. That isn’t the best policy. So, what is the best practice for managing images for WordPress? Glad you asked!

Let’s take a little journey into the world of web images and WordPress, shall we?

First things first… getting the images

Before you start worrying about managing images for a WordPress site, you first must have images. Barring a photographer, a couple great sources are iStock Photo and Getty Images, to name just a few.

These online repositories were specifically created for folks that need one or more images for their brand or site.

With both repositories, there is a monthly or yearly fee for obtaining the image or images. And if you want to use some of the images for commercial use, the fees can get a little steep. But they both have millions of images to choose from.

Finally, if you’re on a budget, like the rest of us, there are royalty-free sites like Pixabay. On Pixabay, there are tons of images to choose from that are typically free to use, with no need for photo credits. (Although credits are a nice gesture and appreciated by the contributor.)

Where you don’t want to grab images from is Google.

Most of these images are copyrighted intellectual property. If you really need to use one of the images, you will need to try and contact the original creator of the image and then obtain the right to use said image.

This can be not only a long and painful process but could result in great expense. Using a copyrighted image, without permission, could land you in hot water with a cease-and-desist order. No one has time for that.

Image sizes

How big is too big? That is the question of the ages. Ideally, you want to take the original image and resize it externally, with an appropriate application to get the large image cut down to the actual size that is to be used on your website.

Most WordPress themes have set sizes for things like hero shots (the main image on a page) and other features. So, you should try to size your main image to the proper dimensions before uploading it. Never just upload a huge, unedited pic to your site and then rely on coding to resize it for you.

A resized image, online, is still the large file size that was uploaded. It’s just coded to look smaller.

So, you can have a 2,000 x 2,000-pixel image appear to be only 200 x 200 pixels on the screen. But it’s still the file size of the 2,000 x 2,000-pixel image! Now you have a massive load time on your website’s pages.

For the pages of a site, you alo should resize your images to the appropriate size, as well, which is usually much smaller than the hero shot. Then it is acceptable to allow the site’s coding to resize the thumbnails for you, because these main body images are typically pretty small, anyway.

Image editing

You have an image that you need to work with. Now what? Well, you will need to go in and resize and possibly clean up the image in question before you upload it to the WordPress site. Fortunately, there are many applications out there that can be used for this very task.

My personal go to is Adobe Photoshop.

With Photoshop, you can edit and resize images to your heart’s content. It also has an amazing compression engine that can compress images into a multitude of web formats and makes them ready for upload.

That sounds fine and dandy, but what if I’m on a tight budget? Anything out there for free?

Again… glad you asked. There are free image editing websites out there. While not as powerful as Photoshop, they still have pretty amazing editing capabilities and even function in much the same way as Adobe’s star product.

One website I’ve used before is Pixlr. This is a totally free website that affords you with a host of notable features for editing photos.

Once you’ve edited your image(s), you can save them to your local machine and then upload them to the WordPress site.

Another online image editing site is befunky. With befunky, you can edit images, too, but its editing capabilities are much simpler than Pixlr and far more reduced than Photoshop. However, in a pinch, it’s still fun to work with.

Preferred compression and file formats

Once you have your image sized and edited, you will need to save it with the best compression and file format. The compression is, in part, what determines the file size. The format is the file type. Optimally, you want as small a file size as possible, and there are several file types to choose from.

For hero shots, you want to keep the file size down to under a MB — but that’s up for debate. For the main body images, you want to keep them down to only a few KB. This will ensure a fast load time for your pages. The file types commonly accepted online are:

  • PNG — Portable Network Graphics
  • JPEG — Joint Photographic Experts Group
  • WebP — Pronounced “Weppy,” a raster image format

For images that need a transparent background, PNG is great. But with transparency comes a slightly larger file size. JPG or JPEG files are good for compressed images, but you get some quality loss when you really need to compress them a great deal.

WebP is a newer file type, developed to get a small file size but also to keep much of the original image quality. However, not all hosting plans come equipped to handle this file type yet — at least not without certain PHP extensions, like ImageMagick installed.

Displaying images on your site

Now that you have images resized and uploaded, you’ll want to be able to make these images load as fast as possible. Even though you’ve crunched the image down, a little more smooshing is still a good idea. There are several plugins on the market that can help you with managing images for the WordPress site:

  • Smush — This is the most popular, award-winning (and not to mention free) WordPress image compression plugin. It uses the latest image data compression algorithms, known as lossless compression, that removes unused data and compresses images without losing any quality. I have personally used this one, with great success.
  • EWWW Image Optimizer — This is among the best WordPress image compression plugins. It helps to reduce your website’s bandwidth by optimizing images. A primary feature of this plugin is that it has no speed limits and unlimited file-size support (up to 150 MB).
  • ShortPixel Image Optimizer — ShortPixel is another excellent WordPress image optimizer with a great interface. It’s fast, easy on the eyes, and has some fantastic features.
  • Optimus — If bandwidth is your primary concern, this is the best plugin for you because it reduces the image size up to 70%, depending upon the file format, of course.
  • Imagify — This is a premium WordPress plugin meant to optimize your images to speed up website load times. It’s designed to handle everything for you, automagically. It is set up to run when you upload each new image. This way, you can optimize everything in one go.

Ok. You’ve edited your images, crunched and saved them, and then uploaded and smooshed them further. Now what? Now you have to display your images. By default, your theme will display images throughout the site in a certain way. But if you have the need for an image gallery, then you might want to consider these plugins:

  • Modula — This plugin allows you to create pretty and responsive grid style galleries with very little configuration. It’s compatible with Block Editor, Beaver Builder. and Elementor.
  • NextGEN Gallery — NextGEN has been around the block for quite some time. Thus, it is typically the go-to plugin for most people. It is highly customizable and has great functionality. It’s a favorite for photographers and folks who work with images as a career.
  • Envira Gallery — This one comes in a lite version and a premium (paid) version. The features are more basic than those found in Modula and NextGEN. But it does have the ability for deep linking and pagination, for larger galleries.
  • Photo Gallery by 10web — 10web’s image plugin is cool because it also allows for ecommerce functionality, social sharing, and has various slideshow effects.
  • FooGallery — Also a simple gallery, it still has some nice hover effects, lightbox, pagination, and retina support. It too comes in a pro (paid) version.

Image protection

You have worked so hard to make a site look pretty with imagery. Now, how do you keep your hard work from being swiped by someone who visits your site? After all, it is pretty easy to just right click on an image and save it to your desktop.

So, what’s to stop that from happening?

Well, there are several ways to approach image protection. It just depends on your goal. One thing you can do is to disable the right click on your site altogether. The above-mentioned plugin Envira comes with image protection.

You can also get a plugin called WP Content Copy Protection. It will disable right-clicking on your entire website. However, you can also set it to protect selected pages, posts, and categories, too.

Watermarking is another age-old tactic used to protect your images.

The plus side to this method of protection is that when someone does swipe your image, they then have your logo and/or trademark on it that they would then have to attempt to remove via Photoshop. Typically, most people will avoid grabbing an image with a watermark on it altogether.

The downside to this method of protection is now all your images have watermarks on them and, based on how you watermarked them, this can be unsightly.

Another way to steal the images from your website is by loading them from the original source. The image will load from your server, or hosting plan, and will then be displayed on third-party websites without your permission, of course.

You can disable the hotlinking of images from your WordPress site with a little bit of coding in the .htaccess file. Just add this code to the .htaccess file in your WordPress site’s root directory:

#Disable image hotlinking with forbidden custom image option

RewriteEngine on

RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$

RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http(s)?://(www.)?yourdomain.com [NC]

RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http(s)?://(www.)?google.com [NC]

RewriteRule .(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$ – [NC,F,L]

*Be sure to replace yourdomain.com with your site’s domain name!

Finally, you can also add copyright notices on your site, but most people ignore those anyway. I wouldn’t really bother worrying too much about this method.

Closing thoughts on managing images for WordPress

You should now have a generous mitten full of imagery tidbits at your fingertips that will hopefully be able to steer you in the right direction while making a WordPress site shine with pretty images — and still maintain fast load times.

These suggestions are subject to change and/or debate. But what kind of a world would we live in if we couldn’t change or debate?

10 WordPress security best practices you need to implement — right now  https://smallbiz.com/10-wordpress-security-best-practices-you-need-to-implement-right-now/ Fri, 10 Jun 2022 15:22:02 +0000 https://smallbiz.com/?p=67338
Lock it down

WordPress is a powerful web application and is used by up to 43% of the internet, to date. But with great popularity comes great threats. With numbers like these, many would-be attackers are constantly on the lookout for weaknesses in your site — a good reason to implement these WordPress security best practices, right now.

WordPress security best practices

Sans the usual best practices — like keeping your core files, theme(s) and plugins up to date — there are also many other factors to take into consideration. File and directory permissions, and more are necessary to keep safe that which you’ve worked hard on and treasure.

1. Update file permissions

The default file permissions for all files on a WordPress site are typically set to 644. The default directory permissions are set at 755. There are scenarios that warrant differences.

For instance, it is a good idea to have your wp-config.php file set to permissions stronger than 644.

I know of folks who set that file’s permissions to 440. This helps make it harder for the riff raff to access the file. Some people set theirs to 600. That’s fine too.

You can change the file and directory’s permissions via File Manager, in your hosting plan. You can also alter these permissions in your favorite FTP program.

2. Disable the xmlrpc.php File

What is this file? Well, simply put, the XMLRPC is a system that allows for remote updates to WordPress from other applications. To make sure your site stays secure, it’s a good idea to disable xmlrpc.php completely.

However, if you need some of the functions necessary for remote publishing and the Jetpack plugin (for instance), you should use a workaround plugin that allows for these features while still fixing all the security gaps.

One plugin that comes to mind is called Disable XML-RPC. This plugin uses the built-in WordPress filter xmlrpc_enabled to simply disable the XML-RPC API on a WordPress site. This renders it unobtainable by someone looking to compromise your site.

Another plugin that comes to mind is the Disable XML-RPC Pingback plugin, which lets you disable just the pingback functionality. This means that you will still have access to other features of XML-RPC if you need happen to need them — for instance, if you’re running Jetpack. There are other plugins that will also disable this file. See below for more details on that plugin.

Both plugins are easy to use. You just have to install and activate them. They do the rest for you.

In the event that you want to have more control over how the XMLRPC plugin works, you can instead install the REST XML-RPC Data Checker plugin. Once installed and activated, you would just need to go to Settings > REST XML-RPC Data Checker, and then click the XML-RPC tab.

Once there, you will be able to navigate through the interface to better control the xmlrpc.php file and what it does.

If you already have a ton of plugins and want to avoid installing yet another, you can control the xmlrpc.php file via the .htaccess file by adding this line to it:

add_filter( ‘xmlrpc_enabled’, ‘__return_false’ );

That will just turn it off altogether.

You can also edit the .htaccess file with this command:

<Files xmlrpc.php>

Order Allow, Deny

Deny from all


Or have your hosting provider disable the file itself.

3. Hide your sensitive details

Once you’ve got your site all dialed in and live, hide certain details from the public eye that might lure someone towards wanting to compromise all your arduous work. A nice plugin for this is called Hide My WP Ghost. This plugin is a paid plugin, but it’s worth the coin, and it’s on sale now for a 5-pack license.

This plugin does a fantastic job of hiding your core files, file paths, login page, and more. It performs the following functions, to name just a few:

  • Change the wp-admin and wp-login URLs
  • Change lost password URL
  • Hide /wp-login path
  • Disable XML-RPC access
  • Change URLs using URL Mapping
  • Weekly security checks and reports
  • Email support, and more

4. WAF/CDN protection

A big step towards protection is blocking people you don’t want to have access to your site, altogether. This can be accomplished via a WAF (web application firewall) combined with a CDN (content delivery network).

Fortunately, GoDaddy offers this type of protection through Sucuri. Once purchased and set up, you can go into the firewall settings and enable GeoBlocking, if you so desire, and block entire countries from accessing your site.

The WAF will also help to speed up your site, since it does a wonderful job of blocking the known bad IPs and allowing the good ones to access your site.

5. Combat comment Spam

Another nuisance is comment form spam. There is a great way to limit or prevent this type of problem. The method I like is to utilize the plugin called wpDiscuz.

With this plugin, wpDiscuz will take over your site’s commenting and check against a host of bad actors, filtering out bad or malicious comments by forcing the commenter to enter credentials to comment. You get an email sent to you with each successful comment on your site, so you can then moderate further, if needed.

6. Enable CAPTCHA

It is highly recommended that you also enable CAPTCHA on all forms on your site(s). This will aid in the prevention of form spam. There are several types of CAPTCHA additions out there. Some ask the user to solve a math equation, some have a puzzle to solve, others have you select a series of pictures, and there are more variations.

7. Enable 2-factor authentication (2FA)

A tried-and-true way of keeping out the knuckleheads out there who would seek to do your site harm is to enable 2-factor authentication on every user of your site. If you are on your site all the time, it can be a mild inconvenience to have to enter the 2FA each time you log in. But that is a small price to pay for the security of your site.

A good plugin that can be used to enable 2FA is Wordfence. Just install the plugin and go to this article to see how to enable it.

8. Change the WP-admin URL

The default admin URL has been the same, on WordPress, for years. All bad actors know it and routinely attempt to gain access to your site via said URL. The above mentioned Hide My WP Ghost plugin does a great job of obscuring this URL by simply changing it.

9. Add server-level protection

If your WordPress site is hosted on a server, you can enable other security features that will help keep your site safe. One such feature is in WHM. You can help prevent or limit the possibility of an AnonymousFox compromise by simply turning off Reset Password for cPanel Accounts and Reset Password for Subaccounts.

Simply go to WHM > Tweak Settings > search for password. From there, for the Reset Password for cPanel Accounts and Reset Password for Subaccounts features, select Off. This will help in preventing a bad actor from accessing — and then changing — the cPanel and subaccounts passwords.

The second thing you’ll want to do, if your site is hosted on a server, is to disable shell access to all your cPanel accounts. Just go to WHM > Manage Shell Access > Disable Shell for all cPanel accounts.

10. Strong login credentials

Last among our WordPress security best practices, but certainly not least, always use strong passwords and obscure usernames. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve come across passwords like Password123!. Another common mistake is making the username something relative to the site itself.

If you want to get compromised, that is a sure-fire way to do it.

Long and randomly generated passwords, in conjunction with usernames that have nothing to do with the site, are always your best combo.

Another great idea is to continually change your passwords. It might seem like a pain, but that pales in comparison to getting hacked. How often you change your passwords is up to your discretion. — just as long as you do. (You’ll be glad you did.)

Closing thoughts on WordPress security best practices

All in all, you have worked so hard for your intellectual property (or your client’s). Why not keep it safe? These few, but helpful, WordPress security best practices can go a long way toward a successful and compromise-free website for years to come.

7 must-have web development tools https://smallbiz.com/7-must-have-web-development-tools/ Mon, 06 Jun 2022 14:27:26 +0000 https://smallbiz.com/?p=66746
Lighten your load

No matter how much experience you have, finding shortcuts can streamline your workflow and help you be more productive. Luckily, there are tons of website development tools designed to help take the stress out of your projects so you can get more done with less effort.

You don’t have to work harder. You just need to work smarter so you can take on more projects without spreading yourself too thin. Here are a few of the top tools for web developers that you can incorporate into your daily workflow.

Using web development tools with GoDaddy Pro

Tracking down individual tools and finding ways to integrate them into your workflow on a piece-by-piece basis is time-consuming. The Hub by GoDaddy Pro makes it easy by integrating a few key web development tools right into the dashboard.

Some of the tools that are integrated into The Hub include:

  • Code snippets: Execute custom code without logging in and out of each site you’re working on.
  • Backups: Back up dev work and site updates on one or multiple sites at the same time.
  • Uptime monitoring: Monitor multiple sites for health, problems and interruptions.
  • Performance scanning: Check multiple sites for performance issues on demand.

These are just a few of the tools you’ll have access to in The Hub. You’ll be able to use additional web development tools seamlessly as needed.

Our top 7 recommended tools for web developers

Every web development project is different, and while The Hub can help you manage your clients’ sites with ease, there are a few additional tools we recommend. Here are seven of the top must-have web developer tools you can use in conjunction with those provided in The Hub:

  • PHPStorm
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Sublime
  • Vim
  • Emacs
  • WebPac
  • Gulp


PHPStorm simplifies and streamlines the coding process. You’re able to work with HTML5, JavaScript, CSS, Sass, CoffeeScript, 5, Stylus and others to manually build out features for clients’ sites while analyzing and testing the code in real time.

And you can do it with every major framework, whether you’re working with WordPress or have clients that rely on Magento, Joomla! Laravel, Drupal and more.

The biggest benefit of the tool is its ability to monitor your code for errors in real time. Anytime the program detects a problem, it notifies you and suggests an appropriate fix. That means you’ll be able to test your code and identify issues long before the page goes live.

Learn more about PHPStorm.

Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code was developed by Microsoft in 2015 and has since taken the web development world by storm. It’s one of the most popular code editors in use and for good reason: It’s easy to use and extensible, meaning you’re able to create extensions that will benefit your web development style and preferences.

The system works with all of the most common programming languages, so you’ll be able to work with the language you’re most comfortable with.

It works across platforms, so you can work on Windows, Linux or Mac operating systems. Even better, Visual Studio Code is free and, as an open-source program, you can count on continuing innovations from your peers to make the program as feature-rich as you need it to be.

Learn more about Visual Studio Code.

Sublime Text

If you’re looking for a simple, pared-down program to edit text and test your code, Sublime Text is your best bet. The interface is simple and, while it may lack some of the extensions and customizations of other programs, it’s still incredibly powerful.

The program allows you to edit text quickly and can make use of the many intuitive keyboard shortcuts to make the process faster, easier and more enjoyable.

The program is free for an extended period. You’ll have ongoing support and updates for three years after downloading the program. After those three years, you’ll still be able to use Sublime Text, but you won’t gain access to new versions or patches without paying for a license.

It’s the perfect front-end development tool for those just starting out and developers that don’t want to deal with complicated layouts or extensions that don’t serve their purposes.

Learn more about Sublime Text.


Vim is another free and open-source application designed for web developers who value efficiency above all else. The interface is simple and integrates seamlessly with Linux and Mac-based systems. As an open-source program, you can count on user input and leverage a vibrant community of web developers when you need assistance, support or just want to bounce ideas off of another person, much like you can in The Hub by GoDaddy Pro.

The control interface is designed to keep your fingers on the keyboard at all times, reducing lag when moving from line to line. There is a learning curve with Vim, but once you master it, you’ll find that writing, editing and testing code will be much faster and more efficient.

Vim is a unique platform in that the designers encourage users to donate to a charity rather than purchasing a license for advanced features. You’re able to pay what you think is appropriate or continue using the program for free.

Learn more about Vim.


Emacs is one of the best web development tools for coding experts that like to switch between text-only and graphical interfaces. You can toggle between the two displays to better fit your mood or to better accommodate different coding projects. Even better, Emacs works with every major operating system.

It’s best for experienced web developers, as there can be a learning curve. But as long as you have a firm understanding of coding best practices, you’ll be able to use the program fully.

Learn more about Emacs.


Great web pages aren’t just text. They incorporate tons of images and interactive features, and those features can be tough to code item by item. Webpack bundles those modules together into functional workflows that do much of the heavy lifting for you.

Webpack is predominantly for developers using JavaScript, but that doesn’t mean it’s restrictive. You can still use Webpack for HTML and CSS-based projects, too.

Learn more about Webpack.


The best way to increase productivity is to automate as many processes as you can. Gulp allows you to automate certain tasks within your JavaScript code. Most web developers choose to automate the more repetitive tasks like compilation and linting that would otherwise take up valuable time.

The program also lets you nest or combine tasks into a cohesive function to further speed things along.

Though Gulp is usable right out of the box, the community of users is vibrant, and you’ll find tons of support and valuable extensions and plugins to make the program even more useful for each project you work on.

Learn more about Gulp.

Build your web development toolkit

As the digital world evolves, so too will your job. Using these web development tools will help you streamline your workflow and improve your efficiency. Each provides a level of portability, functionality and customization to support the specific projects you work on.

When combined with the tools already in The Hub by GoDaddy Pro, you’ll see a major improvement in your web development efforts with every project you take on.

How to dial in the one-page WordPress website  https://smallbiz.com/how-to-dial-in-the-one-page-wordpress-website/ Fri, 27 May 2022 15:47:26 +0000 https://smallbiz.com/?p=65499
Less is more 

If you’re looking to offer a more affordable (and easier to build) solution for a client’s business, online portfolio, and much more, you may want to consider a one-page WordPress website.

One-page websites are simple, popular and — when built on Managed WordPress — easy for nearly anyone to maintain.

However, dialing in the one-page design isn’t always a simple task for website designers, especially when you’re used to taking on larger or more complex projects. Luckily you’ve come to this post. Here, we look at tips to help create a solid one-page website design. Here’s what we’ll cover:

  1. Determine whether one page is enough

  2. Create a strategy for content

  3. Build an anchor menu for easy navigation

  4. Understand the audience

  5. Make scrolling easier

  6. Make the website mobile-friendly

  7. Develop strong CTAs

  8. Avoid large text blocks

  9. Optimize for search engines

  10. Include social media accounts

  11. Be creative with the contact block

Why a one-page WordPress website?

One-page website designs have gained increased popularity among business owners and web designers because they’re simple, easy and trendy. But while one-page websites are ideal for different types of business, they are not a one-fits-all solution.

Before settling on a one-page website, ensure it is ideal for your client. You may want to create a one-page website if they don’t have a lot of content or many different elements. A single-page website may be ideal for clients who:

  • Want to create an online portfolio or personal website
  • Sell a few products or services
  • Have one-time events such as conferences and weddings
  • Need a campaign-specific landing page

On the other hand, a one-page WordPress website may not be ideal, for example, if their content is complex or they sell lots of different products or services with tons of information.

Tips for creating a one-page WordPress website

Less is more in design, and web design is not an exception. After all, the fewer pages a site has, the more it will be appealing to visitors. A good one-page design will communicate a story effectively, promote a brand and drive conversions.

However, that doesn’t mean that creating a one-page WordPress website is a simple task. Without the right gameplan, you may end up with a single page that isn’t attractive and doesn’t serve your marketing purposes.

To that end, here are steps to follow for a perfect one-page website design:

Determine whether one page is enough

Before you take any step, it’s best to determine whether the situation calls for one page or a classic website. Depending on the type of client you’re helping, one kind of website might be better than another — you need to weigh the options to determine which type of website will work.

As stated earlier, a one-page WordPress website should have a simple yet robust design that is user friendly. It often displays only a small amount of text but more images.

Due to its long scrolling design, you have the option to be creative and decide the order in which content appears.

One-page website design offers a good user experience. Since the content appears in a linear fashion, visitors won’t get lost in multiple pages. These sites also render well on mobile and tablets, and are easy to maintain.

A classic website comes with a homepage alongside other pages, often services, a contact page, and FAQ. The main advantage of a classic web design over a one page is that it allows you to display tons of content about products or services.

With the classic design, you get the option to display each piece of content on a dedicated page, allowing more thorough descriptions. But if you decide that a one-page WordPress website is best, move to the next step.

Create a strategy for content

The first step to creating a one-page WordPress website is to plan out content. One page allows you to control the order in which content appears. The idea is to ensure the order is both logical and intuitive.

Be careful with what you place above the fold or what the visitor sees before scrolling down the site. Ideally, the main message should entice visitors.

Like any other website, a one-page WordPress website could include an about section, services and products, more about the offering, an FAQ section, CTAs, a photo gallery and contact information.

How you prioritize this content will determine how effective the one-page design will be. Remove unnecessary information to keep content as simple and organized as possible.

Build an anchor menu for easy navigation

Unlike a classic website (where each item links to a page of its own), a one-page WordPress website menu links to a different section of the same page. As a result, you need to build an anchor menu to link each section.

These are three important steps to help create an anchor menu for a good one-page design:

  • Create an anchorAn anchor will help users navigate to a particular part of your one-page design. While some templates come with built-in anchors, there’s usually an option to rename, move or delete them.
  • Link anchors to the menu — Linking the site’s menu to anchors makes it easier for visitors to go to a specific section. The idea is to select the corresponding section to attach an anchor to, which will help in the navigation.
  • Create a menu order — Linking the menu to anchors isn’t enough. You should ensure the order in the menu corresponds to the order of section. Single-page website designs involve a lot of scrolling. As such, ensure that the menu is always visible by freezing it. Fortunately, this is easily achievable via plugins such as WP Floating Menu.

Understand the audience

When it comes to a one-page WordPress website, you have only one page to display many sections. That’s why it is important to identify gaps in every section and fill those gaps to improve user experience and overall site performance.

Analyzing which sections have gaps and making the necessary changes is paramount. To achieve this, you need to group your visitors based on location, demographics, source, behaviors, devices they use, and other such criteria.

You can collect this data for clients if you install proper analytic tools like Google Analytics on the site. Ensure that you have everything set up to get required data and determine the metric to track.

Tracking user behavior for a classic website with multiple pages is straightforward. But things get rather complicated when it comes to a single-page website.

Luckily, free tools like Google Tag Manager will help track activities on a one-page website. This tool will enable you to track different actions on the site and provide more insights regarding the needs and expectations of a target audience.

Make scrolling easier

A one-page WordPress website involves a lot of scrolling. Don’t make visitors keep scrolling down the site to find what they are looking for — make it as simple as possible.

A scroll-top button (yep, there are plugins for that) and anchor links make navigation easier and fast. You may also want to use parallax scrolling (make the background move a different speed from the foreground content) to keep your users engaged when scrolling until they find what they are looking for.

No matter how creative you want to be with navigation, you shouldn’t ignore usability. After all, visitors are real humans, so ensure they can easily find the content they need.

Make the website mobile-friendly

People spend more time on smartphones or tablets than desktops. You may also have heard about mobile-first indexing, where Google considers the mobile version of the content for indexing and ranking.

As a result, ensure the website is functional and looks as good on mobile as desktop. Adapting to the mobile version shouldn’t cause headaches if you use a readymade CMS like WordPress.

Develop strong CTAs

Strong CTAs for the one-page WordPress website are essential. This command phrase, such as “Buy Now” or “Sign Up,” takes the form of a button or hyperlink to increase sales or conversion.

To get the most from a CTA, it needs to:

  • Be logical, intuitive and concise
  • Encourage visitors to take action
  • Unique from other graphical elements
  • Placed at strategic places for users’ view

Once you have CTA content, link the button to an anchor to make it easy for visitors to navigate a particular section.

Avoid large text blocks

Having too much text on one page can hurt conversions. After all, users expect as brief a chain of actions as possible (e.g. visit > see what you need > take the required action).

Imagine if, during the second step, there’s tons of text for the user to read.

Include only the information that directs users to a CTA, and presents it in a brief and straightforward manner. If you have a lot of information to share with users, create a separate blog and link it to a unique place on the website.

Optimize for search engines

The need for search engine optimization for any website cannot be overstated. When it comes to a one-page WordPress website, you only have one page to rank for several keywords, and you have fewer things to optimize than a classic website.

However, this doesn’t mean that you cannot optimize the single-page website. Yes, it may be a bit challenging, but it’s possible. That said, here are things to remember when optimizing a one-page website:

Improve page speed

Page speed refers to the time it takes to display a page content fully. In our case, this is the time it takes to display one page of website content.

A significant number of visitors will leave a page that takes more than three seconds to load.

And if your website loads slowly, Google and other search engines will consider it to have a bad user experience. That’s why you need to analyze your site loading speed and optimize it.

Luckily, Google has a free tool to help analyze your website speed. To analyze your website, go to PageSpeed Insights and enter the URL. This tool will help analyze how a site performs on both desktop and mobile devices.

Once you get insights into what is slowing down the website, try to resolve all errors to improve website speed.

Optimize each section for SEO

Treat each section of the one-pager as a separate page and optimize it for SEO. The idea here is to ensure that each section of your one-page website has a heading tag to tell what the section is all about.

Next, optimize each section for the primary and related keywords. You also need to optimize text blocks for those keywords and include alt texts in images.

Ensure content is fresh and relevant

Content is king, but only if it’s fresh and relevant for an audience and search engines. Content is not static. To keep up with the ever-changing Google algorithms, pitch content updates to your client so the website can rank higher on SERPs.

Include social media accounts

Social media can provide a perfect way to improve an online presence. As such, connect your client’s Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn profiles with their one-page WordPress website to help improve traffic to the site.

One way to achieve this is by adding an Instagram feed. Doing this will provide an opportunity to share the latest photos of your client’s business with visitors.

Another perfect way to incorporate social media profiles into the website is to place icons for all business social media accounts. Users will see these elements as they scroll the website, providing a perfect way to further interact with a business.

Be creative with the contact block

Last but not least, make sure visitors can easily find contact information on the site. That said, consider placing phone numbers, email addresses, blogs, and social media links in a separate block at the top of the site.

The idea is to ensure that users will not need to scroll to the bottom to see contact information. After all, this can be troublesome, especially if the site has many media components that can load slowly when there’s a poor internet connection.

Closing thoughts on the one-page WordPress website

Creating a one-page WordPress website has many benefits, including better SEO potential, it’s faster and easier to maintain, intuitive to use, and easy to organize. Once you determine that a single website is best for your client, the above tips will help you get a perfect one-pager going.

Is WordPress still the best CMS around? https://smallbiz.com/is-wordpress-still-the-best-cms-around/ Mon, 18 Apr 2022 13:25:40 +0000 https://smallbiz.com/?p=61126
It’s a big build-up!

For many years, WordPress was the undisputed “gold standard” of content management systems (CMS). It was one of the only free CMS on the market and it offered everything you needed to create an excellent website from scratch. But is this still the case? Is WordPress worth using if you’re in the market for a new website? Or are there other alternatives to WordPress CMS worth exploring?

A brief history of WordPress

The first version of WordPress was released in 2003. It was designed to be a relatively simple way for people to create their own websites, and it worked pretty well, considering the time period.

Screenshot of the original WordPress CMS dashboard
Image Source: WPBeginner

Over the years, it went through a number of changes, with WordPress 2.0 released in 2005, complete with an admin dashboard to make it easier for webmasters to manage their sites. In 2006, Automattic (founded by WordPress co-founder Matt Mullenweg) filed a trademark registration for WordPress, and in 2008, the admin interface was redesigned.

Throughout the 2010s, WordPress exploded in popularity, offering new tools and add-ons, expanding its collection of themes and templates, and ultimately making the user experience easier, and more beginner-friendly.

Today, it’s estimated that there are more than 455 million WordPress websites globally, representing about 37% of all websites.

Key features of WordPress CMS

So what’s the allure of WordPress? What has turned it into such a dominant force in the market of website builders?

As you’ll see when we get to the comparison section, WordPress offers many of the same features other CMS solutions offer.

Anyone, regardless of how much technical experience they have or how skilled they are at coding, can use the tool to quickly and easily put together a website.

Users are walked through a series of steps so that in the course of a few hours, you can go from having a simple idea to having a fully hosted, functional website.

These are some of the key features that make WordPress so popular:

  • Professional themes. One of the greatest advantages of WordPress is that it offers tens of thousands of professional themes and templates you can use to make your website look professional. You can search for exactly the right theme for your industry and target audience, then customize that theme to be perfectly suited to your brand.

Because your options are practically limitless, there’s probably a theme that perfectly aligns with your vision.

This simplifies the website design process, allowing you to tap into professional designs that are already created. Many of these templates are totally free, and the paid templates aren’t super expensive, allowing even small business owners with tight budgets to get exactly what they need.

  • WYSIWYG editing style. WordPress also benefits from its content management system (CMS) which relies on WYSIWYG (“what you see is what you get”) editing. As the name suggests, this style of web editor allows you to rely on basic user interactions, such as dragging and dropping, to create your website from scratch. You don’t need to understand how programming works, nor are you going to be digging into the backend code of your site. Instead, you’re going to reposition and redesign elements at your own discretion, and your completed website will look exactly the way you want it to look.
  • Search engine optimization. The backend coding of WordPress websites is already optimized for search engines. This means that search engines like Google can readily crawl and index your site, maximizing your chances of appearing in search results when users search for terms relevant to your website. One thing to keep in mind here is that you’ll need a full SEO strategy if you want to rank higher and earn more organic traffic. WordPress doesn’t do all the work for you; it simply lays the foundation.
  • Potential store upgrades. If you’re interested in building an online store, where you can sell your products and services to people directly, you can do that with WordPress. You’ll need the help of special add-ons to modify the structure of your site, but it’s still relatively easy even for a newcomer to accomplish.
  • Plenty of add-ons. Speaking of add-ons, there are plenty of add-ons available for WordPress, since developers are constantly inventing new ones and distributing them. Each module has the potential to change the way your website works, giving you access to new designs, new functions and new user experience improvements when you manage the content on your own site.
  • Alerts and metrics. WordPress also grants you access to metrics related to your website’s performance, so you can track how many people are visiting your website, how they’re behaving on your site and more. You’ll also get special alerts and notifications for specific interactions on your website, such as when people comment on your blog posts.

Mobile view of WordPress CMS stats and dashboard

Of course, there are a few downsides that you’ll need to keep in mind.

  • Paid upgrades (including hosting). Although WordPress is commonly touted as free, it’s not an all-inclusive package. For example, hosting is not included. If you want adequate hosting for your website, you’ll need a product like GoDaddy WordPress hosting. You’ll also need to pay for certain upgrades, such as access to certain templates, improving your security or including paid add-ons.
  • Customization limitations. While you can customize your WordPress design to some extent, there are some hard limitations to what you can tinker with. You will be restricted on what you can edit based on your theme and your WordPress plan.
  • The plugin bloat problem. Plugins and add-ons for WordPress can be extremely valuable, boosting the performance and capabilities of your site. But as you add more and more, they begin to reveal certain drawbacks. Namely, the speed and functionality of your site can decline due to plugin bloat.
  • Security issues. WordPress offers some basic security for the websites you build using the platform, but it’s not the most robust offering. It may be in your best interest to seek third-party support for further security upgrades or choose a different platform if security is a major concern.

WordPress CMS alternatives: pros and cons

These days, there are dozens of alternatives to WordPress website builders you can use to build a site for free. Many of these alternatives have almost an identical set of features to WordPress, giving you access to thousands of templates, allowing you to edit your website without any coding experience and even offering enhancements in the form of plugins.

For the purposes of our comparison, we will be looking at a couple of the most popular CMS alternatives to WordPress. Because these platforms are so similar, we won’t be exploring all the things they have in common; Instead, we’re going to focus on distinguishing characteristics.


First, there’s Drupal, an open-source alternative with more than 1 million websites to call its own.

  • Slightly harder to use. With Drupal, you’ll need at least some technical knowledge. Fans of the platform speak very highly of its features and capabilities, but there’s a steep learning curve. If you don’t have much experience building websites, you’re probably going to struggle to get going.
  • Greater flexibility. For the most part, Drupal is more flexible than WordPress. There are more things you can customize, and fewer limitations on what you can accomplish with the platform.
  • Higher security. In part because security is lacking with WordPress, Drupal wins the security battle. You’ll find much more robust security protections with this platform.


With more than 2.8 million websites, Joomla is another contender worth considering.

  • Higher difficulty. The biggest drawback of Joomla is the higher difficulty involved. It’s a less intuitive platform than WordPress, so it’s going to take more time for you to learn how to use it and get started. It also pays to have some coding knowledge if you’re going to get involved here.
  • Ample plugins. Whatever you’re looking to accomplish with a Joomla website, there’s a plugin that can help you do it. Joomla has one of the most robust selections of plugins of any platform on this list.
  • Store flexibility. Thanks to the help of plugins and practically unlimited modification potential, Joomla makes it easy to build a functional online storefront.

Creating a website from scratch

Solutions like WordPress or other CMS platforms aren’t your only path to creating a website; they just happen to be one of the most popular and accessible options.

You can always hire a website design agency or a team of website designers and developers to help make your website a reality.

Here’s are the distinguishing characteristics you’ll need to keep in mind if you consider this option:

  • Much more expensive. Designing and developing a website with the help of an agency is much more expensive than using a website builder. This should be obvious, considering many website builders are totally free.
  • Technically complicated. Coding a website from scratch is much harder than relying on an existing template. If you’re doing the work yourself, you’re going to need to do a lot of studying to make your efforts a success. If you’re working with an agency, and your project is complicated, expect a few hurdles along the way.
  • Unlimited flexibility. The big advantage here is that you have truly unlimited flexibility. You’re not going to be limited by drag and drop editors or pre-existing templates; instead, if you can dream it, you can make it.
  • Direct control. Some entrepreneurs like the idea of creating a website from scratch because they get more direct control over the process. Instead of choosing from a limited range of pre-made options, you can build everything from the ground up.

Sometimes, it’s obvious that a website was built using a pre-existing template. That’s because it looks like every other website. If you want to stand out with an original design that breaks away from oversaturated templates, designing from scratch is a practical requirement.


So what’s the bottom line here?

In some ways, WordPress still is the ”gold standard” for website builders. It’s by far the most popular website builder, it has everything you need to build a website (even if you have no technical knowledge), it’s free (or inexpensive), and it keeps adding new features and new plugins.

But even with that in mind, you should know that there are plenty of alternative options, each with its own collection of unique strengths and weaknesses. Before making any decisions, it’s a good idea to evaluate your own goals, including your budget, your technical skill and the functional needs of your website.

Once you understand your priorities better, it should be much easier to choose the correct platform for your website building needs.

Why you should be manually updating WordPress for clients  https://smallbiz.com/why-you-should-be-manually-updating-wordpress-for-clients/ Mon, 11 Apr 2022 14:57:33 +0000 https://smallbiz.com/?p=60349
Getting your hands dirty 

WordPress has a host of very cool automated features at its disposal, like auto-posting, security scanning, site health checks, and auto updates. So why would you want to interfere with automation and start manually updating WordPress for clients?

Well, sometimes automation can go sideways and cause more harm than good.

One such instance is the auto-update feature. You can set WordPress to automagically update its core files, and you can even set it to update plugins and themes, too. That may seem fine until there is a conflict with an update — and now the site is down.

That won’t sit well with your client, so it’s highly recommended to keep an eye on updates as you run them. If you’re managing WordPress sites for a stable of clients, you can use The Hub by GoDaddy Pro to run updates in bulk. You’ll be able to monitor these updates as they complete and easily click into WP admin if it’s necessary.

Manually updating WordPress core files

At the heart of WordPress are the core files, like the wp-config.php, index.php, and functions.php, to name just a few. Anyone can feasibly download these core files and work to exploit them for vulnerabilities.

Thus, these files need to be updated regularly to patch security holes.

Updates also address new features as well. It is always best practice to manually perform a core file update for the primary fact that if something goes wrong, you are there and able to revert to the previous version of WordPress quickly.

If left unchecked and the site does go down, and you aren’t there to fix it, a client’s online presence could be missing for an untold period of time. Simply being there to press the update button in the dashboard of the site could save you many future woes.

Upon logging into WordPress, select Updates from the top left of the primary dashboard menu. This will take you to the Updates page. Here you will be able to see all the updates the site requires.

Covering your bases with a backup

After reviewing the necessary updates, make sure the site is backed up. It is always best practice to fully back up the site before running any updates. That way you have something to revert to, in the event something goes wrong.

If you’re using Managed WordPress from GoDaddy, the site is backed up each day.

If you’re not using Managed WordPress, you should have a backup plan in place that stores redundancies (backups) of a site. Once you have confirmed that you have a recent backup, you’ll want to select the Update to version x.x.x button.

The update can take a couple minutes to complete on larger sites. But once it’s complete, you’ll see a screen like this one.

On rare instances, the update can fail. That is why it is crucial that you have a backup in place and ready to restore. There are many reasons for a failed update, but usually it is due to either a hosting or server setting, PHP version issue, or plugin/theme incompatibility.

One point to remember, too, is that when WordPress is updating core files, plugins, or themes the site will automatically be placed in maintenance mode till the update is finished.

Manually updating WordPress plugins & themes

To update plugins, visit the Updates page again. Scroll down to the plugins section and there you will see one or more plugins that need attention.

Best practice in mind here: update one plugin at a time.

The reasoning behind this is if you update them all at once, and one of the plugins has an issue, you’ll have a lot of troubleshooting on your hands to find out which plugin failed to update successfully.

Updating one at a time allows you to spot which plugin, if any, failed to update. You can simply disable that plugin and either come back to it later or replace said plugin with another that is more compatible with other plugins, theme, or core files.

Plugin troubleshooting is outside of the scope of this article, but you can hit your favorite search engine to find the solutions. When updating a plugin, you would simply select the check box to the left of the plugin and, just above the plugins, select Update Plugins.

Plugins can take a few minutes to update, at times. So be patient. Good things come to those who wait. Once the plugin has completed its update, you’ll be redirected to a “success” screen. The maintenance mode will be automagically deactivated, and the site will be accessible again.

A point to remember here is that when you’re updating core files, plugins, or themes, you simply need to wait till the update is finished. If you navigate away from the update page, you will interrupt the update and you will have to manually delete the .maintenance file via either FTP or File Manager.

Otherwise, the site will be stuck in maintenance mode.

Updating a theme follows the same procedures as updating plugins. Select the theme to update, select the Update Themes button, and wait for it to complete.

Closing thoughts on manually updating WordPress

In closing, be sure to follow best practices and always backup files and database before performing any updates. Always update one thing at a time. And finally, be patient and allow WordPress to complete your requested task. You’ll be glad you did. Manual updates have been a part of my personal routine for over a decade now, and my sites are better for it.

Improve your conversion rates with these key landing page elements  https://smallbiz.com/improve-your-conversion-rates-with-these-key-landing-page-elements/ Thu, 07 Apr 2022 16:14:58 +0000 https://smallbiz.com/?p=60039
Visitors = customers

When you have a great product or service, it is natural that you will want to get the most out of it. However, having an irresistible product or service and a great marketing strategy (never underestimate its power) is not enough to improve your sales and revenue — there’s always room to improve conversion rates.

You need to craft a high-converting landing page to help turn a larger percentage of your audience into customers. Luckily, you have stumbled on this post. In the next few minutes, you will learn about the key landing page elements to improve your conversion rates. Read on!

Effective landing page elements to improve your conversion rates

A landing page exists within a customer journey. It is reflected in what a customer does after they land on the page. As such, an effective landing page should align with the ad you are promoting.

For example, if your ad was about the best SEO services, a landing page that features an email marketing campaign might not lead to a conversion.

An effective landing page needs to be simple and clear with fewer elements to convert visitors into leads. Any distractions or unnecessary elements will draw the attention of your visitors away from your goal.

That said, here are the key elements of a high-converting landing page:

Your headline is everything

Your headline is the face of your landing page, so ensure it is attention-grabbing, clear and concise. After all, your headline will determine whether people will continue to read your copy or not.

As a rule of thumb, ensure that your headline compels people to read what is on your page. That said, here are the key elements of a killer headline:

Clear and simple

In marketing, simple yet clear headlines carry the day. That is why you should ensure that your users can understand what your landing page is all about to ensure they do not click off.

Do not send your visitors down a complicated path that is hard to navigate to the final stage. Instead, let your customers know what the page is all about in a simple, clear manner to improve your conversions.


Your first impression matters a lot. Unfortunately, your headline should form an impression within a blink of an eye, and you will rarely have a second chance to make a great first impression.

As such, ensure that your headline is appealing and can get people’s attention instantly. The idea is to make it hard for anyone who lands on your landing to exit.

Resonate with your target audience

A great headline should attract the attention of your website visitors. Think about your specific website visitors and keep them in mind when writing your landing page message. Ensure that your message clearly states what you are offering and the problem it solves.

Provide value

People who visit your landing page are not just visitors; they are people looking for products or services to solve a problem. As such, your headline should clearly state how you will solve their pain points and make their lives easier.

Value proposition

Like your headline, your value proposition is unique to your business and matches what you are trying to communicate in your headline. Ensure that visitors understand a product or service as soon as they land on your page.

Most marketers make the mistake of putting information about who they are above the fold instead of letting them know what product or service they are offering.

Avoid this at all costs. Instead, use this real estate to let your visitors know how your product or service can help them.

The idea is to ensure that your prospect sees the benefit of what they are purchasing or signing up to. To further improve the conversion rate of your landing page, ensure your value proposition is reflected from the ad to the headline and into the body of your landing page.

One thing, though. Avoid using generic benefits on your landing page. Instead, clearly describe your benefits and add figures so prospects can understand what to expect from your product or service.

An impressive web design

If you need a high-converting landing page, you must pay much attention to your landing page design. That said, let’s look at visual elements that encompass a high-converting landing page.

High-quality images

Imagery is a critical part of a high-converting landing page. Images on your landing page should be high quality and relevant to your page. You can make your landing page more appealing using attractive images, illustrations, and infographics.

Educational videos

Visuals have a special place in marketing, with current surveys showing that consumers prefer videos over text. Additional information shows that only a handful of online readers read a copy till the end.

As such, videos offer an effective way to engage your audience and offer a platform to showcase your offers. The idea is to get more online users to spend more time on your landing page and know the benefits of your offer and how it will change their lives.

Enough spacing

No one likes to read a block of sentences. You must ensure that you have the right amount of white space between the text of your landing page, graphics and other page elements.

Social proof

Credibility is another crucial element of a high-converting landing page. So apart from a clear value proposition, social proof will help increase conversions.

The best way to get the most of this persuasion element is to collect testimonials from your previous clients and add them to your landing page. When you boost your credibility, prospects will trust you, making it easier to convert them to customers.

Page load speed

Landing page loading speed determines how good or bad user experience will affect SEO and other marketing campaigns. No matter the number of hours you have spent on your landing page, you will not get the most out of it if your website loads slowly.

In fact, most users are likely to leave your page immediately and head to a competitive page if it loads slowly. Imagine bringing visitors to your landing page only to leave because your website loads slowly.

Too bad, right?

Besides the speed, you need to ensure that your website loads quickly on all devices, including smartphones and tablets. After all, about 50% of website traffic comes from mobile, which is expected to rise in the coming years.

Google PageSpeed Insights will help get the necessary insights to improve your page loading speed. Implementing these suggestions will help improve your page loading speed and impact your SEO.

Clear call to action (CTA)

The CTA is another critical element of a killer landing page. This button offers an effective way to get your visitors to take action and is a sure way to get more leads and drive sales. The CTA button for a high-converting landing page consists of these key elements:

  • Text — Your CTA message needs to be concise and action-oriented. The catch is to give your text a sense of urgency and use first-person to give your CTA a personal touch.
  • Size — The size of your CTA button should be appropriate for your users. Remember, there are many mobile internet users, so ensure that your text can be seen on mobile devices.
  • Color — The need for choosing the right color for a high-converting landing page cannot be overstated. To make your CTA color stand out, consider a color that contrasts with the background of your landing page.

Lead capture form

Lead capture forms provide a quick way to improve your landing page conversion rate. However, ensure not to ask for too much info as this will hurt your conversion rates. Lessen the required fields to ensure that you don’t overwhelm your visitors with questions and increase their chances of abandoning the form.

Asking your visitor’s name, email, contact details, and location will do the trick. You can always ask for more information at later stages of your engagements.

Short, actionable copy

The need for an engaging copy for a high-converting landing page cannot be overstated. You need to work with an experienced copywriter to help create a landing page that can convert.

Your copy needs to be short and actionable.

Any landing page with more than 50 words above the fold will lead to a higher bounce rate. Ask any experienced marketer, and they will tell you that creating a clear and actionable copy for your landing page works any day.

The catch is to ensure that your copy can evoke your audience’s emotions. Ensure that your copy highlights how your prospects can benefit from your products or services and how it will make their lives easier. In other words, your copy should not talk about your product’s features but rather the solutions.

A guarantee

Trust is a crucial component for a high-converting landing page. After all, if prospects cannot trust you, they are unlikely to buy from you. You can make customers trust you by offering a money-back guarantee on your landing page. Regardless of how you do it, a guarantee will help improve conversions.

Here’s what to remember when creating a guarantee for your landing page:

  • Guarantees come in different forms. Select the one that works best for your business and include it on your landing page.
  • Place your guarantee statement around the CTA to give your prospects some assurance and increase the chances of conversions.
  • If you do not have a specific product guarantee, such as a money-back or satisfaction guarantee, you can offer other types of guarantees like a “no-spam guarantee.”

As you can see, you do not need to provide an explicit guarantee or talk about its legalities. A guarantee statement that provides a level of comfort to your prospects will do the trick.

Include trust badges

Trust badges can significantly increase your landing page conversion rates. As earlier stated, people want to purchase something from a brand they trust. In fact, many (if not all) will click on the badges to check your reviews to confirm whether they are legit before deciding to do business with you.

You will experience an increase in your conversion rate by including trust badges on your landing page.

This can include testimonials, media mentions, and corporate rewards. That said, here are some tips when adding badges and seal tests:

  • Place the badge close to the “place order button” or any other desired action
  • Include the badge or seal in your header
  • Make the badge or seal clickable

A/B test everything

You are not yet done. You need to A/B test everything to ensure you have more accurate data on all the changes you make on your landing page. This is especially important if you make more than one element of your landing page and want to know which one has the best conversion rates.

It is crucial to test one major element at a time.

These include the headline, design, layout, etc., to determine which of the changes has the most impact on your landing page conversion rate. The idea is to be certain the change in conversion rate results from a change you made.

Ready to improve your conversion rates?

That is it. These are some of the elements of a high-converting landing page. By following the above tips, you will improve your landing pages conversion rates and return your investment. However, before I let you go, let us look at some reasons why landing may not be converting. These can include:

  • Misunderstanding your prospects needs
  • Poor headlines
  • Non-intuitive design
  • Unclear CTAs
  • Distractions

By avoiding these mistakes and implementing the above elements, you will improve your landing page conversion rate. The catch is to take your time to understand how users interact with your page and keep testing the changes you make to determine the steps to take.

Strategies for getting better testimonials from clients https://smallbiz.com/strategies-for-getting-better-testimonials-from-clients/ Sat, 05 Mar 2022 08:55:00 +0000 https://smallbiz.com/?p=57574
For the win

Any web designer or developer worth their salt will tell you referrals are key to getting new business. Learn about the proven methods and templates for getting social proof quickly and effortlessly, so you can spend more time doing what you love. To get started, try out these strategies for better testimonials.

We all know the feeling of needing a little help getting our foot in the door.

That’s why getting better testimonials for your web design or development business is the best way to show prospects that you’re a high-quality business. The more of them you have, the more people get the impression that you’re a great business with customers for life.

Building trust with your website visitors matters. Honest reviews are the best way to turn those curious visitors into happy customers.

Start with your Google My Business listing

Before you can begin building better testimonials, it’s crucial to make sure the correct information appears on your company’s GMB (Google My Business) page for current and potential customers alike.

If your prospects are researching something, they’re most likely going to Google it.

If your customers want to find your new opening hours or call you to inquire about your services, they may also Google it instead of going directly to your website.

And, if you’re not showing up in the right-hand panel of Google, your competitors probably are. If your listing isn’t there, they will look elsewhere. Don’t wait until after something goes wrong to get started.

Set up your GMB listing

GMB is an essential part of any business’s online presence and a key to better testimonials, and all companies should have a relevant and robust listing at the bare minimum.

When someone searches for your business online, they are more likely to click on the company with reviews. The more honest and positive the reviews are, the more exposure your business will receive.

If you don’t already have a profile, follow the instructions from Google and begin by signing up and reviewing your business information. Ensure you have the most updated and relevant information included, so it’s clear for prospects and customers what to do next (e.g., go to your website, call you, learn more about what you offer, and so on).

Get your short URL to request reviews

  1. Sign in to Google My Business from any web browser.
  2. If you have multiple locations, open the location you want to manage.
  3. In the left menu, click Home.
  4. Scroll to the “Get more reviews” card.
  5. Copy your short URL to share with customers.

Two additional listings that can be beneficial to your business

If you operate out of a brick-and-mortar shop and Yelp is prevalent in your area, you should have a Yelp listing. First, search to see how popular Yelp is in your area.

If you’re an online business, you’ll want to get set up on LinkedIn with a great profile or business page. While LinkedIn isn’t the most major social media network, a staggering four out of five people on LinkedIn drive business decisions.

Start collecting better testimonials

Now you can use the Short URL you just created to ask customers to review your business! Please remember never to offer incentives to get reviews (like showing a gift card or something similar) — this is against Google’s policies. Additionally, if you offer incentives, it’s less likely you’ll receive an honest review. Instead, send friendly emails to customers asking them to review your business after they’ve used your services.

Testimonial email templates

While there are many methods to collect reviews, we’ll take a look at three series of templates and email subject lines that have been proven time and again to work well for securing better testimonials. Each series is a little different.

Series 1: Why Us?

This first series of testimonial email templates include two emails in total with one optional follow-up. The Why Us series intends to open with an honest question and close with a review request if the review is a positive one.

This series works well for:

  • Service businesses
  • Gathering testimonials, you can also use on your website
  • Customers who are reliable communicators

If there’s a chance that the review is lacking the detail or overall feedback you’d anticipated — the first email in Series 1 gives you a chance to mitigate before sending the follow-up request for a review. If the review was not a positive one, you’d have an opportunity to show your customers how invested you are. Following up on a negative review also gives you the chance to dig in a little more and find out what went wrong or how to make your offering better in the future.

If you’re satisfied with the reply, move on to the second email.

If they don’t reply, try sending the Optional Follow-Up Email about two weeks after Email 2. If they become non-responsive, it’s OK to move on. There will be more opportunities to collect better testimonials in the future.

Get the templates

Series 2: Direct Ask

This second series of testimonial email templates include one email in total with one optional follow-up. The Direct Ask series intends to open with direct ask and close out with a review left on your GMB page.

This series works well for:

  • Products and/or Services
  • Customers you already know had a great experience and will have no problem leaving a testimonial
  • Reliable customers that have little time

If they don’t reply, try sending the Optional Follow-Up Email about two weeks after Email 2. If they become non-responsive, it’s ok to move on. There will be more opportunities to collect reviews in the future. However, If this is a great customer, set a reminder on your calendar to follow up for a third and final time in about 30 days.

Get the templates

Series 3: Additional Reviews

This third testimonial email template includes one email for you to send after they’ve reviewed you on Google. Wait about a month after they added the initial review. The intention behind the Additional Reviews series is to obtain additional reviews on other platforms outside of GMB.

This series works well for:

  • Anyone who has already left you a positive review.

Get the templates

Add reviews to your website

Make sure you also add the reviews to your website. Doing this will help fuel the connection of social proof between an external review site and your website.

Once you have the review you’d requested, you may want to ask your customer whether they’d like to submit a headshot or use their company logo along with the review.

If they have a LinkedIn profile, you can also ask if they’d like to use that.

Don’t quite have an official spot to add customer testimonials on your website? Consider using other methods to collect, monitor, and display customer reviews, such as reviewsonmywebsite.com.

With this type of review collection tool, you can manage all of your reviews from one place and easily add them to your website with a small piece of code. It’s relatively easy and also inexpensive for what you get out of it.

The lowest tiered plan provides a variety of easily embeddable and customizable widgets and badges you can add anywhere on your website. Other plans include additional features, like creating a testimonial page for customers to share reviews.

Respond to your Google reviews

Last but certainly not least, you can increase your conversion rates and value by responding to customers who have left you a review. Google even confirms this on their support page with a note that says, “To improve your business’s local ranking, use Google My Business to claim and update your business information.”

3 ways to respond to positive reviews

  1. Just say, “Thank you” — Saying thanks is a simple yet impactful way to show gratitude for their business and the time they’d spent leaving your business a good review.
  2. Talk about the future — Give them a reason to come back for more business. Did the reviewer mention anything about future plans?
  3. Be specific, B-E specific – Recall something that stood out to you about your experience in working with them, too. It will give your response a personal touch that won’t go unnoticed.

Respond to negative reviews

Not ALL reviews are going to be positive. Someone may leave a negative review that you did not ask for or was unexpected. It’s also essential to respond to negative feedback.

  • Thank them for their feedback, and apologize. After all, any feedback is valuable information that you can use to improve current business practices.
  • Do not argue! Focus on the “what” of the issue, and never place blame.
  • Provide them the opportunity to get in touch with you offline to discuss and potentially turn the review into a positive one.
  • Try not to say more than what’s needed. Handle quickly and politely.

However, if the review is entirely false where someone is trying to rustle your feathers for the heck of it, you do have the option to report it.

FAQ about getting better testimomials

Can I automate my review request emails?

While automation can work so well for email marketing, we don’t recommend automating email requests for service businesses or businesses directly contacting their customers.

If you want to receive honest feedback, submit a legitimate request. Otherwise, you may encounter challenges such as a third-party email automation service not being verified with your website domain. In other words, this means that your customers could potentially get an email that looks like it comes from MailChimp, for example, and not necessarily you. And these days, those emails go right to spam.

What if my customer asks me to write the review for them?

Composing your customer’s review is a great opportunity. An excellent approach to this would be to hop on a call with your customer and ask them why they chose to work with you and your services or products in the first place.

Tip: Use Email 1 in the Why Us Series like talking points for your call. Then, after you’ve written the testimonial, edit and use Email 1 from the Additional Reviews Series. Edits: Include the copy you’ve written for the customer, and ask them to copy/paste it at the included link to the review site you want them to post it on.

If I customize the templates, will they still be effective for collecting reviews?

Yes, make them your own! As long as you follow the general idea of each template and the timing of when to send them, have a blast with the content. It’s also not uncommon to include something fun, like adding an occasional emoji or GIF!

Is it time for a social media makeover? https://smallbiz.com/is-it-time-for-a-social-media-makeover/ Tue, 22 Feb 2022 08:00:00 +0000 https://smallbiz.com/?p=46113 Social media is essential for everyday entrepreneurs — but it’s a waste of your valuable time if you’re not using it properly. To stand out from the crowd and be recognized over time, strong design is essential for both of these things. If you’re not standing out, it might be time for a social media makeover.

How do you know it’s time for a social media makeover?

  • Your social media has no rhyme or reason. It’s kind of … random. You’re spending loads of time posting but it looks bland and gets no engagement. All that effort isn’t translating into much growth or profit.
  • You know your brand could look better. Do you ever catch yourself scrolling and daydreaming? Imagining how your brand could look a little bit cooler? You know your brand could look more unified, professional and relevant, but you simply don’t know how to do it, or you can’t afford to hire a designer.
  • You’re not on social media. You have a business already established and a website up and running, but you need to get your brand on social media.
  • You’re just starting out. Maybe you’re a small business or side hustle, and you want to do it properly on social media, from the get-go.

Whether it’s taking someone’s wardrobe from drab to fab, or transforming dull living spaces into a dream home, everybody loves a good makeover — probably because we like to see people living their best lives.

Your social media channels as an everyday entrepreneur are no different. But giving your brand a social media makeover goes further than just looking good.

Having a powerful presence on social media can help you maintain a competitive edge, setting you up to sell more, and keep your business thriving.

Maintaining a social media account might feel like a productive use of your time, but pottering around aimlessly in the digital space can end up wasting more energy than it generates for your brand.

Social media is supposed to work for you, gaining you leads, fans, subscribers, customers and recognition. The juice has to be worth the squeeze.

We’ve got some ideas to help create the best brand presence you possibly can, to increase your odds out there in the social media jungle.

Armed with this knowledge, we’ll show you a little shortcut to creating professional-looking designs too, in the form of Layout Collections in GoDaddy Studio.

What does a great social media feed look like?

You know those social media accounts that you just love to see popping up on your phone? That’s not by accident. Looking effortlessly attractive as a brand takes some upfront work to build solid foundations.

With these in place, creativity can flow.

Brands with great social media feeds typically get at least some of these things right:

  • They publish excellent content. It’s inspirational, informative, or entertaining – providing some value to their target audience.

  • They have a distinct identity. When it’s done well, you can recognize a brand at a glance before you even read the first word. Their coherent brand identity also differentiates their business space from the personal accounts that are intermingled on your feed.

  • They touch on a defined pool of topics. You can’t talk about everything to everyone – so they narrow it down to some recurring themes, centered on their audience, their product, and their values. Where these intersect, is their sweet spot; the conversation they can own.
  • There’s a defined cadence. Whether it’s three times a day or three times a week, a brand is more likely to show up in our feeds (and become memorable to its audience) if they have a regular publishing routine. Diligence is rewarded on most algorithms, too!

  • They value aesthetics. Brands doing well on social media have quality, well-considered content that makes your eyes happy: think beautiful photos, playful design, popping colors, gorgeous fonts, and eye-catching graphics that elevate a post from a random photo to a work of art. Some of the best brands regard their feed as an ever-evolving work of art.

  • Their content is actionable. There’s a clear message telling the reader what they want them to do – whether it’s entering a competition, commenting on a particular post, or signing up for a product or service.
  • They create content with mutual benefit in mind. This means either delivering a moment of insight or delight, or creating a chance for the reader to reap some benefit – a discount, a sale, a competition, a lesson, or the chance to gain more information about a topic.

  • They engage with customers and other brands (they don’t just post and duck). Popular brands are responding to comments, thanking customers for compliments, or solving simple problems, rather than publishing a piece of content and never interacting with it again. They’re part of like-minded online communities and business networks, engaging with these conversations.
  • They engage with current events, trends and memes. Inasmuch as we’re encouraging planning, the brands who are strong on social don’t lock things in months ahead without making space for some spontaneous reactions. Bernie on a chair, anyone?
  • They sync with special days, seasons and holidays. In doing this, they’re responding to a world that’s constantly in flux.    

Most of all, brands doing well on social media are the ones who are using their social media channels to help them achieve their business goals.

How do you get started on a social media makeover?

It may seem overwhelming to try and get to the same level as bigger, more established brands, but this is absolutely an attainable goal — and you can do it yourself, without spending money on hiring a designer.

Even if you’re a single person side hustle, looking premium will create that perception of professionalism (nobody needs to know it’s just you and your phone).

Remember that it’s more than a once-off brand revamp: reinventing yourself is actually an essential habit to develop as an entrepreneur. Luckily, it’s something you can get better and better at over time, and the proof of the pudding is in the tasting: growth.

We’re going to show you how to up your game on social media, with some best practice tips combined with stacks of practical know-how. But before we dive into the creative stuff, it’s important to address the reasons behind why you’re doing this. Getting this down before you start redesigning will help you reap both immediate and long-term benefits.

What does a social media makeover involve?

There are five fundamental steps you need to walk through when it comes to pulling off a successful social media makeover, with questions to ask yourself at each stage. Let’s take a closer look:

1. Consider your purpose

  • Why are you on social media in the first place? What are you trying to achieve?
  • Which platforms are right for you, in terms of your big goals? Remember that you don’t have to be everywhere at once.
  • What’s worked/not worked for you in the past? Be honest, and learn from your mistakes — as well as your successes of course.
  • What’s your brand really about, beyond profit? How do you want to show up and engage on social media, and how do you want your audience to view you?

2. Set measurable goals

Whether it’s more sales, more leads, more engagement or building a community, set yourself a target and a timeline. This doesn’t have to be too complicated if you’re starting out. Use your best guess as a baseline (100 new subscribers a month, 15% more traffic to the blog via Instagram), and adjust your targets once the data starts rolling in week after week.

Hopefully, your feed will start looking more stylish and coherent, creating an impression of improvement, but make sure your goals are something you can measure directly, to keep you on course and motivated.

The good news is that most social platforms have easy access to basic analytics, for free. You don’t need to get neck-deep in the data, but you do want some objective measure to know if your numbers are moving up or down. This basic data will guide your strategy on an ongoing basis.

3. Find your brand’s unique style (your presence)

Nobody knows your brand better than you. So, what is its personality: bold or classic? Playful or street? The design will ultimately create this impression to new customers.

Luckily, there are 13 different styles to guide you here, so you can choose the one that’s absolutely right for you. Naturally, you can customize your unique brand identity, but it’s useful to start with some guardrails.

Remember, your style is inextricably linked to your audience. It reflects a worldview, and not just a “look.”

Your aesthetic is ultimately in service of attracting folks who resonate with your values.

Once you have your unique style in mind, take some time to explore all the graphics, logos, images, color palettes, and fonts we have in GoDaddy Stuido. Save your favorites — these will form part of your brand identity kit.

4. Customize templates and layout collections

This is the fun part! Find templates for the formats you’ll be using the most, whether it’s a competition poster or a YouTube thumbnail. We have thousands of designs, grouped by platforms, occasions, and styles.

Layout collections make the process even easier, by offering you a full pack of consistently designed templates across a range of formats and platforms.

Customize templates by applying your brand’s unique graphics, fonts, colors, logo, and images to a professional design.

Find the layout collection that suits your brand best and customize it with your brand’s colors, fonts, logo, graphics, and images.

5. Plan ahead with a content calendar

  • Content for a week: Pick a few types of social content that you produce on a regular basis. These could include discussion topics, product features, user showcases, links to your blog, motivational quotes… the options are endless, but narrow it down to keep your brand’s messaging consistent.
  • Content for a month: Look at the upcoming month(s) to identify special days, holidays, or cultural moments that might create opportunities to produce relevant content.
  • Content for a year: Identify a few key holidays/seasons/events that hold maximum marketing potential for your brand well in advance. Use the time to plan campaigns — a sale, a competition, an event — for maximum impact.

Once you have the basic principles in place by working through this framework, the design process should be more logical, much easier, and — most importantly — more fun than complicated. As an everyday entrepreneur, you’ve got a ton of things on your to-do list.

Creating content shouldn’t be sucking hours out of your day, or hundreds of dollars out of your business account.

Make your brand beautiful

Templates and layout collections make it super easy to create a full social media kit with your unique brand identity: simply add your brand’s fonts, colors, graphics, and images to professionally designed templates.

Our layout collections were created with this exact function in mind, to allow you to develop a consistent library of ready-to-go content, instead of designing from templates one at a time, as the need arises. Remember: the secret to success is to have your brand vision and goals clearly identified before you start.

Now that we’ve broken it down for you, giving your brand a social media makeover doesn’t sound that overwhelming, does it? You’ve got this.

GoDaddy Studio is the perfect tool to help you show up beautifully, and make an impact on social media — every time.

The post Is it time for a social media makeover? appeared first on GoDaddy Blog.
